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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Well not everyone sees the same results, they are dynamic and will be different based on every person's input and filters, etc. That being said, if the gigs are seen as active, they appear in search. However, things like bad private reviews or bad performance for your gigs will affect your exposure, since Fiverr will push people with better performance...
  2. Same, as I said in this thread, my success manager said the drop has to do with first time buyers. So yeah, I am very hesitant when it comes to taking on new customers, as that can be extremely challenging...
  3. If you read this thread, obviously not. You worked for that person, not for eBay.
  4. Have you tried to press Save? It will highlight what details you need to add, at least that's what happened in my case.
  5. Intuition. There are clear signs that a message is spam. Normally a serious buyer will contact you to talk about a potential order and stuff they need. If someone sends random links or files not related to an order, don't open them. It's common sense. And even then, make sure that you have antivirus or anti-malware installed to detect any potential viruses.
  6. A cancellation is only taken into account for the next 60 days. Once the 60 days pass, you should be fine. You might receive less impressions and messages, but canceling is way better than having the first review a very bad one. Since these cancellations are measured only for a 60-day period, and then they are not taken into consideration. What you can do? Try to create more gigs, improve the ones you have, work on your skills, promote your gigs wherever you can. And stay positive, focus on improving stuff. Don't just wait for orders to arrive out of nowhere....
  7. donnovan86


    So you created multiple accounts trying to cheat the system? You are not allowed to have more than one Fiverr account. Fiverr will disable all accounts and you can't create new ones. If you do, they will disable all your new accounts.
  8. So I have it only on a gig that rarely receives orders, but it does seem to work pretty well. The thing is, a lot of people want to place an order directly. The fact that they need to wait for you to reply to a message disrupts that fast experience and instant gratification of placing an order. I think it all depends on your pricepoint. For higher pricepoint gigs, people always need to contact first anyway. But if you have a smaller pricepoint, then I can see Request to Order affecting you. I am curious, the number of clicks is similar to previous months?
  9. I am in the same boat. I had issues with a few first time buyers, and also a couple cancellations from scammers. For me February was okish, but March was a disaster. April seems to be more like March, but hopefully things turn out great..
  10. Well promoted gigs won't provide you any specific return. You might earn 10x or 20x the amount you pay, or you can end up overspending and getting less than half of your money back, as it happened to Frank and other forum members. That's why it's a good idea to stick with a smaller cap, if possible.
  11. Fiverr is taking action and they are removing any "clients" that can't be verified.
  12. Well no one here will be able to offer a definite answer other than Fiverr customer support. That being said, recreating and duplicating stuff is a bit sketchy, why not create a new website instead of recreating someone else's work?
  13. It's ok but not for everyone. After all, you won't have people that need your type of service every day.
  14. There was no Fiverr update. Just maintenance. If you are talking about the Fiverr algorithm, it's constantly updated. That being said, the latest focus was on bringing more importance towards first time buyers. And since most of us have at least one or two bad buyers that purchase us for the first time, a lot of people are dealing with problems. But it's not only that, any issues can be related to bad private reviews, bad performance when compared to other sellers in your category, etc.
  15. Not a fan of briefs, I am not using them that much. I heard some peopl get consistent work from them, I never got any project myself.
  16. It might be caused by an extension you have in your browser. Or maybe it has to do with the browser you are using, who knows.
  17. Gee, I guess why... Those $5, $10 sellers that had Tesla, Apple, Google, Facebook as their clients will be VERY HAPPY to see this.
  18. I have to check that out, haven't played the game in a while.
  19. I am the opposite, more into action games. I also have Hitman, but for me it's more of a hands-on approach rather than sneaking. That's cool about World of Assassination, you can play it as you see fit. 😄
  20. Honestly briefs should not be your primary source of revenue, because sometimes there will be adequate briefs for you, but other times less so. And then we also have AI, economic issues, etc. These do affect freelancers quite a bit right now..
  21. Agreed, some adjustments might be needed across the board. It's hard to know if there will be any long term impact from this, so at this point all we can do is adapt and see how it all evolves. Needless to say, I'll do the same, but I am a bit worried about this trend Frank pointed out. Hopefully it's just a short term issue and nothing major.
  22. Can you elaborate on that? What exactly happened?
  23. Unfortunately we are not customer support here. Just other sellers and buyers. So.. you may want to send a ticket to customer support. That being said, if the system states you have to wait 90 days, that means you took the exam 2 times. I think you can access it up to 2 times in a 90 day period. So if you did that, just wait and take it again when possible.
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