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  1. i never welcome unwanted offers, keep it to yourself or else be polite
  2. guide me about the details of gig description and gig picture
  3. i'm not talking to you, focus on yourself and don't worry about me
  4. I ain't a kid!. I'm open to negative criticism. I always take that in a positive way but being straightforward and rude are two different things. Well, nevermind!
  5. thank you everyone but on fiverr we can set the minimum price as $80. So, how can I charge less?
  6. respected sir, 1) I used my websites in the video. 2) I am new to fiver but not on other platforms 3) just because I'm brown, my english fluency and integrity is brought to question ? please guide !
  7. I think if you will delay the order delivery, that would cast a really bad impression on the client.This would ultimately trigger him to cancel the project and as a result of this your profile will suffer. In contrary to this if you will try to deliver the project on time, this will help you to build a strong rapport with the client and he can also give you a tip.
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