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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. They could make any review shared by a seller for their buyer hidden until the private review period is over, then it appears on their page. That would allow transparency on both sides, and sellers can speak their mind instead of being worried about a bad review. I agree, the current system allows buyers to be very vindictive if they receive a bad review. Some don't care, but there are a few that do.
  2. It's up to you. If you expect sales from it, then it's not for you. This is more to provide you with tools that improve your overall experience, but they are not mandatory. And also you can talk with someone from Fiverr that can give you some guidance on how to improve your gigs. For some people that's great, for others less so.
  3. Well a lot of 24 hour buyers don't even leave reviews. Actually it will be very bad if you are dealing with extremely demanding buyers, regardless of price or quick delivery. Fiverr needs to show buyers exactly how each option affects the review. Because as everyone said, a simple emoticon can easily ruin the reputation of a seller, so that's not exactly great. More transparency is better, and honestly I don't see emoticons as a professional way to rate people. Use it for the fun categories, but when it comes to a professional service.. I much prefery the very bad/very good route or just stars..
  4. I see that a lot of sellers have 4 star reviews so this new review system is definitely working if Fiverr wants to eliminate the overwhelming amount of perfect reviews people get every day. We'll see, but at least in the last few days I saw quite a lot of 4 star reviews with great texts attached to them, so the way the rating is calculated with those emoticons is quite strange. Because in general, people tend to seem very happy.
  5. Do they show the final review score before you press Publish? Like it showed in the initial image posted by Kesha? I mean this:
  6. What do you think? If you have to ask, even you know it's not ok.
  7. That's what I was afraid of, really. Random reviews made by people that have no idea how their small choice impacts their rating..
  8. Well most sellers have 4.8 to 5 stars. That makes it very difficult for a buyer to narrow down the best option.
  9. That's always how change will be. Obviously we just have assumptions man. It's hard to predict how things change. But as I said to Mandy earlier, if we don't adapt... there's not a whole lot we can do. It is scary and challenging, but AI might open new opportunities too.
  10. Exactly, they are using AI as a tool. AI is not replacing them. Regardless, as I said, it's hard to predict things, I am not thinking many years ahead. In just a year, AI did its number on Fiverr orders and a lot of people are struggling right now. Plus, with these changes like reviews for canceled orders and now a new public review system with emoji, Fiverr is eliminating even more sellers from the equation. It was never easy to be a freelancer, but it seems now it's one of the most challenging times yet. However as I said, we have to adapt. I don't focus on what the future of AI is, because I don't really care about AI. I know there's a ton of money in the industry and that attracts lots of players, even Windows 12 will have AI features. But the things is, we need to learn how to use it, not to make it fully replace us.
  11. There's no guarantee, but I can only assume that farming, medical services, dentists, some form of entertainment won't be replaced by AI. Even writing, despite the fact that some will just use AI to write stuff, the truth is that you will always have people that want human-written content. That won't go away, and that's why I am not very worried about AI myself. Of course things always change, but we can always adapt. That's why it's hard to create a list, because things are always subject to change.
  12. That won't happen because they are private. If they make these public, they won't be private anymore. So, most likely either those are removed or they remain as always.
  13. Hopefully if Fiverr goes through with this change, they remove the need for private reviews. Now buyers have to rate pretty much the same stuff twice? Makes no sense, and a lot of people won't. Aside from those that severely want to damage your reputation. Those will always do 🙂
  14. Same here. I think you severely underestimate the power of the human mind. Just because some things can be automated, that doesn't mean everything will. If you're so worried about AI taking over, maybe you may want to find another job that won't be touched by AI.
  15. I started working on Fiverr 10 years ago and I never had my ticket marked as solved or anything like that. All my issues were solved. It also matters the issue at hand, if you are at fault, etc. Fiverr support doesn't have control over the algorithm so they can't remove you from search.
  16. Ok, so I think I am a part of this system, at least this is the review I received a few hours ago. Here's how it looks. I am pretty sure this is a part of the beta..right? It's strange that the rating breakdown scores will be updated in the coming weeks... but I get it if it's a part of this beta..
