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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Well every buyer is asked to share public feedback and they can also leave private feedback. If they were unhappy with some things, private feedback is where they let Fiverr know about that. The bummer is that we never know what private feedback a person leaves, since it's not something Fiverr will share with us. So that's why a lot of people end up pushed back, that along with things like cancellations, late deliveries and other issues.
  2. Using the system you mentioned earlier can only lead to problems with PayPal. I think it's better to focus on selling more on Fiverr so you can get past the 2000 a year thing. Stick to the payment system that works in your country, at least that's what I would recommend.
  3. A ban means you can't use Fiverr anymore and you are not allowed to sell anything anymore. Most likely due to lower performance Fiverr pushed you back. You must have gotten one or more bad private reviews and those dragged your account down. I can tell that for a fact because that's what happened to me the past few months too, and my seller success manager from Fiverr confirmed that I received a few bad private reviews from first time clients. That alone can be extremely bad for any account, regardless of its age.
  4. So there can be a number of things. Is the buyer still active on Fiverr, is his account page working? If he's not on Fiverr anymore, he most likely did a credit card or PayPal refund. When that happens, Fiverr automatically accepts the refund and removes the buyer from this platform. Another thing that might happen is that your buyer went to customer support and asked for a refund. However I am not sure if they would refund an order that already has a positive rating. I am inclined to think the buyer is not available anymore and they did a refund to their payment system. Do check and let us know 🙂
  5. Seems the answer is right there. But most likely there was a bad private review and its importance started to wear off after a little while.
  6. That's the thing, Fiverr doesn't see that. They only track the last 2-3 months, and if you just had let's say 20 reviews out of which one is bad and also from a new customer, it's catastrophic for the account. Eventually after the 2-3 months pass, things will get better. Take me for example, despite working alone and having well over 17k reviews for my gigs, I was still damaged by some bad private reviews and I barely got any messages from new clients, let alone orders.
  7. Meksells already made copies of our gigs anyway. I found a dude on another platform that used my icon, image, gig description, everything from Fiverr. He also copied my username there. So there will always be meksells and people trying to make money with ease. I don't see why you would copy others instead of branding yourself...
  8. The thing is, a bad private review is going to hurt quite a bit. And the issue is that unfortunately Fiverr doesn't show what buyer satisfaction rate you have, so all you can do is wait. I am dealing with a similar thing, I was removed from search randomly and my success manager from Fiverr said it had to do with first time buyers. If the 1 star you got was from a new Fiverr customer, that deals the most damage to your account. Then you have bad reviews from new clients for you, but not new on Fiverr. But in general, if it's the first time you work with a client, a bad review will damage your account quite a lot.
  9. It's Spam. Nothing more than that.
  10. Hello So what happened is that a lot of people are not doing very well financially these days. The demand for a lot of services is down. On top of that, some categories like voiceover and writing are hit pretty hard by AI. Voiceover in particular is a challenging thing because there are services that ask for way less than a talented voiceover and provide a human-like voice. I think that might be one of the issues. The demotion might also have to do with that lack of orders and messages. Each time you receive even a spam message, say Hi. You can mark as Spam after that, but having a reply helps. I always had a 1-hour reply time, and I kept that by always replying even to spammers. Considering the downsides of not replying fast, I think a quick reply even to spammers can prevent major issues down the line.
  11. I agree. Plus, it feels to me that the buyer wants to pay half the price for $100 worth of work. Seems to be a nightmare of a buyer if that's the case.
  12. IF. It's still seen as a cancellation in your stats. But IF he reorders, his profile will not be affected. However, I did encounter people that wanted to refund an order with the promise of coming back later and they never came back. So yes, theoretically if he orders again it should be fine. But you will still have a cancellation in your profile, it's not like the cancellation is reverted, it just doesn't count if the buyer reorders.
  13. The only thing you can do is cancel and then create a new order. You could go to customer support to explain that the cancellation was necesary due to buyer requirements, they MAY or MAY NOT revise your cancellation rating. The thing is, if you cancel the order, that will affect your profile.
  14. You do by improving English 🙂
  15. With the buyer satisfaction rate in mind. People that are pushed back in search or removed from search most likely had bad private reviews, late deliveries, cancellations... What you may not know is that according to my success manager, Fiverr tracks the buyer satisfaction rate over 90 to 180 days. So it's not just your current performance that matters, if you had bad reviews (private or public), that will become a problem when you have few orders...
  16. That's ideal because the order can get canceled in the meantime. Even when it's complete you can have people that ask for a refund and that can be an issue.
  17. That, or bad private reviews, cancellations, late orders.
  18. It's not true though. I had the opportunity to talk and connect with lots of great people here, some of which have already replied. If you don't like someone's posts you can ignore them. You dictate how your forum experience is, not other people. I was insulted by a person the other day, I respectfully disagree with their opinion and moved on. I love the forum because you get to interact with lots of great sellers. Every forest has its bad trees though... I just prefer to stay positive and focus on the things that matter to me.
  19. The thing is, we don't know if Fiverr talked with other payment providers. The fact that they kept the same options for years means these sites like Wise might either charge Fiverr too much or they don't offer an adequate deal. There are certain fees that come with processing so many payments so it's possible there can be some issues we don't know about. Who knows.. I for one use PayPal and never touched Payoneer, I heard people had issues with both, I never had any myself. So even if they offer Wise support, I will have to see fees and the currency conversion first before even considering it as a withdrawal option.
  20. You can easily use an outside tool for team chat. A group chat will only confuse buyers. Remember, Fiverr chat is for communicating with buyers, not your team. You have special tools for that which have been around for years, Fiverr doesn't need to add such a feature.
  21. I agree with venonusa, try to improve that gig. You can also create new gigs without having to delete the older one. However, don't offer the same (identical) service, as it breaks the terms of service. As long as the gig is unique and not a duplicate to the one you already have, it's fine. So don't limit yourself to one gig. However, you do want to improve your existing gig, deleting it won't really help in any way.
  22. Yeah, I agree. I didn't expect that huge price to last. I always thought that Fiverr's stock would stay within $20 to $30, with the potential to become more expensive as the company grows. But I am not a stock dude myself so..
  23. True, but that $300+ price was obviously a one time thing and not something sustainable. Wasn't that when AMC and Gamestop had stupid share prices too? If I remember correctly..
  24. I agree, they are the ones keeping us alive during those slumps... I for one had 97% at most. I usually stay within 95 and 97%, but I did have a few weeks at 94%.
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