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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Yes but if you're caught canceling orders left and right to cheat the system and prevent bad reviews, you can end up banned,.
  2. A review is permanent. Cancellations are not taken into account after 60 days. However, they might contribute to your buyer satisfaction rate, which is covering up to 180 days. However, canceling an order just to not receive a bad review is pretty much a system manipulation, so it's unethical to do that.
  3. Transform the correct file to PDF. That way it should appear the same in both cases. Or you can start a new Word file and paste the correct content there. You might want to go through the TXTFormat tool in order to remove any weird formatting problems.
  4. Obviously changing any legal document is against the law. You don't need to check the Fiverr terms of service to know this is illegal anywhere in the world. You can't falsify documents.
  5. I am also in the same situation as you guys. I talked with my success manager from Fiverr and she told me that the buyer satisfaction rate is rather low for me. So, what I can do? Try to ensure that all new clients are happy. They didn't receive a bad review as far as you know. As my success manager said, public reviews can be VERY different to a private review. These private reviews are the main reason why we are dealing with a sales slump in most cases. At least I know for sure that's the case for me. Cancellations and late deliveries end up lowering the buyer satisfaction rate even more, but it's those private reviews and specifically first time buyer reviews that have a major effect on your business, impressions, clicks, orders. Also, aside from your performance you also have to realize that others might have better performance overall and a higher buyer satisfaction rate. Those people will be pushed higher in search results, while you get pushed back. I can see that in my writing category, so it's certainly the same for designers too. Deliver great resultsto your current customers, and stay consistent, things will get back on track.
  6. It all comes down to the buyer satisfaction rate. Fiverr tracks that 90 to 180 days back, so if you had cancellations, bad reviews (public or private), anything that affected your Fiverr presence, that will definitely push you back. And of course, if others have a better buyer satisfaction rate, they are in front of you in search results. A lot of people are dealing with this problem, especially now with Fiverr tracking up to half a year back, so as long as you continue doing a good job with current orders, things will get better. But it takes time to get back, that's why you need to pay a lot of attention to every order and deliver it to the best of your capabilities.
  7. Needless to say I was shocked upon seeing this, because I didn't expect anything over 90 days to be relevant. Although i can only imagine anything over 90 days will not be as important. But it can still "haunt" you.
  8. Their post hurt my eyes and brain at the same time..
  9. That means your performance and buyer satisfaction rate have improved. It's not "all of a sudden"...
  10. Then why not wait and buy when they have money? Otherwise you run the risk of working for free. I would never do that.
  11. That's not the case. Most orders come organically, even if I promoted more than half my gigs. It depends on what you sell, pricing, your buyer satisfaction rate... there are lots of things that can influence this.
  12. We can't lock gig packages so the best approach is to have consistent pricing. $5 for 100 words, $10 for 200 words and $20 for 400 words. If you start overpricing one of the packages, people will always try to buy the cheaper one. So I found consistent pricing to be the best option. You can always have a more expensive gig for longer articles. I mean, that's what I do. I for one, as a buyer, hate to see inconsistent pricing, and I am sure I am not alone. That, and people that have their Premium package as the gig name, for example "I will write 1500 words for $5", even if $5 just gives you 300 words or whatever and the 1500 word package costs $50. I hope Fiverr will do something about these misleading gig titles...
  13. Sure Bethany, but that can also be a double-edged sword. On one hand it can help us, but then again I also had someone leave me the worst possible stars and saying thank you for a good job, just because they wanted to get past the review proces and didn't even realize they rated me poorly. As far as I know the first private review appears right after the public one, but you can skip it. Yeah, we will see what they come up with in the future..
  14. Well some people said that the success manager info wasn't always accurate, so take that with a grain of salt. That being said, it might be the case I think, especially with the focus on new customers they have right now. Maybe others can ask too, and we can then compare answers. I think it's always been up to 180 days, but the first 90 days might be more relevant. But it's clear that any bad review will have a MAJOR impact on your business, and it can haunt for a long time.
