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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. It's the first time I am hearing about this. Why would that matter, since the platform is international. I think the problem here is AI, and less people buying. That's the case for many niches, writing also being one of them as we both know. It's strange for me to hear that buyers leave a platform because of a war. They didn't leave when the Ukraine war started, and it's still happening (I live right near Ukraine..). Now the focus is on this war, until another one might take its place. It doesn't matter if Fiverr is in Israel or not, since it can move data and operate from other places.. At least that's what I think. It's sad to hear that you're quitting the platform, you should at least keep your gigs open.
  2. I mean.. you are selling on an ENGLISH SPEAKING PLATFORM. So one would assume you need to know at least some English to operate here.
  3. I have paid 5 gigs, what should I do now - You CREATED 5 gigs. You didn't pay for anything. Add samples, promote your gigs, try to create other gigs that are different to what everyone is selling in that category. Because from what I see, you offer the identical thing thousands of other sellers do already.
  4. Well right from the start, that means people dislike something when it comes to your gig, be it your description or costs. If I were a customer looking for that kind of service though, it's the 3 star review saying you were late. But as I said, it can be a number of things. It's hard to pinpoint, however improving your gig and experimenting with a new description, revamping your prices and offers, maybe that can help. There's no way to know unless you try.
  5. So he delivered an incomplete order? That's a bannable offense here on Fiverr. Of course you can receive a refund, especially if the seller did not complete the order. Even if he did, Fiverr can't force you to just accept it. Go to customer support, https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets and let them know about the issue, ask for a refund, I am sure they will refund you.
  6. Why would you offer any service that you have no knowledge for? It will just end up bringing a ton of problems in the future. People expect to work with a professional, not someone that just creates gigs in low-competition niches. Guess what, those niches are low-competition for a reason? Either they are new, or there's no huge demand for them in the first place. Instead of trying to find a low hanging fruit, I highly recommend just improving your skills and not trying to find "get quick rich" schemes.
  7. It depends on what you are looking for. I've been a seller for over 10 years and I find these extra features useful. But there's also the question of pricing, if it's worth it for you. Are you making enough on the platform to justify this purchase? I saw on the forum that some new sellers wanted to buy Seller Plus with the idea that they would have guaranteed orders. Which is not the case. As long as you are making some money on the platform and want to improve, it should be worth it. I do agree Premium is better, but that is, if you need some of those features. I tend to rarely bother my success manager, because I know she's busy, so I only email her when I actually need help. Others need a lot of meetings to improve their gig, so it's definitely up to your personal situation.
  8. Of course. Why wouldn't we? If you like those features and perks, you pay for them. If not, you ignore and move on 🙂
  9. Member since May 2015.. How is this a new seller?
  10. You don't upgrade to a Pro account. You apply for Pro and Fiverr will choose if you are suitable for the Pro marketplace or not. Only a few people get accepted, so don't raise your hopes too much. But you don't even have a review or an order, let alone a gig... you need to prove yourself first, or show your previous work that blows Fiverr's team away. Otherwise, the chances of becoming a Pro without an order are slim to none.
  11. So as I always say, it had to do with a bad private review. That kills a gig, one or more of those.
  12. That niche has a lot of people using online tools and AI to create designs. That's why it's thriving when it comes to how many services are there. Unfortunately...
  13. You have to realize that the entire story looks sketchy. My Payoneer is not working at all but "conveniently" I have someone in the US that uses another platform which can get the money for me. I am not saying you're lying but the entire story seems sketchy. That being said, if it is true.. ideally you don't want to do that either. What exactly happened to your Payoneer account? Did it get banned?
  14. Why would you lie about your location? Obviously Payoneer will try to match your location with the account, and if they are different, that's not ok. Use your own account, if you use someone else's account, that might lead to major issues in the future. You can't just add and remove accounts as you please, pretty sure you can only use your own account and you can't change it. After all, most sites like Payoneer or PayPal just allow you to have one account. So..
  15. I can, but not every day because as you said, it takes its toll on your mental health. I am fine with writing a lot every day, I did that quite a bit over the years. To be honest with you, this year and AI taking over some of the writing market was a blessing in disguise, since I can start focusing more on myself, so at least in my case it did help me spend more time focusing on hobbies, while also not being under constant stress.
  16. I like everyone says they are spending time, but spending it on WHAT EXACTLY? :))) Looking at a monitor is not time spent freelancing.
  17. He had some reviews and orders the past few months if you check his profile.
  18. It depends on what you offer and how much competition is there. Getting one or more bad private reviews can also become an issue here. So yeah, a lot of people have downtime now and few to no orders. But the reason is always different.
  19. Why would they explain anything? They are not paid or have to give you anything. They just offer a platform where you can sell, whether you sell or not, they don't care. They will get a cut of your sales and that's about it. In your case, and also in my case, along with other people, it all comes down to AI. 2023 really messed up a lot of accounts here on Fiverr due to AI. There are plenty of AI voiceover tools that people can use, and they are less expensive than a VO professional. So obviously a lot of people in these niches ended up losing a ton of work. It's sad because there's a lot of great talent here without work, but it is what it is. Also, your last review might be attached to a bad private review, because Fiverr also asks people for private reviews, and in those cases, they say if they liked the work, if it was useful or not. Obviously if anyone says anything negative, that affects your account quite a bit. So it might be that, or a combination of that thing with AI taking a lot of the voiceover service market by storm.
  20. Switch Fiverr to Euro You can find it at the bottom of any Fiverr page. And then you just revert to your regular currency. That way they are happy, you're happy!
  21. Well there's no reason to delete your account. You can easily let it be and eventually you might get more work, or you can start promoting your gigs, generating some traffic on your own. Ideally, you want to find other ways to pay the bills, and leave Fiverr active. These days, AI has ruined a lot of niches. It's really bad, yet all we can do is adapt.
  22. There are plenty of people doing this especially men that want to mislead buyers into thinking they are working with a woman. There were plenty of people doing this especially in the writing niche, trying to mislead others, and it worked. However, many or all of them are not around anymore, so that should say enough.
  23. There is a request to order feature if you have seller plus. The problem is that it will bring in less sales, because a lot of buyers just want to order and not deal with long conversations.
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