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About methark

  • Birthday 05/07/1904


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  1. It's my ethos. I just say my name with long term buyers. 😁
  2. True. I would just accept long-term buyer users though.
  3. Reported, of course! This is completely against Fiverr TOS and security.
  4. Exactly, it goes against Fiverr TOS too. Reported.
  5. Thank you @navid_zafar - it's something we all need to be aware. It was my duty to share this knowledge with all our fellow sellers. 🙂 Best regards,
  6. Hello Everyone, Fiverr is a wonderful platform and have being increasing both seller and buyer security constantly. That being said, I have to share with you something that is happening to me right now and it's a red flag you all should know about. One potential buyer contacted me to help with marketing and to make improvements on a website. The person was telling me a weird but not so hard to believe history about the business, but, I moved forward tailoring the list of improvements we could do. After the person agreed with the pre-order task list I gave, I said that I would need the credentials to login into the website platform and social media channels. Here, came the dangerous part. THE DANGEROUS PART The person asked for my personal information and my passport copy so I could have access to the website platform. It's a simple website from a simple business - not some big corporation or government platform. As you all know, Fiverr give buyers all the security, and if this was an accountancy issue, the buyer would point Fiverr (the money recipient), not you. Most importantly, you are not signing any agreement directly with the buyer for a long term job, you are doing it thru Fiverr. So, by giving all your personal information and a copy of your documents is extremely dangerous and completely unnecessary. Never share sensitive information and documents with anyone. Fiverr is the shield for buyers and sellers. This is a real life example of phishing and identity theft. Be aware! Regards,
  7. How can I report the new account this individual is using to Fiverr support? He is persistently engaging me. Despite Fiverr seemingly deactivating his previous account, he promptly created another one.
  8. The user was blocked by Fiverr and now is trying to reach me using another account!
  9. I think Fiverr already took care of this user. He is no longer available. This answers my question. Thank you, Fiverr!
  10. Hi All, I am aware of our Fiverr policy regarding contacting outside of the platform. However, one buyer insists on having a meeting to "clarify things," even though I believe the details are already clear. Additionally, I am uncertain about the legitimacy, and potentially the legality, of this request: to provide a dedicated computer and an ID for the buyer to connect with other platforms. Best regards,
  11. Hello donnovan86, I understand your point. Perhaps a simple message would do the trick - something like: "We recommend that you scan the files with your anti-virus software before opening them. Fiverr does not offer anti-malware check-ups." I'm just pointing this out because not everyone (buyers or sellers) is tech-savvy about these things, so it’s good to be aware of possible security issues and how to avoid them. What do you think?
  12. Welcome grinch_editor, To be honest, I'm on Fiverr for years now (since 2015 I think), and I can tell that since the Buyer's Request function was removed, my average monthly gigs opportunities went down to three, and those three are not necessarily accepted by me. So, if you take eight years on Fiverr, I've got an average of 23-ich projects per year, which is an average of two projects per month. As you said, it's a matter of patience, but also, engaging as must as possible with Fiverr, every day, every hour. Also, research and make the best setting for your gigs, follow the seller's tips on the forum, and read all Fiverr guidelines. Sincerely,
  13. Hello, fellow Fiverr sellers and buyers! I hope you are having a great day and enjoying the amazing opportunities that Fiverr offers. I’m here to share some exciting news with you: I have just completed my 185th order on Fiverr! 🎉

    This is a huge milestone for me, and I couldn’t have done it without the support of my wonderful clients and the Fiverr community. I want to thank you all for trusting me with your projects and giving me positive feedback. You are the best!

    I also want to share some tips that helped me reach this goal and improve my skills as a seller:

    • Always deliver high-quality work that meets or exceeds the client’s expectations.
    • Communicate clearly and promptly with the client throughout the project.
    • Be flexible and willing to make revisions if needed.
    • Ask for referrals and testimonials from satisfied clients.
    • Keep learning and updating your skills and portfolio.

    I hope these tips will help you achieve your own goals and grow your business on Fiverr. If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to reach out to me. I’m always happy to help.

    Thank you for reading this message and have a wonderful day! 😊

  14. Hello and welcome! It's great how Fiverr is helping you with your freelancer goals. I would like to point out some tips about avoiding bad experiences. As a Fiverr seller, you need to be alert to possible red flags from buyer requests. Most buyers are honest and look for quality services, but some may try to exploit sellers. Here are some signs of trouble to avoid: Unrealistic expectations: A red flag is when a buyer wants services that are beyond your scope or that seem impossible. Another is when a buyer wants too much work for too little money. Insufficient information: A sign of trouble is when a buyer is vague about what they want or doesn’t provide enough details about their project. This can lead to misunderstandings and wasted time. Poor communication: A warning sign is when a buyer is slow to respond to your messages or seems uninterested in the project details. Good communication is essential for a successful project, so watch out for buyers who don’t value it. Payment issues: A big red flag is when a buyer asks you to work outside of the Fiverr platform or offers to pay you directly. This is against Fiverr’s terms of service, and it puts you at risk of not getting paid for your work. Always work within the platform and only accept payment through the proper channels. Unprofessional behavior: A sign of trouble is when a buyer is rude, demanding, or disrespectful in their messages. While you should be professional and polite in all interactions, you should also stand up for yourself when a buyer’s behavior is unacceptable. Remember, as a Fiverr seller, you need to trust your instincts and be careful when working with buyers. If something seems too good to be true or if a buyer displays any of the warning signs mentioned. My best regards and good luck! 😎
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