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Seller Plus Member
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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Customer Support puts you in contact with the right department. But in this case, that department found you guilty of breaking the rules so the chances of learning more are slim. They do check every warning at least once, same with bans. So if they still maintained the decision, multiple team members checked and saw rules were broken. I am sorry to hear that, but then again it's a learning experience for you hopefully, try to avoid that and you will be fine. I also recommend reading the terms of service man, just to be safe.
  2. They tell you why. They also say to not contact customer support because warnings are not sent by them, it's by a separate department. And 99% of the time these are not sent by mistake.
  3. You have to read the terms of service man. It clearly says: Please Note: If you have completed the Course you will not be eligible for a refund. Also, users who purchase and refund multiple Courses may be subject to suspension for abuse of the refund policy. So if you completed the course, you can't ask for a refund. You can check their terms here https://learn.fiverr.com/pages/terms-of-service although I guess it's too late now. You can't complete the course, have the badge on your profile and also receive a refund. You should have refunded when you were close to completion..
  4. Share a screenshot or 2 screenshots with the emails and what Fiverr said. Pretty sure the information is there. And don't ask customer support, if you check you will see they say there's no need to contact customer support.
  5. You don't know what those buyers left in their private review. Fiverr encourages them to be brutally honest, and my success manager told me that many times those secret reviews tend to be very different to what buyers left publicly. Only god knows what they leave there honestly.. All I hear is praise too and guess what, I only survive on return clients these days, few to no new buyers. And when i asked my SM, she said that my buyer satisfaction rate is lower than it should be, so clearly those private reviews are hurting me. By the way, if they are from a new Fiverr client or new-to-you Fiverr client, those do even more damage. The problem in your niche and mine (writing) isn't Fiverr, it's AI. AI writing and AI voiceovers are a thing, and people are willing to use those tools instead of paying us more. So yes, one of the main reasons why a lot of quality providers have been dealing with a low amount of orders is definitely due to AI being a less expensive option. I also see you had only 4 reviews the past 3 months or so. Fiverr tracks your performance only over the past 2-3 months, and one of the reasons why you might not be getting work is that others have more reviews/orders, even if they have the same performance as you, their volume is higher. But as I said, AI is definitely one of the major concerns here. I've been working on Fiverr for close to 10 years now, I always worked alone and had tens of thousands of orders, but even so.., I still feel the lack of orders. We need to adapt, and find different services that fit modern times. At least that's the solution in my case.
  6. It shouldn't because there is no buyer, there's no order. And since they are a new client to Fiverr, they can't leave a review either. However, I dislike this sense of insecurity, why not talk with the provider first and if there are any other people that need to agree to this purchase, maybe talk with them...??Anyway, it is what it is.
  7. There are a ton of them, I see a lot of them ranked high and when you check their image on Google, it's from a random linkedin user. So yeah, many low quality providers try to manipulate the system, especially in my niche which is writing.
  8. Not all eggs, but the majority of them. Since I don't outsource, there are times when I am extremeloy busy and can't work on other projects. But yeah, this drought helped me reshift my focus. Unlike other people, I won't leave the platform, I will just adapt to the new changes. I know a lot of people here come from YouTube and other platforms where they are recommended to just use AI and make money. So I am sure Fiverr wants to get rid of low quality providers, hence their recent changes.
  9. Explain everything in the gig description or gig packages, as much as possible. If it's a 2-week package in the gig name, obviously people expect the deadline to be 2 weeks. Be transparent with customers and it should all be fine./
  10. So basically making clients think they are talking with someone when it's just AI changing stuff? Nah, human interaction is necessary and it always makes a difference. There are already premade responses you can use, it takes a few seconds to make the right changes and customize for each client.
  11. Fiverr is a business, and they do whatever it makes sense for them to generate income. There are pros and cons to Fiverr just like there are for any other freelancing platform. Just because that other platform ended up lowering their fees, they did it while also hitting benefits you had with long term buyers, among many others. Some people also prefer to just have jobs come to them instead of paying for bids that don't go anywhere. So as far as I am concerned, this is a much better platform for me. If it's not ok for you, go and pick another one, there are a large number of other options!
