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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. No problem. I know the frustration because I dealt with the same problem.
  2. It doesn't matter how many reviews you have, or how many orders. Fiverr tracks the past few months to check your performance. You could have 1000000 reviews and lately you are slacking and randomly delivering stuff, because people rely on you. Obviously in order to keep things fair, Fiverr will track the performance for everyone and that way it's a level playing field for everyone no matter how many reviews they have. Otherwise we would always be at the top and people with 10-15 reviews would have 0 chances of getting orders. So I get that. The problem is whenever private feedback is negative, and maybe the main concern for me is that a lot of people leave random private reviews without caring. That's a problem because those reviews are obviously impacting our livelihood. Not to mention many people don't leave private reviews and most of those that do tend to leave a negative one. That's why a lot of people see a huge drop in impressions, because they barely had private reviews, and when one dropped it was not positive.
  3. Imagine my case. I had to figure this out on my own. A LOT of trial and error. I even reset Chrome to default and it was doing the same. So eventually I figured out is was from Fiverr. Browsed through all options and eventually discovered this.
  4. Oh, I can help you guys. I had the same issue a while ago and it drove me crazy. Here's what you need to do, with screenshots. Go at the bottom of the page and press the Accessibility button And then you have to disable the screen reader option. You press on it a few times, so it shows exactly as it appears here. And then it's done, you can refresh the page and there won't be any problems anymore. I think some key combination enables it by mistake.
  5. Partial deliveries are not ok and they can bring a warning. You can send the files as a message if you want to receive some feedback, but if you want to press the delivery button, make sure that the order is complete. Otherwise you're in trouble.
  6. You don't rank your gigs, nor do you receive any advantage if you are online. It only gets worse if you try to cheat the system with auto refreshers and stuff like that.
  7. He became level 1 after selling 10 gigs in over 1 year. I am not sure how that's a sign of success, there are people within the same niche selling that in a week.. maybe less. But he's happy about it :))
  8. The clearance time for orders is 2 weeks, unless you have Seller Plus, in which case it's a week. If you completed the order on the 16th, I assume the buyer didn't mark it as complete himself, you waited 3 more days, so on the 19th it started the 14-day clearance process. That means December 3rd you should be able to access those funds. If he did mark it as complete right away, it's still the last day of the month. You need to understand that it takes 14 days to wait until your funds are cleared, that's how Fiverr works, and it has worked like that for over a decade. If you want to wait a bit less, you can pay for Seller Plus.
  9. You have 4 denied gigs, what's up with those? What are you trying to sell?
  10. Obviously. You shouldn't delete a gig if you plan on keeping it active. As Milos said, at this point all you can do is create a new gig.
  11. Exactly. And there's another issue. The OP expects to "receive" orders. That's not how the platform works. You need to make yourself stand out, and Fiverr will push the profile to the target audience. I see a lot of sellers offering copy-paste or very similar services to everyone else, and then they are wondering why they have no orders..
  12. I wanted to say both. Regardless, clearing both from time to time leads to a better browsing experience. I have a browser that I use only for Fiverr and even that ends up clogged with useless cookies and cache. So for me, clearing those every couple of months keeps the experience very smooth.
  13. Well that's what clearing the cache is supposed to do, log you out and remove website data 🙂
  14. I assumed you already tried that. Well, generally when there are any issues with sites, clearing cache/cookies is the way to go.
  15. You can mark the person you need to reply to with a Star, and then check starred conversations.
  16. Yeah but at what cost? 😄 That's the thing, I don't think you have a great ROI if you do that. And if you go by region, you don't really know if that region will give you any business or not.
  17. Social media ads in general won't be great for a Fiverr gig because you need to target a specific region. So if you're targeting the wrong region, you're wasting money. It's better to not use that, as you can see reuslts are not that great. You're much better off using the paid ads system offered by Fiverr, their Promoted Gigs.
  18. Because new sellers can't use random tools to always appear online? Staying online does nothing for sales, but it still doesn't stop people from wasting their time or as I said, using tools to manipulate the system.
  19. If you just rely on being online to get orders, you're already doing things wrong. Create a great service that catches the attention, Fiverr already shows new sellers way more often than older sellers. So you have a chance to stand out and obtain orders. But if your gigs are identical or similar to others, then don't expect amazing results.
  20. This is a mistake. And guess what, I just left the review and moved on. If you don't move on and nag Fiverr's Team or the client, you might receive a warning or even a ban. So move on, I got the worst possible rating by mistake and still moved on. There's nothing you can do. You can't force a person to rate you the way you want. Maybe the buyer felt something could have been a little better. I am curious to see what's your behavior when you receive a bad review, if a 0.3 star deduction causes such a stir.
  21. I didn't say it is. However, if a buyer gives you a bad private review, you will be pushed back. And even buyers that give you a good public review might rate you bad privately. Because Fiverr asks them if the work was useful, if they liked it, and if they say no (some people randomly complete that too), then it will affect you. My Fiverr success manager told me that a lot of people that give good public reviews rate you bad privately, because that's not public so they can be more honest. If they receive bad private reviews often, eventually they are pushed back. Seller performance is studied over multiple months, so eventually it will damage them. I suggest you focus on yourself and don't care about others, because you can't influence their reputation or what they do. You don't have to explain yourself and what happened with that client. I was just telling you that if you have bad private reviews, that damages your reputation and you are pushed back. The number of reviews doesn't matter, what matters are the past 2-6 months and your performance. Also, not everyone that rates you publicly will do a private review, so if a bad private review hits, then that will have even more importance.
  22. Pretty sure that's why you are pushed back in search.
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