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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. If you do it, you will receive a warning from Fiverr.
  2. I am not sure how it's a scam, because a lot of legitimate buyers ask for e-mail addresses without knowing this is not allowed. Tell them that sharing personal info like that is against the rules. They should attach the file here or send you a Google Drive link with the document. That way there are no issues and you can work on it. Then based on their reply you can see if you are dealing with a scammer or not.
  3. Go to My Business/Earnings and there choose to add/manage payment methods.
  4. Being active won't give you orders or impressions. It was said on this forum thousands and thousands of time. Yet people still ask or even worse, recommend others to do it. Social media promoting can only do so much, since you're mostly promoting among friends that might not really want or need your service.
  5. Exactly. I am dealing with the same thing, I am certain I got a few bad private reviews, and if those people are also first time clients for you, then it becomes more problematic. It is what it is..
  6. Fiverr sent you a message with the reason why they disabled your account. More often than not, this is permanent and you rarely receive your account back. But it's hard to know.
  7. Just like Mabelma said, you just see the public side of reviews. Either you had bad private reviews, the others are performing better than you, etc. Something is indeed happening in the background that you don't see.
  8. There's no need to write the same thing 4 times. There's also no first page ranking. What you see is not what everyone sees, search results are customized for every person searching. You do have less impressions, but the same thing is happening to thousands of other sellers, just check the pinned sections and many other similar topics. Most likely you had one or more clients that gave you a bad private review. Just because public reviews are positive, that doesn't mean they will share a positive private review too. That, combined with other things like cancellations and so on can end up putting you back in search. Well this is a sign that you're not eligible for the option anymore. As far as I know, that's for seller plus members only though, so unless you pay for that service, it might not be available for those that had it in beta. It might be related to having less performance too, who knows..
  9. Great job. But what exactly is the story here? Since you are posting in Fiverr stories... People are completing orders all the time on Fiverr.
  10. PayPal for most people because it's more convenient and faster too. Payoneer for the ones that don't have PayPal as a withdrawal method.
  11. Well I did see that if messages don't convert into orders, I usually don't receive any new messages for a little while. So it might have some effect, it's hard to know without having data from other people. But I don't think it has a significant impact, at least based on my experience.
  12. You received 2 warnings, you can still use Fiverr. But if you break the rules again you will have your account removed.
  13. Exactly. Unless we band together and show that thousands upon thousands of people want ma specific change, then the chances of that happening are very slim. I've had a ton of people place orders that are 5x, 10x or sometimes even 20x my maximum word count, Fiverr still allows people to order up to 20x the gig packages, even if you don't want to as a seller. So there are definitely a lot of things to improve...
  14. If you check the forum you will see most sellers experience this. Companies and even private buyers in general spend less these days due to recession. It's a pretty bad situation but again, you're not the only person dealing with few impressions. At least someone sees your gigs, there are people that don't even appear in search results.
  15. Only customer support is able to help you here. So all you can do is wait.
  16. I guess they don't want to spook buyers and push them away. But the lack of such a feature or as I said, the ability to buy up to 20x of any gig package offers a lot of "tools" to manipulative buyers. I am still hopeful that someone from Fiverr checks the forum and eventually they see these posts and implement these ideas...
  17. I am certain every seller (that knows what he's doing) would love to see this feature. This, the ability to turn gig multiples on/off, little things like these can really make the platform better. Hopefully they implement these ideas sooner rather than later, because they would make a huge difference for us as sellers. And let's face it, the buyer experience is improved too. If they need to pay for revisions once or twice, they naturally start reading gig descriptions and become a more astute buyer...
  18. They are hidden. The thing is, just like the Fiverr algorithm, we can only assume things based on what we know. I think that if you had bad private reviews, that definitely affects your ability to use promoted gigs. But cancellations and late deliveries might also be a factor there. Anything bad that will affect your account/gigs will most likely remove your ability to use Promoted Gigs, you can assume that.
  19. Ah, I knew that. I didn't know that a positive one will balance a bad one, that's new and very helpful information. Thank you for letting me know!
  20. Well there was nothing said until I sent the offer. And he says he won't work with me UNLESS I offer free revisions. So that's definitely imposing something to the seller, if he takes the order. Because my offers clearly don't have that. Anyway I stopped messaging him anyway. How? I am very curious. Because things like asking clients to review orders might help, but like you... I am not comfortable with that.
  21. Well if I am accepting the order, he is imposing that as one of the requirements. To give you context, he told me that only AFTER I sent the custom offer. So yeah, he imposed the requirement otherwise he wouldn't accept the custom offer. Anyway as you said, good riddance, I don't want to work with people that might seem difficult even before placing an order.
  22. In my case it is. Because he specifically said he won't work with me if I don't offer unlimited revisions. Which I obviously declined. But in most cases yes, I agree, the platform needs to gray out the revision button after the number of paid revisions was exhausted. Then again, we still have people ordering up to 20x the gig package because they can, since Fiverr still has that option available. So there are a lot of things that need to be improved... things that directly affect sellers..
  23. It does say in the email you receive that it can take up to a day. Did you withdraw more than usual? That might be the reason, it triggered some manual check.
  24. Well no matter what you do as a seller, you will always be seen as the bad guy, unless your work is amazing. And even then, if you charge for more money than others, some people will feel they didn't get their money's worth. No matter the platform or revision policy, I find it very suspicious to impose unlimited revisions... As a seller, I think any buyer that does such a thing will most likely have a hidden agenda.
  25. That's the thing Vickie, Fiverr already pushes people via multiple emails to leave a review, I don't feel comfortable either to ask regulars to leave a review. Fiverr should automatically assume those orders without a review are fine, right?
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