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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. However it doesn't say first time buyers to Fiverr or YOUR first time buyers. But I assume it's people buying from you, the freelancer, for the first time. If it's the latter, I am fine with it because the chances of a return client canceling are very low. It can still happen though.
  2. I also need to point out something that people didn't see in that article yet, or at least I don't see anyone talking about it. "Review Timeframe: Buyers (excluding first-time buyers) can leave a review for canceled orders within 14 days from cancellation if the case involved lateness, unresponsiveness, or an unsatisfactory delivery." So first time buyers can't leave a review if they cancel the order. I thought it would be a disaster, but this small thing is more reassuring. The chances of a return buyer canceling are much lower... so at least for me this is not such a bad idea now that I saw this anyway.
  3. Asking buyers to review your work? Doubt that. Asking buyers for feedback if anything was wrong? That might be what you wanted to say.
  4. This entire thing would generate a LOT of backlash and it wouldn't be worth the effort. Fiverr already has MANY avenues for earning, from seller plus to the ad service, faster withdrawals, etc. Paying to be ranked higher would be a huge disadvantage and it's unfair to people that can't afford it. There's a reason why they didn't remove $5 gigs yet, leaving its branding aside (which can change very easily), they want to have lots of talent on the website. If you turn this into a "pay to win" website, a lot of talent will lose. I am pretty sure a huge amount of gigs don't generate any revenue, so I doubt making those people pay for exposure will help. The algorithm has its hidden things, but the buyer satisfaction rate is what matters. If the satisfaction rate is low, then that means you are doing a bad job, so why should they rank you higher? As long as you focus on delivering quality, value and great results to clients, Fiverr promotes you high in search. Deliver low quality work, and they push you back. So the system is working, allowing low quality workers to pay for exposure would just lead to a LOT of issues and cancellations. In fact, promoted gigs removes access if you have problems.
  5. Well cancellations are problematic and can lead to issues. So that can be a factor. But it's one of the many things that can damage your account honestly.
  6. You don't know what people say in private reviews. That's the issue, we never know and our gig ends up pushed back for months. Plus, there are people that just place an order and then mark as complete without saying anything. Your guess is as good as mine when it comes to what those people say when they are asked by Fiverr to privately rate.. plus add to that people that share a random review just to get past this and move on. I had a person that gave me the worst possible number of stars because it was 12 AM and they wanted to go to sleep. His written review was positive and great, but if he left random stars publicly I can only imagine what they left privately. The bottom line, private reviews, especially those from first time buyers matter. And don't think that if all your public reviews are great, that means private reviews are great. I think Vickie said it, only a few people on the platform have excellent private reviews, and those most likely don't have a ton of sales. The more people you deal with, the higher the chances of having a bad private review. But it is what it is... Add to that the HUGE competition and you can see why people are pushed back. I am dealing with the same thing, I receive a small push here and there, but most of the time I end up in the back no getting any exposure. And it's hard to say because aside from a 3 star review that I had close to 3 months ago (from a person that just randomly ordered without asking if I can help), every review I got was excellent. It is what it is.. At this point all we can do is to ensure we deliver our best. And from my perspective, raising prices and having less, but more expensive orders can diminish the issue. HOWEVER, if you end up with a bad private review from these more expensive orders, that really pushes you back for months..
  7. Fiverr doesn't care about your old performance. They want you to be consistent, hence the reason they want you to have great performance within the last 2-3 months. If not, they push you back and they allow people with good performance at the front of the pack. You can have any income goals you want, but Fiverr can't guarantee anything. If people were happy with your service in the past but less happy now, they care about current performance and that's what matters to them the most. You may want to find another source of income, because putting all your eggs in a single basket is not ok if the basket ends up broken in the end. I've been here for 10 years and honestly it does feel that Fiverr can be a harsh environment at times, especially with this new focus on the first time buyers. But as I said, it's a good idea to find multiple income sources. I am dealing with a similar problem, Fiverr income was abysmal the past few months. We need to adapt to the platform's changes and hopefully deliver great results!
  8. It's conversion rate, not conversational rate. Fiverr gave you a boost, just like they do to all sellers. But eventually they push you back in search so others can benefit from the exposure.