  15. Well, I have some news.. at least it's news for me because I didn't know it until now. I talked with my success manager today and she said that Fiverr tracks the buyer satisfaction rate from 90 to 180 days. So if you're dealing with a slump, its origin might be months ago. I didn't know this, I thought Fiverr only tracks these things up to 90 days. Apparently not.
  16. I am sad to hear that. For me the private reviews seem to be the main issue. Try to say Hi to any message that seems spammy, and then just mark as Spam. It always works for me.
  17. I think April was the worst I ever had on Fiverr aside from the first couple of months of 2014 when I started. I talked with my success manager and she said my buyer satisfaction rate is low, but I really have no idea why honestly. The only order that might have a bad private review is one from last month when a person forced me to write about a topic and then left 3 stars, but other than that I just had a couple of orders without review, they just marked as complete. Although I asked them if everything was ok and most of them said yes, all good. So I highly doubt there would be a bad review there. I do have way less orders than usual so I can only assume that a bad review affects things more. And yes, that person was a first time buyer, the 3 star dude 🙂. So that might be the problem. I did have a good mid-April to the end of April, but ever since I had 3 cancellations (none my fault and all adjusted automatically or manually by customer support to not affect my ratings), things dropped. I highly doubt that it has to do just with the buyer satisfaction rate, the fact that things dropped right when I had 2 cancellations in less than a day (one was a self-cancellation from a person, and the other one was customer support canceling an order from 2018 that was still on the Earnings page). It's hard to know, but it's clear that situations are different for each person here. I never had such a massive slump during my entire lifespan on Fiverr. But if this shows me anything, it's that I need to make some changes to my gigs..
  18. The review does appear, you are not forced to offer a tip. They do encourage tipping quite a bit, true, however it was never mandatory, not will it be.
  19. This is in the Articles and Blog posts section too. They round up the word count but the strange thing is they just take into account 5 different word counts, when people use way more. So they round things up based on your gig price. Which is not exactly that accurate in the first place. I am not ok with this either, since not everyone wants 500 words, some people want 400, 700, 800 words, these word counts are very common. Hopefully they add more options.
  20. Don't use an auto refresher as you will get banned. As for how much time, just a few minutes normally, as far as I saw.
  21. It doesn't give you sales, if that's what you expect. It will just offer you more insights, tools, and the ability to talk with someone from Fiverr to receive advice. Will that bring more sales? Not really, especially if you're not new to Fiverr honestly.
  22. Well I send an email to my seller plus manager and she said my buyer satisfaction rate is lowered. I don't get why, because the past 2 weeks I had a lot of impressions and as soon as I had the cancellations it dropped significantly.. It is what it is I guess, the advice I got was to talk with previous clients so they can leave a review and to promote all my gigs..
  23. So there is a pattern, cancellations might hurt the account. I am almost 100% positive that there were no bad private reviews or anything (hard to know 100% obviously), but as soon as these cancellations started appearing, they really messed things up for me to the point I have way way less clicks and impressions, no messages or orders from new people. It's very sad to see this happen, especially when it's not our fault. I mean, how am I at fault that a person bought my gig thinking that it will pay them affiliate money? Or someone self-canceled without me even being involved? Or that an order (delivered by the way) was stuck in a loop and never ended up complete? I went to Fiverr support and they made sure my completion rate is not affected, but it's clear to me that something did happen to my account, and it started happening as soon as the last 2 cancellations took place. Even if Fiverr adjusted things, it seems multiple cancellations in a row will indeed hurt your account..
  24. That's the thing then. You have late deliveries and these slowdowns don't appear right away. It will take a bit for them to show their effect. I am in a similar situation, I had a week and a half or 2 weeks when things went back to normal and this week I didn't receive any new messages aside from spammers or people asking me for work. I've been here for 10 years almost and I've never had such issues.
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