  17. A lot of buyers just leave random stars, and adding these emoticons and even more steps to leave a review will just make buyers rate their sellers randomly. I had a 1 star review last year due to the person rating me at 1 AM, even if the text was positive he just randomly left stars. So I can assure you that adding more steps to a review is not going to be helpful, at least it will have a negative impact on sellers. Also I saw a 40 word limit to the reviews? Most people don't even bother to leave 2-3 words as a review, let alone 40.. Maybe it's characters, but even then.. It's a professional platform, so I don't see the use or need for emojis. It makes the entire platform feel less professional in the eyes of a buyer. After all, in a professional setting you don't expect trivial stuff like emojis. My 2 cents: Fiverr wants to further differentiate sellers and not have everyone with 4.9 or 5 star ratings. Let's face it, few buyers will rate work as exceptional. I am also highly concerned how those older reviews will translate to the new system. A few weeks ago I had a 3 star average on my main gig and profile, it was due to an error and I reported to customer support. That being said.. I have over 18k reviews and not that many are 3 stars or less so.. .. I really hope that conversion won't mess things up, not sure if that 3 star average was a test or not, but it wasn't calculating things properly. That's my concern as well. I am very worried that people would just see it as a very good delivery, yet Fiverr's rating system won't. So that alone will bring certain issues for sellers. As I said earlier, maybe it's a way for Fiverr to differentiate sellers even further, but I don't see emojis helping with that or making the rating system easier. I had lots of people placing those stars randomly so.. I really hope it will all be fine.
  18. Go to customer support and tell them your account was hacked. And you didn't place the order. They should cancel it. Anyway, customer support is the only one that can help here.
  19. That's not a buyer if no purchase is made. In order for someone to become a "buyer", they need to "buy" something. But if no purchase is made, that's just a random person wasting your time. I had instances when people sent over 10-20 messages and tried to squeeze my brain of ideas, then they never came back. In general, you would expect a purchase to be made after 2-4 messages back and forth. If someone just takes a LOT of time to reply and they clearly don't want to purchase anything, it's just a waste of time.
  20. How many times do you need to repeat this, Filip? Unfortunately people don't care and always ask this because they want to cheat the system and surpass others without doing the work. To be honest with you, I am disgusted to see all these topics regarding the idea of staying online and getting more work, staying active, etc.
  21. What's wrong with level 2? I was a top rated seller too, and lost it due to a surgery that destroyed my ratings. I didn't see any major difference between being a level 2 and a top rated seller so.. People that are in a rush are the worst clients you can ever deal with. They always push you to deliver as quick as possible, they message you in the middle of the night asking if it's ready (multiple times), etc. I experienced this kind of stuff with a person where they asked something, I replied and then had to go to sleep as it was over 2 AM for me. But they continued to send around 5-7 more messages during the night and frustrated, placed an order without even asking for a reply. Then upon delivery, they started insulting me and stuff. So I know very well that people in a rush are the worst type of client you can have. Even if you're in desperation for orders, I wouldn't recommend that. But you do you, I know it's really bad to deal with that kind of people. They don't appreciate or respect the work you do, they just want it fast, most likely to flip it to others and make a profit. So.. yeah, the idea of being online for others to find you for quick work, not really that great.
  22. You may think that but it's not the case. Most people look at reviews. They couldn't care less about people being online. I've been here for 10 years and I sometimes ask people how they found me, and no one said because I was online. So I rest my case. It might work for some, but most if not all serious buyers will focus on your reviews, samples and previous work. Sure, if you take a day to reply, they will try someone else.
  23. It's not. I have over 11k reviews on my main gig and I am not listed as the first in search. The number of reviews doesn't matter, just your performance within the past 2 months. And if someone left you a bad private review, which I think might be the case, obviously you are listed under people with 0 reviews, because their performance is better than yours. They are not affected by a bad private review, you are. I encourage you to learn more about private reviews. As my Fiverr success manager said, a lot of people leave great public reviews, but when they are asked to leave a private review, they sometime tend to leave a bad review, some even do that by mistake. Regardless, I had the same issue for months until things bounced back, so it will take a while to get back.
  24. You just had 4 orders and maybe one of them had a bad private review, even if the public review was rather positive. You never know what review that person left in private so..
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