  9. You would not be a CEO. That's not how it works. Everyone would categorize Fiverr as a pay to win company. And Fiverr doesn't want to be known for that. Instead, it offers equal opportunities to every person. And those that are good and which keep customers happy get consistent sales. Why would Fiverr take $20 for Seller Plus and provide more exposure to someone that delivers low quality work? People that want access to some of the features will pay $20 for it anyway. So most people that want it already have it. Offering that ranking benefit.. it wouldn't be fair and a lot of talent would leave. And that's coming from someone that had seller plus since the beginning, I was in the first 200 people..
  10. Well I am pretty sure you can add your credit card so they take the money automatically. Then again, you could cancel if you don't have any income from Fiverr. That would be totally up to you.
  11. What about this: I've been a member since the beginning, I have Premium, and my sales are much lower than they usually were over the past few years. Seller Plus is there for guidance and assistance, you have access to a few features that do come in handy. I do find some of those things necessary, but is it going to make or break your Fiverr tenure? Not really, no. It won't. You just won't have access to any of those tools or the ability to check in with the success manager. They won't delist gigs, derank or whatever you might think. You won't pay for that service anymore. That's all.
  12. Solve your PayPal issue. Fiverr is not a bank, they just keep your money until you can withdrawl. As others said, withdrawals are final so if you withdraw, then that's it. You will have money in your PayPal. If PP is not working, then that's what you want to solve.
  13. I've been dealing with this issue for years and they can do something... The problem here is that people purchase 20x the gig package and Fiverr keps 1x the deadline. Allowing us to lock gig packages would be a great solution and it's not like it's something very hard to do, a single button to lock/unlock the ability to purchase gig multiples is all Fiverr needs to add. Other similar platforms already have this feature, so I am certain Fiverr can add it too.
  14. If you're the one providing the service then I don't see why not. However, the fact that you are pretty much outsourcing the gig to someone else.. I am not sure if that's ok. It's a bit of a gray area. Ideally, you want them to create their own profile if they want to offer a service. Why wouldn't they do that?
  15. Why would you do that? Obviously it's against the rules... Why would Fiverr allow anyone to have an unfair advantage.
  16. Exactly. You never know how these things end up affecting your account. I don't think it brings any long term damage. But I can imagine Fiverr ranking people that don't request extensions a little better than those which tend to request extra time. Not that would be a problem, but with these algorithms being so complex.. we can only assume even the simplest things can bring some impact.
  17. The thing is, the work was delivered off-site in the case of this OP. The delivery button was not used properly to show proof, at least that's what the customer support person said. So you can see why everything has to be done via Fiverr, as otherwise you can't receive compensation in case anything is wrong.
  18. Pretty sure they were asking if there are any algorithm penalties if you extend. And that we don't know. But I did see in my own experience that after an extension is accepted, I receive less orders or messages, at least for a little while. So there might be a penalty, there might be none.
  19. If you want to purchase something from a seller, sure. Sending random messages to a seller to ask for work is not ok. Also, trying to manipulate the system to increase your respinse rate is also not ok. Instead of trying to game the system (which will end very bad for you), it's better if you just reply to buyers on time. You have 24 hours to reply.... That's a LOT of time.
  20. What did the mentor say and what changes did you make?
  21. Stop with the customer support. OP asked for some help from us. You don't have to go to customer support and waste their time with meaningless questions. Fiverr doesn't specifically say if extensions have a negative impact. Based on my experience on the platform, I would say no. Repeated extensions might be an issue since they can disturb a buyer, but a one time thing, I doubt that.
  22. Fiverr shows when he was last online. Was the online since he sent his last message on your order page? Maybe the buyer felt that's the final delivery and in his eyes the order is finished.
  23. Well business documents usually relate to things like certifications, private information, they also have signatures, etc. So it feels quite illegal to me. Even changing numbers in a PDF document is illegal, if you're changing things like product stocks, etc. It's falsification...
  24. If the order gets canceled, it's like it never existed. So obviously you're not getting paid a dime. Regardless of who cancels, your ratings will be affected when you cancel.
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