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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Reviews can't be removed. They are an indication of what type of experience customers had with you. If we could remove reviews we dislike, everyone would have 5 stars across the board. Reviews are final, unless the buyer did something against the terms of service. I checked your profile and the negative review you have doesn't break the rules..
  2. It's a good idea to create gigs where you can actually deliver on your promise. The focus should always be on gig quality and offering a great service. The number of gigs doesn't matter, it's more important to ensure that you are very good at anything you offer. Because... you know.. there's a LOT of competition on Fiverr.
  3. You must have received a bad private review. That or bad performance, cancellations, late deliveries will have a negative impact and push you back in search or even remove you completely.
  4. As far as I know buyers pay $7.25 or $7.5 for a $5 order, due to the processing fees.
  5. For a current client? I am pretty sure I sent offers while I had an order active with someone..
  6. Can't you just create a custom offer that includes everything the customer needs? That's already a custom service....
  7. It's due to bad private reviews. If you have one or more of them, they can be very problematic for your account. Yet if you receive some good private reviews, those balance things out.
  8. Well you can't ask people to work outside of the platform, nor can you use slurs, insult people, etc. So aside from common sense, the idea is to not share personal information, email addresses or encourage people to work with you outside of Fiverr. If you do, it will trigger Fiverr's own system and place your message under review. That can lead to an account warning or a ban.
  9. Whenever I see people going out of line, I block them. I prefer to avoid insults, and I would never insult anyone either. So yeah, if people start saying inappropriate things, then it's better to just move on. At least that's what I do.
  10. The best course of action here is to do what uk1000 said. However, I saw the review and seller reply, and nothing seems inappropriate, it's within the rules. Customer support can check and see if the before and after photos exist on the order page, but even then I don't think a review will be removed just because you were called a liar. You can't reply to his reply, otherwise it will be chatting and not a review. You were able to share your review showcasing the experience, just like the seller did. Fiverr allows sellers to reply to buyer reviews either to show appreciation or proof if they are accused of something. It's sad really that the seller called you a liar, he should have shared proof to back that up. But as I said, based on what I saw, the chances of having that reply removed are very low to 0. And unforutnately you can't reply either.
  11. Is there a minimum price for a certain category? Because I am certain sellers can still charge $5...
  12. Well I like everyone says it's worth it and they don't say why. Some things like the ability to withdraw after 7 days instead of 14, immediate withdrawals for a fee and faster customer support are great. Same with Request to Order. Will it give you more sales? NO. Do you need it if you already have an established presence on Fiverr? No, success managers will guide newcomers, but there's not a whole lot they can do for a seller that already has an established presence, other than a few changes here and there. So it's up to you if you want to pay $20 or $40 a month.
  13. Well if an account is disabled, the chances of getting it back are very low, if any at all. Fiverr rarely disables accounts by mistake. Yes, it can happen, but normally there's a reason. Did they tell you via email why they disabled the account?
  14. Have patience? People that have Seller Plus and pay for a faster service end up waiting even more than that. There's no guarantee you will receive a reply fast, it depends on their workload. They will reply eventually, just wait 🙂
  15. Bad private reviews, especially from a new Fiverr buyer can easily burry your account for a while. It happened to me among many others, and I am still recovering.
  16. Try to optimize your gigs and promote them the best way you can. Waiting... isn't always going to deliver the results you want.
  17. You can try to use it with 2 factor authentication only, and move the funds right away. I never had any issues. But I did receive a lot of spam where scammers created a PayPal-like email interface to try and fool me into logging in.
  18. As Filip said, you want to see what Payoneer customer support have to say. However, I do have a question, why would you not withdraw anything and keep it in the Payoneer account? That is very risky, since a hacker can get a hold of your funds and steal them. So it's recommended to withdraw everything as soon as you can.
  19. These foods have a lot of Fiber, you might want to try them.
  20. Sure. You won't receive extra sales from this service. What you get is a bunch of extra features like withdrawing your money quicker, etc. That being said, if you choose the option to talk with a dedicated success manager, they might be able to help you improve your presence on Fiverr. However, if you already have a lot of knowledge about Fiverr and how it works, the success manager can do so much. But don't expect this service to deliver you tons of sales, because it's not made for that. Instead, it's just a bunch of extra features on top of what a regular Fiverr user might have. Some of them are great, like the faster withdrawals, Request to Order, etc. But yeah, don't go into this expecting sales. The changes recommended by your success manager MIGHT help you improve your profile and generate sales, but don't expect sales from this. No, it won't bring more visibility. Check what's included and you will see.
  21. For me this changes Sundays. I had 94 the last few weeks, 95 since Sunday. Nothing has changed after it reached 95. So it's just coincidence on your side. Most likely what happened in your case is that some of your negative bad reviews got past the 30/60/90 days. Well no one forces you to charge a higher price.. But even then I can tell you that a lot of people with small prices don't have a ton of repeat buyers, it depends on the service.
  22. Yes, most sellers have a much much slower month than usual. It's across the board almost, and some account it to the financial crisis, businesses/people buying less services, then there's AI and other factors..
  23. Search the forum, there are a plethora of tips. There's no need to repeat them again for the thousand time...
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