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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Fiverr is taking action and they are removing any "clients" that can't be verified.
  2. Well no one here will be able to offer a definite answer other than Fiverr customer support. That being said, recreating and duplicating stuff is a bit sketchy, why not create a new website instead of recreating someone else's work?
  3. It's ok but not for everyone. After all, you won't have people that need your type of service every day.
  4. There was no Fiverr update. Just maintenance. If you are talking about the Fiverr algorithm, it's constantly updated. That being said, the latest focus was on bringing more importance towards first time buyers. And since most of us have at least one or two bad buyers that purchase us for the first time, a lot of people are dealing with problems. But it's not only that, any issues can be related to bad private reviews, bad performance when compared to other sellers in your category, etc.
  5. Not a fan of briefs, I am not using them that much. I heard some peopl get consistent work from them, I never got any project myself.
  6. It might be caused by an extension you have in your browser. Or maybe it has to do with the browser you are using, who knows.
  7. Gee, I guess why... Those $5, $10 sellers that had Tesla, Apple, Google, Facebook as their clients will be VERY HAPPY to see this.
  8. I have to check that out, haven't played the game in a while.
  9. I am the opposite, more into action games. I also have Hitman, but for me it's more of a hands-on approach rather than sneaking. That's cool about World of Assassination, you can play it as you see fit. 😄
  10. Honestly briefs should not be your primary source of revenue, because sometimes there will be adequate briefs for you, but other times less so. And then we also have AI, economic issues, etc. These do affect freelancers quite a bit right now..
  11. Agreed, some adjustments might be needed across the board. It's hard to know if there will be any long term impact from this, so at this point all we can do is adapt and see how it all evolves. Needless to say, I'll do the same, but I am a bit worried about this trend Frank pointed out. Hopefully it's just a short term issue and nothing major.
  12. Can you elaborate on that? What exactly happened?
  13. Unfortunately we are not customer support here. Just other sellers and buyers. So.. you may want to send a ticket to customer support. That being said, if the system states you have to wait 90 days, that means you took the exam 2 times. I think you can access it up to 2 times in a 90 day period. So if you did that, just wait and take it again when possible.
  14. Most likely yes. I had a very lengthy email too and my reply was 2 lines, not 4. So you received more info than I did. Still, SMs are doing their job, we just want to know more, but at the end of the day it's up to Fiverr to choose what they share and what they don't. As I said above, personally I would prefer more transparency and in-depth analytics so I can see what's wrong and what to improve...
  15. Good luck @miiila, for me the entire month of March was pretty bad. Honestly at this point I am extremely doubtful of any new buyer, my lack of orders most likely comes from that. So like most people, I will look way more into new buyers to see if they are a risk. Because they can easily damage your reputation here with just a single click...
  16. You and me both. I rely solely on Fiverr, and the past 30 days were brutal for me. It's not due to my work being lower quality either, I can only assume it's bad luck when it comes to dealing with some rather shady new buyers, but as you said you live and learn. And this is aside from AI being a problem for many niches, especially writers. Man, 2023 is a blast thus far....
  17. Well I reached out a week and a half ago, so it was before all of this stuff with random emails. And I did have a few sketchy buyers, so I can see why my SM would be right. But then again, I also think they work with limited information and they are not the ones sending these emails. So they only know so much to begin with.
  18. I checked from the buyer perspective and I can't see that unfortunately.
  19. I agree. These emails are not helpful at all. We need to have a way to check our BSR ourselves. It doesn't have to share all the tiny details, but even a 3-tier system like Bad, Average and Good will be better than.... nothing. Adding that to the metrics would at least tell us something. Same with the first time buyers. You're penalized but you have no idea where this comes from, we should know what was wrong and what order this pertains to. Otherwise, how can you learn and improve when you're just shooting in the dark trying to make changes that may or may not be appropriate. As I said earlier in this topic, it is what it is. But I do hope these darker times will go away soon for everyone.
  20. If you are a buyer and posted a project, then Fiverr's algorithm will automatically try to find the best matches from all sellers. They will receive a brief and those buyers can easily accept or deny. You will be notified if someone accepts your project.
  21. Nowadays things are too uncertain to rely just on a single source of income. That being said, briefs themselves can easily come and go. There's no guarantee that you will have people looking for your type of service every single day. Diversify your income, for starters. And remember that briefs are an additional source of orders, they shouldn't be your primary source, as you can see they easily come and go.
  22. The drop is caused by first time buyers for most people I think, so this email was most likely meant for some Seller Plus members, not all of them. Still, it shows that first time buyer reviews are more important than ever, which might end up pushing most of us away from those new buyers, as it can lead to all kinds of risks. I already have the worst month since I've been on the site, and my SM said it's due to first time buyers. So in my case it's confirmed..
  23. Do what you agreed. Taking over their account will only get you in trouble. Stick to the job you agreed for and if the buyer is not ok with it, cancel. It's not worth messing with your account's integrity and potentially losing it due to a random buyer. At least that's my opinion. He should understand that taking over their account is not ok when it comes to the Fiverr rules and it can get you in trouble.
  24. I am curious to see the fallout from this. But I doubt anything will happen, they already said it was a mistake, so I don't think it will get beyond that. I do hope that eventually Fiverr will offer us a graphic or something where we can see our BSR. Because it's a very important metric that will affect our exposure and income so... why should be we kept in the dark....?
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