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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. That would be more expenses for Fiverr. Plus, most if not all online-conscious buyers and sellers already use an anti-malware tool. Also, if Fiverr's tool offers a false positive, then it would bring a lot of liability for them. I just don't see them doing this.
  2. Sure, but generally they will not bring any limitations. I can see a couple of categories limited to certain seller levels, but even then.. you can easily set a minimum pricepoint and also vet sellers beforehand instead of limiting the number of users within that category. That would make no sense.
  3. Why would they? More sellers means more sales and more profit. They will add limits like a minimum price or stuff like that, however they won't limit the amount of sellers. It just doesn't make any financial sense. Plus, you're limiting talent, maybe there are way more talented people wanting to reach the platform.
  4. Fact backed by what? Anyway, I am not here to argue about this, think whatever you want. But there are more important things to focus on rather than the position being the same for a few days or a week. At least for me anyway 🙂
  5. That doesn't matter because it's just what you see. And I said SOME sellers because some gigs are still moved either once or twice a day. Again, it differs for everyone. But as long as it appears in search it doesn't matter what search position you have as long as people see your gig one way or another. Just because your gig is above someone else's gig, that doesn't mean you have more sales. Just checking in my niche I can see that's not the case, I see gigs lower in search results that have 3x the number of orders in queue I have, or more. As I said, it's just over-reacting, this freeze has already been mentioned on the forum a few weeks ago. It doesn't really matter.. I saw Fiverr is making some changes to the way gigs are displayed, so it might very well be related to that.
  6. They track 2 months not 1. Sometimes even 3. If these bad reviews are from first time buyers it's even worse. Plus you don't know what people are sharing privately. I had someone that rated me with a single star because it was 12 AM their time and just wanted to get rid of the review process. The review text was great, but it didn't matter because Fiverr sees it as a bad one. So yeah, who knows what buyers share privately. If you see drops in performance, most likely it's not just a single review...
  7. The only thing that you can do is to cancel the order and then send 2 custom offers for 250 each. The problem here is that your buyer will have a fee for each order, which might be more than the initial one when you add it all up. Also, your buyer has to agree to this cancellation. It depends, but generally it's better to just stick with this current order. The total amount seems fine, and canceling the order just to split it in 2 might be seen as gaming the system and might even get you in trouble.
  8. Anyway, for both @nainaratnani and @venonusa, I was sharing my knowledge accumulated for around 10 years on Fiverr. You don't have to agree with the things I said, but I only shared stuff that I experienced myself, so I know very well what I am talking about. Good luck to both, I'll stop posting or replying to this topic.
  9. You have 2 public reviews that are seen as bad, so we can only assume the private reviews for those reviews were bad too. That certainly explains a lack of orders and your account being pushed away. And remember, seller managers won't reveal specifics. They can't reveal all the info they have available. I can't be 100% sure either, but 2 bad reviews within the span of 2 months will certainly bring issues, especially if you don't have a lot of incoming orders all the time. Well it depends man. As you said, private reviews are a thing and if they come from a new seller to the platform or a person you never worked with, then that can be catastrophic for your account. Performance also covers stuff like how many orders were processed successfully, if you have great reviews and complete 20 orders in a month, but another person has the same results yet they complete 100 orders within that same timeperiod, one can only assume the other person ranks better. As I mentioned below, there are a lot of unknowns. We can only talk about the things we see. I can say from my expreience within the past 2 months that receiving a single bad private review from a customer new to me (not to the platform) ended up pushing my gig out of search. You can't know the performance of other sellers. You just see reviews, there's no way to know how many orders without reviews they had. Take me for example, I have double the number of orders when compared to how many reviews you see. For me, 60% or less customers leave orders. However, a customer can also mark an order as complete and leave a bad private review. They didn't leave a bad public review, they left a bad private one, and that can be very bad for your business. The problem is that you don't even know about this. It happened to me and I am sure to many others. Fiverr tracks performance for the past 2 months. If you had no orders the past 60 days, then obviously others will be pushed at the top of search. It doesn't matter what results you had in the past year, they only cover the past 2 months or sometimes 3 months for bad private reviews. Which means that's the timespan you want to focus on. I was just trying to help you and sharing my knowledge, which is what the forum is about. My opinion is that whenever there is a slump, you can always try to extend to other platforms, while also offering new services on Fiverr as well. Improving your skillset and learning new things that you can offer as a service here will also help. That's what I do, I am trying to see a lack of orders as an opportunity. I saw that gig positioning freezes for some sellers, however you have to wonder, "how does that affect me"? Will it bring more sales or is it just a waste of time to check that? That's what I do.
  10. Is it ok to pretend in order to obtain anything in life? Or should you earn it? Ask yourself that question and you will know the answer here too.
