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Everything posted by alphagev

  1. That's enough with the knock. Stop it right here or you're going to pay for them bill at the hospital 😂
  2. It's your congo time, AHM!
    Happy congo to you, Instagram praying for fast Reese's order.

    (good morning, by the way 🤣)

    1. ahmwritingco


      Thanks, Ms. Alpha! Ciao! 🤗

  3. You sneaky one. Say it out loud, you're trying the 26/7 online trick! Jokes apart, if I have insomnia I usually read or watch The Office as it makes me relaxed
  4. - Breaking Bad: because, you know, science and psychology. - Black Mirror: cause I love sci-fi and sometimes the show gives me the goosebumps. - Rick and Morty: craziest thing I've ever watched - The Office: Scott's Tots - What We Do in the Shadows: vampires but they don't sparkle. - Twin Peaks, at least season 1: I didn't understand half of the show but found it incredibly appealing and mysterious. Great soundtrack, too. I tried to watch Game Of Thrones but I quit at season 3 and picked up the books. Chernobyl is on my to watch list. I was watching Vikings but got bored after season 4 and I had the brilliant idea of watching the first season of Sons Of Anarchy and then the last one... I wasn't capable of picking it up again, too much trauma. Still don't know what to think about Westworld. I love the setting but I found it quite boring...
  5. Please, do not spam your gigs' link on threads. Thank you.
  6. That would be a badge I'd be eager to obtain. My repeat buyers % is 100. That's... Surprising I guess as I have an active order with a new customer. Perhaps I'm miscalculating it
  7. In my opinion, no one with a little bit of common sense left - and who still has some attention span to read and understand a post longer than 3 sentences - could say your're wrong. It is nice to be able to meet so many different cultures and learn aspects of them, even religious ones. In fact, as you say, it's not about which god you're worshipping. I mean, if these people had a store would they shout of every customer a "thank God, a customer came in"?. I hope not, because invoking divine help for anything seems like babysitting to me. Disclaimer: it's my personal opinion no disrespect intended
  8. There is no benefit, it's just for fun. Achieving a forum badge won't guarantee orders, gig "ranking" or whatever you've heard so far about them
  9. No benefits, only headaches nowadays because of the increasingly amount of spam 😄
  10. When the buyer leaves a review you can rate your experience too. Was this option available for you? Did you write a review for your buyer? If not, then I believe your buyer didn't left a review after all...
  11. Kinda miss your messages on my "wall".
    How are you?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. alphagev


      I remember watching They Call Me Trinity every day for a week or so, while being sick. Those movies were masterpieces in their own way 😄

    3. maitasun


      Sadly, the industry doesn't do movies like those anymore. 😔

    4. alphagev


      That's it. My evening movie would be They Call Me Trinity I need its refreshing and silly plot

  12. To let things go. Could be a bad review or no reviews at all, hard times, harsh buyers, no replies from BR. I learned to focus on useful things and how to improve myself.
  13. So, Apprentice badge hit. When I will start to learn some spells?

    1. maitasun


      And now you're a collaborator - which is true!!! 😉

  14. Cat person. Cats forever, cats everywhere
  15. I love to read sci-fi and drawing with pencil/ink and sometimes with software - I use the latter to creating fractals. I’d spend some time next week surfing the internet for info about lettering. Perhaps it’ll be my next hobby, who knows!
  16. I couldn’t be happier for you, this is really a great news and a perfect way to start the day! You deserve that badge - and our (or at least, mine) gratitude for your contribution to the forum, your tips, posts and advice. Congratulations, enjoy your new status! 😃
  17. It depends on how bad was the day. Usually breathing exercises and meditation would do the job. But I also enjoy hand-drawing geometric figures or play video games with an immersive atmosphere and soundtrack (like “The Banner Saga”). photo_2020-09-02_18-50-091280×853 211 KBLockdown’s result
  18. For every person saying that staying online 24/7 is a good advice, there are 3-4 good sellers saying the contrary. Drop off this superstition, staying online without working on your gig and niche won’t get you orders.
  19. Are you a U.S. person? —> No. So you don’t have to fill any form 🙂
  20. From Fiverr on a browser: from your Dashboard, clic on your profile picture and select “Settings”. You will find “Form W-9” on the left column. It will be the last item of the list.
  21. I’m wondering if you see the W-9 when you look at your account setting. Do you have it? I assume you are not in the US so I wonder if everyone has that or only US persons. I see a seller in India has it. I think everybody can see the option, but only U.S. people can access it. I’m from Italy and I have the option, but I can’t fill the form.
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