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Everything posted by grayprogrammerz

  1. Can be. But if that would be reason, all freelancers here would have complain it, right ? 14 days ago, did successful withdraw from fiverr, then payoneer. I submitted documents long ago, around 1 month before. and even 14 days before, did successful transaction. But I don't know whether "Business Profile" and "Global payment service" need approval ? I created "Business Profile", when needed to get payment from payoneer client.
  2. Using upwrok won't help in this regard. Both fiverr and upwork are against such assignments.
  3. Sure, looks convincing. Will check tomorrow, as currently beyond their working hours.
  4. Sure then I will wait for reply. Between payment is normal, which we been transferring in past at same day (soon when withdrawn from fiverr). Around 10 tickets created on fiverr in life. Average time is 3-5 or max 7h. And this my first payoneer ticket. May be they are overloaded these days ? They say about 3 days. (1 day went already)
  5. He's level one seller and I'm sure he's know this. I guess he's asking for this type of portfolio : https://www.fiverr.com/users/michmikaia/portfolio?origin=seller_page
  6. Normally I can withdraw from payoneer instantly as soon fiverr clears and I transferred it. This time stucked at "pending" in payoneer and shows in "upcoming" tab. Tried also payoneer support as well, but didn't get any response yet. Fiverr support is far better, we get responded within 12h. Did anyone encounter such issue ? If so how you solved it ? Unfortunately, fiverr supports only 2 payment options. One is banned (in our country) and second is this payoneer.
  7. Some of points, I agree with, but reality is Fiverr is always right. lol putting such speeches or strong debates doesn't worth We have to go with (when working on fiverr), or choose other But I can be 99.99% sure, they won't gonna change their business model They been adding several features to website (mostly which can make them earn more, like promoted gigs, seller plus etc) and I respect them (their platform = their rules = their wish)
  8. simple formula ranking = performance
  9. "mark as spam" or "report" (don't report without reason or will get warning) does trick
  10. Fault is 4.9 stars, must be 5/5 in such competitive category In my case, every time I jumped level, my income and impressions got boosted.
  11. 1. They are either liars or cheapy guys. Both cases, you should refrain and don't become target of greed. 2. Forum is full of tips, need to search 3. Would suggest start cheap(low rate, high work), to advertise your name then convert that fame of quality in to $$$
  12. level isn't based on just no of orders or income. It also includes response time, completion rate, ratings etc. so as katakatic mentioned, if there's drop in such performance, level is gone !
  13. 😅 difference ? Some days ago, a person appear saying "reverse this program". I say "its illegal to do so". He say "No, I have license from author and source code"... then it became legal way. So may be, situation can be similar as well. Or may be not. Who knows ? or how we confirm. Let me leave this on fiverr support, they are good judge. and can distinguish according to situation.
  14. I think I failed to explain context. Aren't possible buyer reserves right over pay slip ? and want to do formatting or changes on their slips ? example: suppose a university/shop invoices do need to changes frequently over their bills/payslips design... that's why called it gray area, where we can't sure whether client have rights or not.
  15. Buyer remain busy most of time. Even when responds, with "this was 1 day job and you drag it to...". I insisted on zoom meeting where I can view buyer's screen and solve bugs. But every time response is negative. One time they did open it, but closed just in mid giving me 5min and saying "I don't have time... you take too much time...". Also I consider $25 as charity, the way buyer is hard to handle. So I have directed my mind to cancellation. Now I need advice here. As you know buyer is: - Not cooperating - Not responding and not giving time even 30 min meeting (which can save several weeks) So I need to cancel order and refund his charity and also don't want to get derank performance like (bad review or lower order completion rate). What you suggest ? Will fiverr support help me to achieve this ? Because I don't feel liable when buyer doesn't cooperates.
  16. if you confident that you satisfied requirements, contact fiverr support and ask for refund
  17. impressions and clicks look good to me. Normally new sellers with no sales don't get such if they don't contact, may be description of gig isn't convincing but need to keep online and tune to new messages. Fast reply and good communication guarantees order.
  18. try different browser, different device ... or can be possible description has some faults try with small dummy description and when gig created, after edit way you like
  19. NO, executable file won't show up in gallery "UPLOAD WORK" = ONLY MEDIA FILES (IMAGES / VIDEOS / PDF) which to show in gallery samples "UPLOAD SOURCE" = Source files including executable, source code, etc (files which customer need)
  20. increase performance which you can see in analytics
  21. assumption that mostly new sellers make buyer is fool or can be made fool is wrong by communication, buyer easily detect your skills and lies are disaster. Don't use lie slogans like "100% satisfaction guarantee", "having +2 years of experience"... Be simple and unique. Tell them truth about what you can or did in past. Honesty is more valuable to buyers than skill top sellers can just advice. Don't think they will do your part/work.
  22. I'm bit confused. Instantly or 7 days ? This looks a bit funny to me. May be they added such bunch of features to satisfy human brain(that your investment is fulfilled). 😅 Because some features I believe, I'm good without them as well. But may be you get more chat spam... more orders without requirements... Low quality reviews being highlighted... In my case, I don't get spam (or rarely in 1 month, 1-2 times, even one click "mark as spam" button is enough). I never seen any person ordered instantly. Excited to know what was their response ? Did they show private reviews or their rate ? Between I really appreciate and enjoy your knowledge. 🥰
  23. CAT Tools ? if you talking about translation tools, then i know only "google translator" sometimes I feel it generates offensive output while seeing opposite's behavior 😅
  24. services are like cars and their marketing is like car showroom if they can't see, how would they buy it ? good portfolio is part of good marketing strategies and guarantees attention
  25. sorry, this is wrong place, its forum try fiverr.com where you can post request/contact developers
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