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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Did you receive an email from Fiverr stating your order was late? If so, then you got hit 🙂
  2. https://www.fiverr.com/users/sheena_jones/edit/account I assume that's where you should go. You need to go to the account settings, and you have a Deactivate Account option.
  3. It depends. If you rarely have an order that's late, it can take 2-3 hours at most, and then it's marked as late by the system. If you deliver late more often, then it's within 1 to 60 minutes most of the time. I know, I mentioned this above for the OP. I assume most buyers will end up accepting the extension and not canceling the order. But it depends based on what the buyer wants, urgency, etc.
  4. I mean, to be honest.. my most problematic buyers were from the US mostly so.. as Vickie said, problem buyers can easily be from any country. I don't fault people for living in a certain region. It's their attitude, expectations, communication or lack thereof that's a major problem.
  5. There's no link to share here. It's common sense. You can't expect the delivery to be late and not receive a penalty.
  6. Well it depends on when the extension was accepted. If the order was already late when the buyer accepted your resolution, obviously it was already marked as late and you did not deliver on time. So your stats were affected. If the extension was accepted before the deadline, then it's all fine. However, if your order has a late delivery, whenever your order is marked as late, you have a late delivery penalty. That's another thing, if you're not delivering on time for this new deadline and it's marked as late again, you will have 2 late deliveries on the same order.
  7. Your delivery on time stats are already affected. What you can do is to ask for multiple extra days with this extension request. You might not know but if the buyer doesn't reply in 2 days once you sent the extension request, Fiverr automatically accepts the extension for you. However, if the order is 1 day late, the buyer can cancel it. So that's a thing to consider here. I would recommend asking for an extension that covers more than 2 days, in case that buyer is offline for the holidays and Fiverr accepts the extension automatically, you will have enough time. There's also the option to cancel because the buyer is unresponsive and you could go to customer support with proof that the buyer never shared the guidelines. However, that brings the question, what did the buyer send you though, because he did start the order if it's already late..
  8. There are quite a lot of people that charge for revisions. As an article writer, charging for revisions on an article that's short is obviously not something I would do. But on an ebook that has over 15000 words and the buyer wants to add new chapters or change sections, obviously you would charge for revisions. Same thing is valid when it comes to website creation, voiceover. If it's a small change, I am sure lots of people will just do the modification for free. Yet when you have to spend more than 10-15 minutes on changing something, it's like @newsmikesaid.. people don't work for free. I will close an eye and make a small change, but when you ask for significant revisions that involve quite a bit of extra work, come on..
  9. That might be connected to a private review from the customer, hence the reason why they pushed you back in search
  10. It would cost them if they lose 10% based on your recommendation/opinion. You can bring new people to the platform now for free.. so what's stopping you? They do have an affiliate program where you get paid for getting people on the platform, so you might check into that. However, there's no way they lower their fees. Fiverr is already trying to charge for a lot of things, like the Ad system, Seller Plus, so you think they would lower fees if you bring new buyers to the platform? No one is stopping you, they already have advertising campaigns to bring in new buyers and those are super costly. They won't spend even more and lose money just because you can bring people to the platform.
  11. As I said, the financial incentive for them is very low. They would need another department or people that work solely on this and since they only get a 20% cut from us, it doesn't make sense for them I guess. I might be wrong, but pretty sure they would need to hire people and thus deal with extra costs just for this... That's why I always stayed with smaller prices and gig packages, since it's not as appealing for people to do a chargeback for a low amount. They go for the much bigger fish in the pond, that's why we usually see expensive gigs getting hit with a chargeback, at least recently based on forum posts. Or maybe others get hit at lower prices and instead of sharing it here, they move on.
  12. It's not a win for Fiverr. They already spend quite a lot on ads to bring buyers. Plus you have a referal program and you get paid money if you bring new clients so..
  13. Dude, it's the holiday season. People buy presents and gifts for the ones they love, few of them actually buy stuff on Fiverr for their business. Real world rules apply.
  14. I was about to say, that's not Paypal they are using. PayPal are very generous with the customer protection, up to 6 months. That means if you buy something new, you can ask for a refund up to late June 2024. The problem here is that PayPal won't automatically give the money to you as far as I know. When you initiate a refund, the merchant also needs to agree to that. And now the problem.. Fiver doesn't enter these disputes the way they should, because they would have to deal with dozens or hundreds of disputes a day/week I assume. So they just automatically accept the resolution, which means you can ask for a refund and Fiverr will automatically agree to that. I agree they should offer better protection, but most likely it's not worth it for them to pay someone or a new team to pursue chargebacks only, it would be an additional cost for them and... the return is minimal honestly. Even on a $1000 refund, they would get $200 for that team. And that's not even taking into account less expensive orders where they would get let's say $5 from a $50 order. That's why I think they are doing an automatic resolution. And it's also why I always stayed at a very inexpensive rate, I rarely have to deal with chargebacks, if at all. But I heard from people with higher prices that they do have chargebacks from time to time, while the last one I had was pre-pandemic if I remember correctly. Yeah, PayPal doesn't offer an automatic refund, the merchant has to agree. But in Fiverr's case, they have an automatic agreement. Most merchants don't have an automatic system and they will either deny the refund and talk with the customer or accept it if the customer is too hard to deal with. But they are the ones to choose..
  15. Udemy is also not free.. All learning platforms cost money or they are monetized in one way or another. But to my point.. You don't need to accumulate diplomas, the idea is to learn and there are plenty of free learning resources for most niches.
  16. Staying online does nothing for your gigs. It's a waste of time. As for deranking: you received a boost as a new seller, now other new sellers are getting that boost. So it was a temporary boost, new sellers always receive that. But once you receive a few orders, you are sent at the back of the pack so other sellers can receive that boost. It's normal.
  17. It sounds fishy because as far as I know, Fiverr doesn't have any EU subsidiary. So it might be a scam site posing as Fiverr. Ideally, you want to do a chargeback if possible. Fiverr support might also help, but they could say it's not Fiverr who charged you, which might very well be the case.
  18. To keep the review system fair, Fiverr requires you to rate the buyer before you can see their reply. Obviously, if you can see the reply, you would automatically give them a bad rating. So they want you to say exactly what you feel when rating a buyer, not base your rating on their own rating.
  19. Fiverr won't sacrifice anything. If they would do this, we would encounter something to counterract the "sacrifice" like high withdrawal fees or something. I don't see the benefit for Fiverr. If anything, buyers would create a new account all the time since there are also various deals for first time buyers.
  20. Testing is one of the worst and most cumbersome way to earn via playing games. Testing means playing the same thing over and over and over to find bugs. It's meant to be a job, not something fun you do to enjoy yourself. In general, the best ways to make money by playing games are not something you would do on Fiverr.
  21. Well 2023 was already pretty bad for Fiverr writers, hopefully people realize that AI content is garbage. But yeah, I don't see the content writing industry growing. OP is a writer so obviously he is biased.
  22. It depends on the video. If it's low quality, it can hamper your results instead of making you stand out. So it can definitely be a double-edged sword.
  23. There is, if you check above I attached screenshots. You just have to disable it from the accessibility options. I am pretty sure Fiverr is forced to add some accessibility options to the site and as we work within Chrome, we can end up activating them by mistake. But it's a very easy fix, as you can see from the steps I've shown above.
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