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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. I know, but most of those sellers barely had any sales within the past 3 months, that's what I am saying. Keep us posted, I am curious despite not being a Pro seller anyway. My guess is, they will revamp the design for Pro and most likely make the Pro gigs easier to reach via Fiverr's main interface. That's what I think, but who knows.
  2. I am not sure how things are in the other categories. But as far as writing goes, there are few Pro gigs with actual orders in queue. Most of them rarely receive any orders, and I guess that's the reason why they are bringing some of the TRS into the PRO program. As for what changes they will make, I am not entirely sure. The fact that Pro sellers will receive more exposure tells me that either they will have even MORE exposure in the regular gig search, or they might actually feature Pro sellers more on the Fiverr Business platform. Then again, we live in very tough times financially, and AI is taking A LOT of sales from Fiverr, so I expected them to do something that benefits all sellers. But apparently Pro gigs make the most money, so I can see why they are doing that. We will see what will happen. What I saw is that at least in my category a lot of sellers dropped their prices, so at least for writers things are going pretty bad.
  3. So there are a few things here. Maybe he blocked you in the inbox, but it makes no sense because there's an open order. It could also be that the seller's account is under review. When that happens they are not allowed to connect with others, but a seller still continues to work on current orders. So that might be the case.
  4. Well most likely someone left you a bad private review. When that happens, that shows Fiverr one or more customers were unhappy and you are pushed back in search.
  5. That's the thing here. It already says the decision can't be undone so even if you contact them, they will say the same thing.
  6. There are notifications that don't go away for a while, but eventually do. You can log out and log in back agian, might help.
  7. It might disappear automatically. If it says you are verified, then you are 🙂
  8. As a freelancer you have to do that for yourself. It can be social media, other avenues you have. Obviously every person has their own ways to generate traffic. It's up to you to find what works. Don't expect someone to share a magic recipe that gives you traffic and sales, because they won't, if they have one they are keeping it for themselves so...
  9. As I told you in another topic, don't expect Fiverr to automatically hand you orders. There are people with way more reviews and time on the platform and buyers might gravitate toward them. Offer something great and unique. The fact that you have videos and pics is great, but most people have those as well.
  10. You don't get an order quickly. Focus on creating great gigs that are unique and don't copy others. Promote them yourself online and bring clients to Fiverr. Also, Fiverr might give you a boost too, if you're newer to the platform. But don't expect orders instantly, it takes months or for some people years to get that first order.
  11. I think it might have to do with AI. But it's hard to know man. As a writer myself I am seeing a massive slowdown in orders, and I am not alone.
  12. You are not allowed to post duplicate gigs. So obviously every description has to be unique.
  13. I think @breals was talking about the English you use in your gig description which is not native. Skin color doesn't matter on Fiverr, but if people see that you're listing Native English fluency and you have grammar mistakes, they will start questioning things you say and your overall integrity. The idea is, don't take it personal and learn from others on the Forum. If you don't want to learn anything that's fine, but you can expect some backlash from forum members at times if something feels iffy.
  14. Of course. But in some cases buyers are not in a rush. And not only that, but a day or two can make a significant difference. Obviously it depends on the service. Asking 2 more days for a 500 word article is way different than asking 2 extra days for a website...
  15. Well, Fiverr can encourage people to tip, that's the platform's choice. I agree that a lot of sellers complain about Fiverr taking too much as their cut. Why not increase prices then? It's that simple, and most buyers won't care. In fact, people that pay more for services are the ones that won't mind tipping, while you can find a lot of $5 sticklers that want a lot of extra work for that $5, you will work overboard, let alone receive any tip lol.
  16. The feature was canceled, for now. Generally these things are meant to stop sellers that try to game the system. A lot of sellers choose to manipulate the system and cancel orders, leaving buyers unhappy and without any work on a deadline. Obviously those sellers don't care, but the buyers have a negative experience and don't come back to Fiverr. So that's what Fiverr tries to prevent. As long as Fiverr protects sellers that did good work and whose buyers try to manipulate them, it should be good honestly.
  17. If you're marketing as an SEO expert, should you be asking about tools? If someone hires you, one can assume you are an expert and already know what you are doing. Just saying, people that see this post might not consider you a professional within your niche.
  18. It's just for people that have Seller Plus. A first time buyer can receive whatever discount you want and the campaign is for the first 10 buyers.
  19. I checked and in my case it's the same as it was last time. I think it might have to do with the average bids people do within your niche. Either that, or average gig prices, dunno. But clearly something happened.
  20. Thank you Mike! I can see why it's overlooked, because a lot, if not most sellers here want money fast. They don't really care about creating a business and being a full time freelancer. No, they just want to make money fast, and that's the issue. They couldn't care less about customers, and whenever something bad happens it's either due to Fiverr or their buyer. But it is what it is, thankfully Fiverr does push people back in search when this stuff happens so people with higher quality services can take their place.
  21. You can ask, as long as you're not telling them to review you in any way. Encouraging people to speak their mind isn't against the terms of service. Telling them how to review you is.
  22. That particular category has a minimum price of $80. That's because true website development will never be $5. If someone tries to offer that, then it's most likely a scam or a bunch of templates and assets put together which barely work. Proper development takes a lot of time, days or weeks in some cases, so $80 is certainly a minimum price for that amount of effort.
  23. There's no need for that. He just needs to mark as spam and move on. It takes just a second 🙂
  24. Yes, most likely you received one or more bad private reviews. Those can sink your gig in search for months, so improve the way you work and ensure that your clients are always happy.
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