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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. 1945×1052 40.9 KBWell all I can see is this. I am promoting only some of my gigs, not all, but as you can see there’s no difference, there are no views.
  2. Of course, but then again, even the worst ad would get a few impressions. I’ve been using this on multiple gigs and none got even a single impression. So… clearly if you’re removed from search for some reason, this will not help you in any way.
  3. That’s due to the pandemic and a lot of people believing that Fiverr is the ultimate recipe to make money online fast. A lot of YouTubers are stating that it’s easy to make money on Fiverr and people are making low quality gigs that will never get any traction. What they do is they get in front of legitimate, professional sellers that actually want to make an honest living by harnessing their skills. Ever since the pandemic started, I saw a decrease in sales. Speaking of that, I want to provide another update. I am still not getting any views with the promotion, so if the gigs are removed from search on purpose by Fiverr’s algorithm, you have to wait until you are back in search. At least that’s what it seems to me
  4. I believe the reason why I am not in search is because during October and November I had the number of cancellations increase quite a lot. I barely more than a dozen cancellations in 2 months, yet due to Fiverr’s payment system not working properly people were placing orders and the payment was not going through. So now I have 140 cancellations for the past 2 months. I am over 90%, so those are not taking into account for the completion rate, but I am sure they are taken into account when it comes to ranking. So I am pretty sure that’s the reason why I am in the back. The idea here was that whenever you are removed from search, this feature doesn’t seem to be working. So I just have to wait for a montht to get back. Now I am worried that Fiverr will still have failed payments and I end up in the back again. Not sure what happened there, but I do know one client that reached to me and told me his payment failed, when he tried a second time the order was active, but it wasn’t in my queue, nor did the buyer could access it. Thankfully I was able to complete it by talking with the customer in the inbox… So yes, at least in my case, Fiverr was extremely buggy for the past 2 months or so, and I am paying the price for that with deranking. So yes, I can’t really do anything with these promoted gigs until I am back in search. Since they take the past 2 months into account… I assume I will most likely be able to use this service in late January or hopefully earlier.
  5. You don’t lose organic visibility, but I am not getting any organic views on Fiverr from anything aside old customers. I am fully removed from search, and because of that I assume the promoted gigs don’t work. I clearly see all I can do is wait.
  6. Exactly what @vickiespencer said, and what I already stated in a few other topics. I only get orders from regulars. People that already have your link are able to buy from you. However, I am not exposed to new customers, while others with similar or lower stats are. As I said, i am fully removed from search, it’s not like I am at the bottom. You can’t find any of my gigs in search, unless you use the Country filter, and even then I appear only on desktop, not on mobile.
  7. Well, I used this thing on 2 of my gigs. Since I’ve been removed from search, I wanted to see if this will give me exposure or not for those 2 gigs. Well, after 2 days, there are no views registered from the paid promotion, not to mention 0 orders. So as far as I can see, if they removed you from search for some reason, you can try to pay for exposure, it won’t really make a difference. I will get back with an update after a week, but even so, for 2 days I was expecting at least a few views. Clearly there are other factors at play.
  8. At least you are still in search. I’ve been fully removed from search for a month, and that’s for all my gigs. Regarding gig rotation, it all comes down to gig performance and how many sales you have, how fast you reply to customers, the reviews you get, obviously and so on.
  9. The current system is fair. You can still share your opinion, as long as you pay for the order. It’s not like buyers are not allowed to do that, but getting a refund, keeping the delivered content, having the seller penalized for cancellation and also sharing a bad review, that seems to bring an overpowered buyer and a seller without any protection. If someone paid for the content, it seems more than fair to share their opinion. But if you don’t pay, why have the opportunity to do so?
  10. So you don’t care if a person’s livelihood gets destroyed, as long as you have your way to damage someone else’s reputation without even paying for their service in the end (you’re getting your money back). The system is fair. If you want to share your opinion about the experience, you need to pay for it. I find it very fair.
