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Posts posted by williambryan392

  1. 24 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

    But wouldn't Fiverr flag you for "location inconsistencies" if you "worked from wherever" and travelled a lot and then used your device to work on Fiverr (Which would then stop you from taking part in the level system)?

    Edit: Though I assume it should be okay if, as staff said, you contact CS each time you want to travel somewhere before working on Fiverr (which isn't really much freedom that way). Though the many people who got flagged for location inconsistencies weren't told they needed to contact CS before each journey somewhere. (eg. there's no policy page about it as far as I know).

    Didn't realise we had to tell anyone. In the last 3 years I've been in 10-15 different countries, and in those places on lots of different wifi networks. Never had a problem. I expect 'location inconsistency' could refer to a number of different ToS violations. Just speculating. Anyway, I'll share my super fancy set up later...

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  2. On 4/8/2024 at 11:40 AM, hzsmith said:

    Personally, I've been selling for about 1 year on Fiverr, and I very much welcome the changes and I'm confident that they're meant to help out the new sellers that are willing to learn the ropes and for the seasoned sellers that are open to addapt, relearn and rethink their strategy. Don't drown in the negativity and discouraging flaming and bashing that's all over the forums right now,

    Very well said, it's nice to see some positivity / a 'can do' attitude.

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  3. 8 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

    Realistically, most of the new features are useless. The service is quite expensive for what it provides, and I am sure a lot of Fiverr sellers that had a special price will downgrade. I will keep the $20 package to see buyer insights and withdraw in 7 days, but I won't pay double that for instant withdrawals that I use from time to time or RTO that's not necessary in my case. 

    I don't use all the features (maybe I should), but coupons for example really don't appeal to me, neither do instant withdrawals although I have used it once or twice. I really love buyer insights, RTO and my SM.

    I feel that the SM is the thing that moves the needle for most people. If your SM is great you maybe don't mind paying a bit more, if they're not, and you don't use all the features then I completely understand downgrading. 

    Ultimately we all have to decide how we want to grow our 'fiverr business', and for some it's not worth it, for some it is.

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  4. 26 minutes ago, emmaki said:
    • Not increasing your price by 50%/100% for "price alignment" without adding new values/features
    • Not lying about "locked-in prices" for above group of sellers
    • Improving the quality of existing features
    • Better and more consistent quality of SMs

    I could counter by saying they have added new features since launching it (RTO for e.g.), and have only now increased the prices. New features aside, inflation could be a justification in itself.

    Going back on locked-in prices isn't cool so no disagreement there.

    I haven't really kept up with the improvements, but I think in addition to launching new features haven't they improved the keyword tool? Not sure about the other features.

    SM quality does seem to be a recurring issue for some on the program, so again no strict disagreement. I do sometimes wonder if people overestimate how much an SM can do though, but they should certainly be available to you and respond in good time. Unsurprisingly though good people cost good money.

    Years ago I had a team of success managers, and for a client to be eligible they had to meet a recurring revenue requirement to be admitted to the program. The SM didn't come with a fixed fee, but the company charged a percent of the client revenue as an overall fee, and in turn the success managers earned commission based upon client revenue growth. 

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  5. 3 hours ago, terrygrantvo said:

    only ever fire it up when I need RTO.

    3 hours ago, newsmike said:

    isn't there a waitlist once you quit to rejoin? 

    I would think with 99.9% certainty that there is.

    I would also think that you would go to the bottom of the waiting list.

    There is also the inevitable cost in time/effort (however small) for them to onboard/offboard sellers to SP, so you may well go to the bottom of a 'secondary list'.

    Fiverr no doubt has a retention/churn metric for sellers on SP, and it would be something that they want to keep as low as possible, so they may avoid readmitting someone for fear they will only churn again.


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  6. 30 minutes ago, maitasun said:

    Arrrrggggg, those are the same users, if not the same posts, I reported last night (my time).

