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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. I can understand the seller trying to offer you more revisions, that's nice and also fair. However, saying that you should take the order how it is.. that's bad customer service. That being said, you did say that one of the things they delivered was up to par so.. it's hard to know if customer support will side with you and give a full refund when one of the things was ok. You can go to CS and tell them the situation.
  2. Pretty sure people can leave negative private feedback even after a refund. And as my success manager said, even if people leave great public reviews, those private review can be drastically different.
  3. Try to update the app to the latest version from the app store. If they still say you are not allowed, try to contact customer support. Usually there's no issue, unless you have your account disabled. But if it works on desktop and not on mobile, only customer support can tell you what's wrong. Good luck.
  4. I suggest you focus on growing your freelance business. Cash Advance is a feature designed to be used ONCE in order to acquire everything you need to set up or improve your freelance business. Using it as a payday loan is definitely not what Fiverr intended.
  5. Think about it. IF and that's a big IF.. someone wants to find an online seller, that person is in a rush. Those are the people that have unreasonable deadlines, high demands and ask for the lowest prices. Ideally you want to stay away from those.
  6. It doesn't matter. You can stay 25h a day, staying online does nothing to sales.
  7. Because it was a cesspool of buyers that wanted to take advantage of sellers. I've been here for 10 years almost and I never saw a buyer request that would be suitable for me. And mind you, I have a lower price when compared to most writers here. Plus, they are using AI to automatically match briefs with suitable professionals. Which is much better, because those buyer requests rarely turned into orders, and they most likely generated a lot of cancellations. After all, many of those people were scammers trying to take advantage... Removing buyer requests was a great thing honestly, and I think most veteran sellers would agree.
  8. I will say what others will say when they see this too. If you're an expert in promotion, you don't need others to tell you what to do.
  9. There's no need for tactics. Present yourself professionally, deliver the best work, people will come.
  10. You heard wrong. They are violating the terms of service. Why does Fiverr prohibit you from using the platform anymore? So you can easily create a new account? Really? 🙂
  11. It's not gig-focused. It's account focused. So it will hurt your account, and all gigs are affected obviously. You will be pushed back in search. It's about the buyer satisfaction rate, cancellations make buyers unhappy and you will be penalized for that.
  12. 😄Or maybe he used it correctly.... Damn I laughed so much :)))
  13. I can imagine. Most people that bother completing these private reviews are unhappy customers. Regulars will rarely complete these..
  14. Public good reviews. As my success manager said, private reviews can be very different to what buyers said publicly. Some people are afraid of sharing how they really feel, and private reviews help with that. I just had a single bad public review the past 3-4 months, and yet my buyer satisfaction rate was not great. So there were other people that left bad or at least poorer reviews privately when compared to what they did online. I am not a fan of private reviews, especially with these issues being even more troublesome when your bad reviews come from a new Fiverr client. Those bad private reviews weigh in even more, which does turn people off when it comes to working with new buyers. If a new buyer is unhappy and he gives you a bad private review, that can push your gigs/profile back in search for months..
  15. If anything that shows me Fiverr gave them a boost, since it arrived randomly. And as Venonusa said, 20 impressions are really low, even 20 clicks are low for many niches, let alone 20 impressions...
  16. I am level 2 as well. The thing is, most Fiverr sellers are level 2. You're competing with a LOT of people, so obviously there's no way to ensure you have consistent orders from clients. Unless, of course, you deliver exceptional results and buyers are very happy. If your buyer satisfaction rate is very high, Fiverr always pushes you to the front. But if buyers leave bad private reviews, that becomes an issue and you barely receive orders for a while, maybe a month or two. So, consistency will arrive if you maintain an extremely high buyer satisfaction rate. Otherwise you will have people surpassing you in search. Study your competitors, see what works for them, improve your gig and enhance your skills. Then, if you keep people happy, Fiverr will continue promoting you!
  17. If your account was disabled that means you are permanently banned and can't sell on Fiverr anymore. So, it doens't matter if you ask Fiverr for permission or not, they will not allow you to create a new account.
  18. Since there are so many level 2 sellers, I think they stopped sending that email. No, I am not getting it, and I lost TRS just like you did, only years earlier. Honestly if you have seller plus, you have most of the TRS benefits, aside from the badge.
  19. It seems to me it has to do with his payment provider. Most likely the payment provider saw these purchases as something fishy and they automatically start refunding stuff. I think that might be it, but it could also be something else. However I think it's what I said above considering it happened more than once.
  20. If you're a top rated seller with great reviews, then why would you need a loan in the first place? I don't understand why would you need a loan 3 times. I get it once, to set up your freelancing business... But relying on Fiverr's loans for anything other than that is not that ok.
  21. If anything you are wasting people's times, OP. There's no benefit from any user here outside of you showing off your gigs.
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