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Everything posted by strategist_ceo

  1. I think that's just the nature of the gig rotation; you're an established seller, and I'm sure it will come back to you soon.
  2. Perception, a marketing tool. "3 Orders in Queue" I recommend that you keep those three orders unless you are taking a break from Fiverr and unable to respond to them. Being in demand and seeming active play into a psychological factor that potential buyers are more likely to trust you over sellers who aren't getting orders. The buyers have already paid, so they are likely to return.
  3. There is nothing you can do. Your gig description does not stand out from other similar listings in the marketplace anyway. No need to cry originality here, as long you provide good services - you will do fine.
  4. Tell them that the service is delivered on the discord platform, the work has been done and delivered.
  5. As many of us have witnessed (especially if you are not American), the value of the U.S. dollar has risen dramatically as of late (And of course we just seen the plummeting of some major currencies); this is advantageous to me because it allows me to exchange more of the local currencies wherever I am at. Some commentators predict that the dollar will continue to fall while others believe it may withstand challenges. My question for non USD users (sellers) here is what kinds of financial plan or strategy do you maintain?
  6. Congrats. Am glad this resolved, it's a genuine problem that occurs from time to time.
  7. Which month did you get promoted to level 1? If your promotion to Level 1 was September 15. This might be the reason.
  8. You need to be active for a set period of time in order to be promoted, my speculation is that setting your status as "away" may be a contributing factor. My experience: I was eligible for Level 2 but was not promoted on time. The reason I was given that time was that I needed to be a Level 1 seller for a specified period of time. In other words, a Level 1 promotion to Level 2 will have to be a Level 1 Seller for at least 60 days. (I looked for that specific ticket, but fiverr has already deleted my earlier support tickets, so I cannot be certain. Don't quote me on this.)
  9. The recovery to the stats is algorithmic. It will recover once it hits 30, 60 or 90 days (or the 15th of each month, depending on which one is applicable). So, yes.
  10. You may have gone offline for an extended period of time without changing the status of your account to "Away," and you may not have answer any queries during the period of time, and may have even canceled some orders that you were unaware of. Nothing you can do until the initial 60 period day (or 90 days) pass.
  11. I may be wrong, but I believe that feature has been removed. They introduced a new feature called "Brief". Read more at this thread: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/274154-can-anyone-explain-the-feature-fiverr-briefs-in-details/
  12. It happens to everyone. Everyone gets the promotion feature and then loses it every now and again; no one knows why. I lost mine for over 60 days.
  13. I'll copy from another thread: Yes, you can work with their nudes as long as it is not s****l. Nudes can be seen as art in some circumstances.
  14. As long as the order is legitimate, why not? Sometimes, it makes sense for a friend to pay for it (for example, I helped my friend order something on Fiverr because I had a balance on my Fiverr account). The question is whether they will actually follow through and make an order.
  15. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4402267122449-Early-Payout My assumption was incorrect; it appears that the sales volume is the deciding factor in whether you can get an early payout.
  16. Raising prices will not affect your ranking, but it may affect whether customers buy from you. If you have enough orders and reviews to support your growth, feel free to raise your prices.
  17. "Early Payout" is only available to orders that the buyer marked as "accepted" and not to those that automatically complete after three days of delivery.
  18. Duplicate gigs are not allowed; however, you can create niche gigs. For example, you can have a gig titled "Meal Plans to lose weight", another gig titled "Meal Plans for hypertensive individuals", and so on. All of these gigs fall under the same category (Health & Fitness), but each is unique in its own way. That said, why will you have almost identical gig descriptions? Be unique and have original descriptions for every single gig and unique banner images. Then you will "stand out from the crowd" and grow in your business.
  19. I have also received many few reviews. It is important to note that clients can report you for soliciting reviews, which could result in losing your account.
  20. Try saying that within a month or two, when the rotation happens.
  21. I will not be concerned. I previously received a similar email and under Review before, the gig in question was 1. writing a personal statement for refugees, 2. writing gig description (for other sellers). I was left puzzled but it turned out not to be serious. Contact the Customer Service for specific reasons.
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