    The forum isn't moderated 24/7 so at times it can take longer to get to things, especially at the weekend. Please do flag these things when you see them and we'll try to clean them up as quickly as possible.

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  7. 57 minutes ago, emmaki said:

    That's the way this world is designed - when we pay taxes to a government that launches an illegal war (see: Iraq), we are complicit, to some extent, in that. But try not paying your tax in protest. There are a million choices we will make through our life that eventually lead to harm.

    You are right here, I would challenge by saying that renouncing citizenship or risking prison time for tax evasion is more serious and far harder than renouncing a freelance platform, but I do get your point.

    57 minutes ago, emmaki said:

    I can't afford to swan off in disgust, and many others can't, too.

    Me neither. We do what we have to do to earn the money we need to earn. I get that and have nothing but respect for it. I'm also sorry for what you're going through healthwise, life is difficult enough already with that as well.

    57 minutes ago, emmaki said:

    AI writing

    Now, we probably need a separate topic for this (there probably is, I just haven't looked), and I think this is going to be juicy...

    Google is just getting started, more of this will come. Think of all the sites that will be deindexed, all the aspiring entrepreneurs that will be burned because of this, all the copy that has been purchased, all the buyers that thought it was nowhere near AI, either because they assumed so, or because the seller didn't mention it. 

    Will these people return for refunds, complaints, compensation, review changes...?

    I did think that google might just look at volume to determine if AI was used, but I saw this amongst other things so it seems that google is pretty clever at telling if it is (it doesn't surprise me) and is even using humans to judge if the content is spam. 




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    2 hours ago, emmaki said:

    Well, I wrote a thing but the filter got it. <sigh> 

    It's free!

    2 hours ago, emmaki said:

    If all we as sellers do is look after our own (individual) interests, we are only taking care of Fiverr's, and that's a corruption in itself. 

    But in all honestly (and I don't mean this sarcastically), what can you do in the Fiverr ecosystem, aside from help other sellers to be successful within the ecosystem?

    I think the only things you can do if you want to take a stand that actually impacts in some way is pause your gigs and deprive Fiverr of the 20%. Don't pay for SP or promoted gigs. Sell the stock if you have it. Don't lend your professional credibility to the platform by appearing on it as @levinewman is doing. Otherwise is not having a profile complicity in itself and supporting Fiverr's interests? 

    2 hours ago, emmaki said:

    there's absolutely no trust or goodwill left this time

    I stopped entirely trusting corporations, governments and a lot of other things a while ago. The banks, the cigarette companies, the politicians, the police, chevron, enron, lehman. 

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  9. 10 hours ago, newsmike said:

    The one thing we've not been discussing how we all survive and learn to adapt to the changes

    9 hours ago, smashradio said:

    nd I agree with you. For weeks, we've been raging. Now it's time to accept

    7 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

    the constant outrage is unnecessary at this point and a waste of time

    I think I accepted it far more quickly than most (hence my topic post around the time of the change, and my subsequent comments), because I accepted there really isn't much we can do about it. It's their platform, not ours, and I will continue to try to believe that they are data led, know things we don't and do want sellers to be successful (let's not argue about this specific!).

    Anyway, I would certainly love to see more of the 'how to be successful', not the rage. This for me was what the forum was always about- learning how to adapt, survive and be successful. Let's help each other by doing what a lot of us have done before, giving advice on how to build a better profile, communicate more effectively, optimize gigs, build portfolios, and how to surprise and delight our buyers.

    Sure, a rant and a moan occasionally is good for the soul (I've done it myself), but there comes a point where you need to accept it, get on with it, or move on from it. Too much negativity isn't good for the soul. "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of harming another; you end up getting burned".

    I remember my dad telling me there's no point in being upset about what you can't change, be grateful for what you have, and don't lament what you don't. He said this knowing he had a few months to live (he actually lasted 18, but that's a different story).


    Anyway, in answer to the question...