  11. I had someone that placed multiple smaller orders over 3 years, totaling $250 or $300, around those lines. They came to me saying that their website (which I got on the first page of Google by the way, with the content I wrote) wasn’t indexed on Google anymore due to some shenanigans they did. And they blamed me for that, they threatened me to destroy my account, follow me everywhere online and post bad reviews and so on. So even if they used my content and made money from it for 3 years, I reached to Fiverr and they said for us to find a solution. In the end, I refunded him $250 and a year after, he comes to me for more content like nothing happened. Of course I blocked him, all he did was a ploy to get his $$ back and I was extremely harassed and threatened. So… people believe that leaving feedback on a canceled order is a good thin? NO IT’S NOT. It just allows persons like the one above to harass the seller even more. The seller was not paid at all, he didn’t receive any compensation for the work, and a cancellation penalizes him too.
  12. They protected you, they gave you your money back. And you can feel free to choose another seller. Then accept the order, pay for the gig basically and share whatever opinion you have.
  13. Sellers can’t do that, Fiverr catches on to them and a lot of people were banned for this. So they are taking action. It’s sad to see that you lost a week, but as I said above, sellers are penalized for canceling any order. So it will mess up his/her stats, and they didn’t get paid anything for their work. If you’re Fiverr, you have to see things from both sides. The seller already got penalized and lost $$ too, where you just lost time, since you got your money back. So as far as I can see, the seller got it worse already. And you want to penalize the seller even more? That feels malicious, not gonna lie. As I said above already, I don’t believe it’s ok to write a review for something that you never paid for. If you chose to accept the delivery and review the work, absolutely, because you paid for it. But you had a choice, get the refund or share your opinion after accepting the order. There’s no middleground here, and as a seller myself, I find it fair. If people that canceled orders would be able to write reviews, that would encourage all competitors to place bad reviews on a gig and burry it. That’s a huge problem to have if I were Fiverr. So, while the system is not perfect, it works, and I do believe it’s fair. You had the option to accept the order and share your opinion because you paid for it. When you wanted your $$ back, you forfeited your right to share your opinion. Which is fair, you can’t have both things and also have the seller penalized for cancellations and not get paid.
  14. Sellers are penalized by Fiverr, and they can get demoted if they don’t keep high stats. So they are penalized anyway. As for reviewing something you didn’t pay for in the end, isn’t that unethical? You have the right to review if you actually paid for a service. But it sounds fair to me that people who receive a refund shouldn’t be able to write a review. This way competitors could easily manipulate the system, buy a gig and then refund it just to share a bad review. So… you can see how this can go wrong.
  15. Research and you will find it. Why would I and many other sellers share any secret, whether we know it or not? You make big money from that, but what about us? How does it benefit us?
  16. Check near your name, in the upper right if you are on desktop. Does it show the amount you paid for the order? If yes, you were refunded.
  17. The seller is most likely banned. When that happens, every buyer receives a refund. So you should have a refund in your Fiverr balance.
  18. This is a topic that doesn’t need to exist. If Fiverr sees you worthy of the badge, they will promote you. That’s all there is to it. They have their own metrics…
  19. Not really fortunate. I had one good situation and dozens of paypal disputes from scammers over the years.
  20. Well, the buyer can issue a chargeback via their bank or PayPal, but in that case he gets automatically removed from the platform. If customer support cancels the order, the buyer most likely ended up unhappy and he wanted something else. Some scam buyers will try to cancel right after getting the delivery, so there’s that. Customer support will side with sellers too, I mean I had a team of scammers trying to scam me, they even did a paypal dispute and their account was removed, but despite that I still got paid since I showed I delivered all the work.
  21. I didn’t. But considering how much work overload they have, I don’t feel like waiting a week for a reply.
  22. If you’re asking me, the buyer reviewed his order and in 15 days (yesterday) my gig was canceled and the amount was removed from my wallet.
  23. Same thing happened to me, got the order canceled by customer support randomly. No message, no nothing
  24. Social media shares are most likely not going to bring you any sales. So YOU are one of the reasons why I see random Fiverr gigs on Quora? It just makes the user experience worse, and people see them as spam.
  25. Only Fiverr customer support can help. We are sellers just like you. The verification process is very simple…not sure what was misunderstood but as I said, they can help, we can’t.
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