  11. You were talking about positioning 🙂 As I said, you had some performance problems in the backend from metrics you don't see.
  12. Late deliveries Bad private reviews One of your first time buyers had a bad/very bad experience Order cancellations Account warnings Others are surpassing you with better performance These are only a few of the many factors that we know of.
  13. Yes, it's Fiverr trying something new. And they are not static by the way, their position seems the same for a little bit, however it does change once or twice a day, unless Fiverr deems that search result appropriate based on the metrics you have. As I said, positioning doesn't matter because buyers tend to use different keywords, so your search position for a keyword will differ when compared to another word buyers might use to find services. How do you know I don't browse search results? 🙂
  14. This seems to coincide with a less than stellar review you had around that time. That person most likely left you a negative private review, which will push you back in search. That, combined with late deliveries and cancellations will always push you back, sometimes you even end up removed from search. High performance seen publicly from your side. Fiverr has a private review system, they ask buyers for a private review where a lot of people sometimes rate you lower than they did publicly. So yeah, I know very well what I am talking about. The past few weeks I had almost no orders from new clients and relied on previous clients because I had one or two less than private stellar reviews from new clients, something that was also confirmed by my success manager from Seller Plus. So yes, just because you see that you received great reviews publicly, that doesn't mean that person was 100% happy and they just leave that review as a courtesy. With private reviews people tend to be a lot more honest about the work they received. So it's possible to receive a bad private review even if the public review seems very good. The bottom line is, we don't see any major information about gig performance, metrics like private reviews, first time buyer private reviews, these are crucial for your "gig ranking" and these are only available to Fiverr. So yeah, we don't have access to all the info, there are other metrics Fiverr uses to rank gigs and choose how they are displayed to buyers.
  15. Search results are not the same for every person. It depends on what you are looking for. The positioning is static, but what you see is not what buyers will see. So.. it doesn't matter and it doesn't make any difference either. You're overthinking things instead of working on your gig and improving your services to really stand out. If you have great performance and buyers are happy, you will always be at the top and surpass others 🙂
  16. Well I am not sure if Payoneer does this, but other platforms send you an email. So just check your emails and then you will see what account you used. However, I am pretty sure you can't have more than one account.
  17. Yes, but the important thing to note is they did that for everyone. Not just top earners. They were keeping people with repeat buyers on a pedestal, now that's not the case anymore. It's an even number for everyone.
  18. I have a presence on another platform (mind you, I am not a newcomer, I have great reviews and not just a couple), and I did exactly that, spent 2 days sending proposals and stuff, and I ended up either extremely low balled and pushed into a really low pricepoint or downright denied every time. I didn't earn a dime so it was pretty much wasted time all around. So I can definitely attest to that.
  19. I am not even kidding you. Here's his message asking for a refund.
  20. Because people are self-entitled and they think they deserve all the money they earn. They think Fiverr MUST offer them all the money, and they don't understand or care about any of the platform's costs. I guarantee none of these complainers ever tried to create their own business and paid for any of the 10 points you mentioned.. The 20% is fair, but you'll always have people complaining it's too much. They can easily charge more just to cover those expenses, but the truth is that most complainers are meksells that just want to earn online without having great skills under their belt. I just canceled an order from a dude that thought if he places an order on Fiverr he receives a comission. I just hope Fiverr adjusts my cancellation rate because this is severely unfair.. This dude even told me to send him a PP refund AFTER I canceled. So yeah, there will always be people that don't even read the rules, gig descriptions, and which complain about Fiverr fees being too high.
  21. LOL. And on top of that, even if you add the same text in different tools, they will have different results. So yeah, not very accurate, and they have a LOT of false positives.
  22. Fiverr's algorithm takes into account every detail regarding your gig, more or less. So if people were not happy with your work, Fiverr will push in front others that have better performance. I also had a slump, much like other people and that's because some people left a bad private review. Whether that was warranted or not, won't get into that. But it's possible to get removed from search for a while due to bad performance.
  23. Some Fiverr categories are now forced to increase the lowest possible price. I assume you're in that category if Fiverr asks you to raise the price. You have to do it.. so there's no choice.
  24. Why would you take a loan anyway? Work hard with the resources you have. I understand taking a loan at first to buy some of the stuff you need for your business. But relying on Cash Advance? That doesn't sound like a good business decision to me. It has nothing to do with the loan, for example a month ago you had a 3 star review that might also have a negative private review attached to it. That alone will generate a lot of problems so.. it's most likely that and not the loan..
  25. It depends on the category. Some people were charging $5 for a complete website, which is obviously not going to deliver any professional result. This, combined with other similar situations pushed Fiverr to impose a minimal price for some categories. It's not for every category. You can still offer $5 services in most categories. So it's not just you that had to change prices, others had to do it too.
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