    I find Zoom very helpful for both understanding client goals, and managing expectations from the start. I think it also adds a premium feel to the experience, and in a world of AI they know they are dealing with a human. We build a relationship, we build trust. That's something AI can't do (yet), and I do charge for the call. Buyers tell me this separates me from a lot of my peers. Admittedly it's not always needed, but that's my opinion, they felt it was, and if it's important to them it needs to be important to me.

    Then there is the review/feedback loop. I'm always happy to jump on a quick call to run through things, discuss issues etc. Ultimately I always tell the client how I think things should be done (there's a reason they're hiring me, not doing it themselves), which I think is me being true to myself, but ultimately they are the client, so what they want is what they get.

    If I was in a corporate role, I would tell my boss if I thought they were wrong/we could do something better or differently. The same is true of a client.

    They either agree and I/we make a change, they explain to me why I'm wrong, or they then tell me to get into line because they're the boss, or if I don't like it, and I keep complaining about it, then I don't have to do the work and I can leave. Or, they can even make me leave. What client, manager, boss, platform or service provider wants someone in the ecosystem whose main contribution is a negative one.

    I take the same approach and have the same mentality whether it's a corporate employer, a Fiverr buyer, or Fiverr itself. Like it, lump it, or leave it.


    Edit: And for the avoidance of doubt I'm not in an ivory tower here. My earnings had been consistent (within 15% of X) from June 2022 until January 2024. February was X - 60%. March was better. It's volatile.

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  10. I think this is great, nice work @emmaki!

    I wanted to check something... 

    Is the following now true:

    If you are unhappy with the quality of work a seller delivers, you can request a

    I always thought previously quality of work wasn't a justifiable reason to cancel, but I recall some recent CS message that said it was, but has the ToS now changed too?

    I suppose quality is subjective, and unscrupulous buyers could take advantage of this.


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  11. 9 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

    Wait until Fiverr starts canceling older, inactive orders.

    I'd like that to happen, assuming it doesn't impact the score (which I believe if it's in the requirements section it doesn't). Having orders stuck in requirements stresses me and gives me a warped view of how much work I have on. I'd like an order to auto cancel if it's in the requirements for say 60 days.

    9 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

    I mean, the majority united with this review/level system and realistically nothing changed. 

    11 hours ago, emmaki said:

    When the majority unites and does something with real unity and purpose, it can achieve a lot.

    Did the majority unite here? I'm not sure. We've seen some posts from newer/aspiring sellers saying they like having more data.

    Perhaps others are scared (for want of a better word) to voice approval because a lot of vocal forum veterans are against it, and they want to avoid the conflict. Perhaps this is also true of some of the unusually silent forum veterans. I've tried to take a middle ground on this, devils advocate etc, but I've received some unpleasantness because of it, and I'm a confident, native English speaker who is TRS and Pro. If it can put me off posting then I'm sure it can do the same to others. I don't know. Like with private reviews... unhappy people do it, happy people do it far less.

    I'd guestimate, from what I've seen that aside from mentions of accounts being flagged, far less than 4000 people came to the forum or reddit to voice their annoyance. 4000 is approximately 1% of active sellers. Even if for every one person that voices disdain there were 10 that were equally annoyed but didn't mention it, that would still only be 10%.

    Perhaps this levels update is actually very popular (I'm not saying it is, I don't know), but in this forum echo chamber it just seems like it isn't. The false consensus effect.

    Take this thread for example.... 1400+ replies, yet 370+ are from 4 people. That's 26%.

    The second comment on this thread: 'I don find any better with this new leveling system, its a messy thing and a bad update for old seller with a decade working on Fiverr, very disappointed' got less than 100 reactions.

    The top ten commenters are responsible 612 posts. That's 44%.

    So, in actual fact a tiny, tiny fraction of sellers are actually coming here saying they're annoyed, or agreeing with the annoyance. Like I say, could this be the 'The false consensus effect.'

    I suppose I just don't think it's a big enough data sample to know whether people overall actually like or don't like this update. I myself have mixed feelings. I'm just not on the 'Fiverr is terrible bandwagon'. It's never been perfect, and it never will. I have always been on the 'you should diversify' bandwagon though. That's common sense and something I know every forum veteran has always advocated for.


