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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. In my case it is. Because he specifically said he won't work with me if I don't offer unlimited revisions. Which I obviously declined. But in most cases yes, I agree, the platform needs to gray out the revision button after the number of paid revisions was exhausted. Then again, we still have people ordering up to 20x the gig package because they can, since Fiverr still has that option available. So there are a lot of things that need to be improved... things that directly affect sellers..
  2. It does say in the email you receive that it can take up to a day. Did you withdraw more than usual? That might be the reason, it triggered some manual check.
  3. Well no matter what you do as a seller, you will always be seen as the bad guy, unless your work is amazing. And even then, if you charge for more money than others, some people will feel they didn't get their money's worth. No matter the platform or revision policy, I find it very suspicious to impose unlimited revisions... As a seller, I think any buyer that does such a thing will most likely have a hidden agenda.
  4. That's the thing Vickie, Fiverr already pushes people via multiple emails to leave a review, I don't feel comfortable either to ask regulars to leave a review. Fiverr should automatically assume those orders without a review are fine, right?
  5. I am not in those categories, yet I am still seeing a massive drop to the point where I have no orders or just a couple. And mostly I am a volume based seller, so this really hurts... That being said, I was told by my SM that first time buyers damaged my account, so yeah.. in my case I am extremely unhappy with this shift towards first time buyers, because a random dude with no knowledge of how the platform works or what they really want can really damage your account..
  6. Exactly my point. My spidey sense told me to just avoid problems. I even disregard how many revisions I do just to keep people happy. But when someone specifically asks for unlimited revisions, that's a clear lack of trustand honestly it doesn't offer me any confidence that it will be a great experience for both people. After all, when you engage in business with anyone you do expect some sort of trust. If that's not there.. then.. why work together in the first place. I denied it..
  7. Well I've always been like that to be honest, because I can "smell" when some buyers feel troublesome. I will be honest, whenever people blatantly say "I won't work with you unless you offer unlimited revisions", what that shows me is they will be hard to work with and expect you to change or add stuff for free for weeks or months. So that alone seems like a troublesome experience, let alone what review they leave at the end. Is it worth the hassle? Not really.. even if I have no orders I don't want to deal with this sort of issue.. At least that's how I feel.
  8. Hi Dean. So in this case no, you can't offer a partial refund. The system is most likely this way to prevent abuse from potential buyers that would threaten sellers with bad reviews just to receive some of their money back.
  9. Is the buyer still available on the platform? If not, most likely they did a chargeback via their payment method, in which case Fiverr automatically removes them from the platform.
  10. Well request to order isn't going to be helpful for everyone. In my case, I am mostly a volume based seller, so adding that will push people away. I guess Fiverr sees Request to Order as a nice-to-have thing, not something mandatory. And I don't think it will be generally available anytime soon. They do need to bring some features so you can go for Seller Plus..
  11. I agree, private feedback is bad to begin with. Why not rely on public feedback and go behind a seller's back? It shows a lack of faith when it comes to the qualities of the freelancer, and as others said, most people that leave a private feedback are unhappy clients, a happy client barely leaves public feedback..
  12. Due to the nature of my gigs, I can't really use that, few people will bother waiting for a reply when they want to order an article.. There are so many options to buy right away so..
  13. Well there are a lot of free apps and websites where you can chat with random people. So you don't have to pay them. I agree with @katakatica, while there's nothing wrong with your gig, there are free alternatives to what you offer, so why would people pay for that?. Maybe you can niche down to chat about specific things.. or actually help people. I am a writer and provide articles or blog posts for less than you charge here...
  14. You can go to customer support and tell them about the situation. Buuuut, they can't force the person to accept your order. The order will most likely be canceled, and at most you will receive a compensation.. IF you qualify for it.
  15. Well did you see how many competitors you have? That seems like a very saturated market, and you can't really offer services to make you stand out since this niche is very strict.
  16. Got it. The only message I received from a custom the past 3 days was from a new potential buyer and he wanted me to write 3 articles, the topics were great, but after sending the offer, he said he will only accept it if I offer unlimited revisions. That "first time buyer nightmare" spidey sense activated for me, and when I saw he also wants an extra for free. The extra for free wouldn't be that much of an issue, but forcing unlimited revisions and knowing he is a first time buyer.. that made me decline his order. I barely have any orders, but the last thing I want is any problematic first time buyer.. that's why I don't have orders to begin with..
  17. Well you can discuss with the buyer and see if he knows what he wants. Usually I have a good vibe regarding the buyer, the only issue for me is when someone orders directly, that's when I have problems with some new buyers. But custom offers, I think maybe 1-2 custom offers turned out to be a bad experience. Generally when you talk with a buyer you'll have a good idea of how easy they are to work with. Of course, this is not a general rule and something bad can sometimes happen. That was not the case for me though, maybe I was lucky, who knows.
  18. Even more so if they receive access to information unavailable to them right now.
  19. Staying online is not going to boost your sales and it's just a waste of time. Well you need to bring people to your gig first. It won't matter if you have dozens of packages and extras if your gig has no clicks on it.
  20. So you just want other people to do the work and you profit from their time? How does that work? If you want to reach success, perform your due diligence and harness your skills. If you just know software development for example, don't expect to be a perfect graphic designer or writer. Focus on what skills you have and improve them because competition is fierce. And I am telling this as a person that has been on Fiverr for most of its existence.
  21. If you're getting clicks, then your gig is obviously visible.
  22. You already have a wealth of information here, all you have to do is search the forum.
  23. You're lying about your skills, obviously there's something wrong.
  24. Well to be fair they don't advertise it as seismic.. and it does depend on how new you are to the platform. If you're a new seller, the success manager guidance can be really useful. If you are a more experienced seller here, most likely you won't have that much use for the SM part of the service. But there are some nice things like money withdrawing in 7 days instead of 14 and the early payout as well. The keyword insights and being able to add that Request to Order feature is also pretty great honestly. So there are plenty of things. I don't really talk with my success manager that often, but I do use most of the tools provided and for the price is seems a worthwhile service. But as I said, your mileage might vary based on what you expect. It won't generate sales, you just receive some guidance and assistance...
  25. You can't remove any restrictions. As Fiverr support said, it can take them 60 or even 90 days to review this. However, if you knowingly shared personal info with a client, that's not ok at all.
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