  12. This is a forum, not a game. Your rank doesn't matter here, it won't bring you more sales. People gain ranks from naturally posting here. There were some forum users that tried to game the system and liked everything, they were very annoying and lost their rank. So just post great content, or read the forum and learn.
  13. The thing is, if this buyer didn't share his requirements, the order is inactive. I have inactive orders from 2020... so as long as there are no requirements, the order stays inactive in your account. Maybe the buyer wanted to purchase but they don't have the requirements. As long as the order is not started, there's nothing to worry. You can try and send him a message in the inbox, just to see if he has the requirements, etc. Trying to cancel before allowing him to say anything might not have been the best play..
  14. A Fiverr representative said people that buy and sell on the platform will not be able to leave any review on canceled orders. That's to prevent bad actors. Well for most writers it is AI, but Fiverr's new systems don't help either. It is what it is honestly.. there's nothing we can do other than adapt and move on.
  15. Well Fiverr wants buyers to be happy and come back. It's their platform so they get to choose how they penalize sellers if buyers are not happy. I've been dealing with a lack of exposure for months now and it has affected my life and Fiverr work. But I also realize it's not my platform and this is what happens when you rely on a platform made by others. It is what it is.
  16. So my success manager said that the buyer satisfaction rate is calculated over the timespan of 90 and up to 180 days. So cancellations and bad reviews can affect us up to half a year. Which is why I assume many of us have issues right now
  17. I agree, manual writing won't go anywhere. What CHATGPT and other AI writing tools will do is remove a lot of the bad gigs from Fiverr that were usually spinning any existing text. Now people can receive a similar result for free. Quality writing is not going anywhere. I agree, AI hit me too, but I am still writing and will continue to do so. However, this shows that having a secondary or third source of income is not just extra money these days, it becomes a necessity 🙂
  18. You can check the forum. You are new to Fiverr, so Fiverr gave you a boost to have a chance against more established service providers. But that boost is obviously over at some point, so you have to promote your gigs yourself. And also try to find a client or two, because you have no reviews...
  19. I think Fiverr should allow us to see the buyer satisfaction rate, at least the overall number and see if it's ok or not. I don't like contacting my SM every week or month just to see if they were changes. I know they are busy and honestly if I had a graphic or just a number to know this, it would be much easier. Hopefully they eventually add this as a Seller Plus feature. In your case, those buyers might have left some bad private reviews. I saw you had multiple reviews that were close to 3 stars, a single star review within the last 3 months as well, so those can be the main reason. Also, AI might also play a factor when it comes to having less orders..
  20. It depends on the niche, but I will say this, if you talk about Seller Plus, that won't give you more impressions. It all comes down to the algorithm and they make some changes that penalize sellers if they don't have great performance. I will agree that the last 3-4 months were the roughest ones in my entire Fiverr tenure of close to 10 years now. I have seller plus and I can tell you it won't give you extra clicks or anything. The Promoted Gigs, maybe, but that's an ad system. Yeah, the thing is that clients also get to leave a private review. And as you imagine, that private review can sometimes be random, or a buyer might punish their seller for nothing. First time buyers (for you or the platform) will have even more say in the algorithm too, so that alone is why a lot of sellers are dealing with problems now. Plus, in the case of my niche (writing) and your niche (voiceover), AI has become extremely problematic, so Fiverr is not really to blame.. there are AI services that end up offering a similar service at a lower price, sometimes way lower. So you can see why buyers go to that instead of Fiverr.
  21. If there were 3 warnings, then the account is done, at least most of the time. If it was a mistake from Fiverr, they do check again and sometimes the accounts get restored. However, the chances of it being a mistake are very low. So more often than not, these decisions are final..
  22. Yes, I have no idea how people come to an English speaking platform trying to offer services to someone yet they don't even bother to improve their English.
  23. Even better, learn English 🙂 Grammarly can only do so much, and it's not always accurate, nor will it replace good old English knowledge 🙂
  24. I would personally go with extending delivery times. However, if you don't want to open the Fiverr app or your PC to reply to clients, just set yourself unavailable until you come back. It will take a while to pick up, but it seems the ideal option. In the end it's up to you, there's no good or bad option here.
  25. Well Fiver can tell you, no one else can. But I would think that if you see your own gigs when you are logged in, that shouldn't count. However, if you are logged out, I think it counts. It's only speculation honestly, only Fiverr knows.
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