    Also apologies for the long wall of text, I don't like reading these either.

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  12. The only place you can get a definitive answer from is the support team (support@fiverr.com), but if you've sent exactly the same message to several sellers in quick succession then potentially the platform thinks you're spamming, and therefore prevented you from sending further messages.

    Just a possibility, I'm not certain, but support should be able to help. 

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  13. 11 minutes ago, emmaki said:

    Well, if Fiverr is aligning the price across all sellers but isn't sending all sellers the email, what does this mean? 

    Is Fiverr

    A) Lying 


    B) Going to continue the awkward theme of doing random bad things to sellers on named days of the year in 2024 by having a May Day anger fiesta with a surprise price increase on International Workers Day?

    I'm guessing it's option c or d:

    C) It's an oversight that some didn't get the email / don't have price changes. I expect there was a manual adjustment to ensure the original people got the discount, and now they're segmenting to update the pricing of the original people and some have slipped through the cracks.

    D) The email was sent in error, and shouldn't have included some of the sellers it did. I missed the chance to be part of the original group, so my price was $29, and it went to $39. I wasn't promised a discount. For those that were you could have accidentally been segmented into my group.

    This could just be an innocent (but understandably annoying) mistake.

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  14. On 3/22/2024 at 12:25 AM, talha2782 said:

    Try to be active online as much as possible. You have to marketing your gig and active Fiverr forum every day. It helps to improve your gig impression and also increases your click ratio.

    On 3/21/2024 at 9:09 PM, aminul_design said:

    Be more active. I'm sure you'll do just fine

    This is wrong and terrible advice.

    Being online doesn't make a difference.

    Being active on the forum doesn't make any difference.

    Where did you learn this?

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  15. 5 minutes ago, smashradio said:

    But it seems like a given these days that freelancers should attend meetings, particularly with corporate clients. To be fair, one of those unpaid meetings actually scored me a long-term project with Norway's largest telecom operator via Fiverr just last week. If I had simply sent a "Here's a link to purchase a consultation" message, I probably wouldn't have snagged the job, especially not if another freelancer was willing to meet for free

    Yeah it's a risk for sure to be missing out on work. I'm sure I've lost out to some that do the call for free. To be honest the no free call rule is one I follow 99% of the time. I've tried to be more accommodating of seemingly more professional clients, but even then sometimes they've ghosted. Not even a 'no thank you', just ghosted, and if they do that I feel like an idiot.

    Funnily enough I also had someone come back to me a couple of weeks ago for LinkedIn. He's C-Level at a multi Bn company, so a very professional guy and I thought he'd gone with someone else but when he came back he said I was the only one that wouldn't do a call for free, and that separated me from everyone else. I must be good (in his words). I just feel sorry for all the others that did give him free calls 😆


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  16. 12 minutes ago, smashradio said:

    but it just feels a bit wrong to ask them to pay to inform me about their project.  Perhaps I'm too gentle?

    I think they can inform you in writing. I've had some decent clients recently (amongst the usual) that specifically went for a consultation just to meet me. They both said words to the effect of 'this is important, the cost is not the issue, me finding the right person is.'

    This morning I had someone send me a diary link to schedule 30 minutes to interview to write his pitch deck. No thank you. My fiverr model for a number of gigs is that people pay for my time for consulting, so I have to be very careful about giving it away for free. For other niches the free call can make a lot more sense. My Fiverr model just doesn't work like that.

    I suppose I just think that if someone isn't willing to pay X for a call, then it's unlikely they'll pay X*10 for the work. When the work is X*1 or 2 I understand them being less willing to pay for a call.

    Either way, I always remember 'free has no value', and people that don't respect that your time has a value probably aren't that great to work with.

    Sometimes people ask for an introductory call, to decide if they want to purchase the gig for a call. I act confused... so you want a free call to see if you want to pay for a call...

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