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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. No, but if someone else had an account it can lead to weird problems. As I said, why do people keep the old operating system when they buy a second hand device? Delete everything and reinstall Windows, it will solve most if not all the issues.
  2. No. Otherwise everyone would be online all the time or fake ways to do it. Staying online just refreshing Fiverr is a waste of time. Yet a lot of people do it under the false belief that it will give them orders. A great profile, amazing samples, very good performance and reviews, both private and public, those are things that matter.
  3. I recommend you reinstall Windows and install your own copy of Windows. All the previous stuff from the other owner gets removed. And then you should be fine.
  4. You barely had a few orders the last few months and other sellers might have better performance. So that migh be a reason why you are in the back of search. Bad private reviews might also be a problem here. Just because someone doesn't leave a review, that doesn't mean they didn't leave a bad private review for that order. And even those that rate the maximum stars might say they were moderately happy or unhappy in their private review.
  5. It's because Fiverr tracks your performance over the last 60 days. So the completion rate will increase, but it will take a while, continue delivering orders and you will see an improvement eventually. However, based on how many orders you had in the past 2 months, it can take weeks or even a month to see any difference.
  6. Well they will leave a bad review anyway. And it's not like they have the means to change their public review. When it comes to private reviews.. again, they would do that anyway. So.. people should stand up for themselves. Because bad reviews will happen either way. Tell your side of the story, otherwise there will be a discrepancy between what they say and your review. I saw plenty of people saying "great client", while the client's review was very negative.
  7. That leads to manipulation. The reason why the system is the way it is right now is because people could do that and they were able to edit their reviews too. So you had reviews that were bad, the seller replied with a bad review, and then the buy changed it due to pressure from the seller. That brought a discrepancy between the customer review and what the seller said. Plus, it's fair because the idea here is to provide an honest insight into your experience. You can't be honest if you already know what they said.
  8. Impressions mean people find you in search, but they pass by. It's just like having a restaurant and people see it, go near it, but don't enter your business. So they don't matter. Clicks matter. I have a similar situation now, and the same thing, I don't really have a good idea why this is happening. There's most likely less demand. And just because you have great public reviews, that doesn't mean your private reviews are identical. My Fiverr contact clearly said that even if I had 5 stars for an order, I had a bad private review for it. Fiverr asks customers if they liked the work, it doesn't specify that the review in question will affect you. It's just a more general question and some people just complete it randomly. They don't know it will affect us. I had people randomly review me with a single star saying Great Work so.. I can only imagine private reviews...It is what it is man.
  9. You barely had any orders the last 2 months, and Fiverr tracks your activity and compares it with others. Maybe some of the customers also left a bad private review. There can be a variety of things.
  10. Buyers can still leave a review even if they cancel nowadays, so...
  11. Praying for orders? That's interesting. And NOT efficient. Promote your gig, create amazing, unique gigs, don't just pray and hope for the best. Businesses succeed if you take action.
  12. It's hard to know if they can leave a public review or not if CS cancels. I assume they can and they just didn't care to do it. But I saw people that had their order canceled and they got a bad review. I don't know, ideally you want to avoid cancellations as much as possible, as they can be very bad for business.
  13. I don't know exactly. But the order is still canceled, so I assume he can review it. After all, it's like the buyer canceled it himself, but he asked CS to do it. As I said, I don't have exact knowledge about this because I don't cancel orders these days. The only ones that I did cancel were due to people asking for stuff against the TOS or just ordering by mistake, and those are protected from any cancellation reviews.
  14. Keep in mind that customers can still review the order if you cancel it. So.. the ideal thing is to try and avoid it. Ensure that you fulfill the customer requirements to avoid problems here.
  15. Don't teach them these things... 🙂 Otherwise Fiverr's systems will find it harder to deal with these people if they know what kind of words are a trigger 😄
  16. Well you can show the number of revisions you offer, and you can tell the customer as well. However, Fiverr is not going to enforce a buyer to accept work they are not satisfied with. They can't do that, so they encourage the seller and buyer to find a middleground. There will always be stuff like this, I encountered some people like that myself. However, I never went more than 3-4 revisions, and at that point you know if you need to cancel or not. Keep this in mind though, if you cancel the order, he can leave a review, unless he is a first time buyer. But if he's not, he can still review you for the order even if you give him his money back.
  17. I've been a Fiverr writer for 10 years at this point and I can say that this topic is rather useless, I don't see any useful guidelines for new sellers. Write on different topics, create your own blog and write there to create a brand, I think those things are much more useful.
  18. False. You don't have to be online when those buyers are active. You don't need to be online at all, let your gig speak for itself with great samples, amazing reviews, etc. Some people catch me online when I work or deliver stuff, but most of my orders come when I am offline. Unless of course, I have to send a custom offer myself. But in general, if you create a great profile, show amazing samples and have the knowledge/experience to back it up, you should have great success here. There are newer people that earn more than me and have more sales, and they also don't stay online 24/7. So yes, success is not related to your online time here. Avoid things that try to cheat the system because they never work.
  19. No time. Any time. Timezone differences don't matter. People hire you for your expertise. Staying online waiting will do zero for your business 🙂
  20. What did you ask for? A good review? If so, that's against the rules.
  21. And that's against the rules. You want to check the requirements, most of the time it's clear it's for an assignment and you just need to ignore that. While you get paid for that piece of work, you also risk losing your account. As a writer, I receive a lot of messages for "assignments" that students are too lazy to write themselves. So they try to hire people on Fiverr, without knowing those writers can lose their account due to their lazyness. I always mark those as spam or just ignore them, because clearly you get in trouble.
  22. What do you think? Obviously, why would Fiverr ask for your identity in the first place? And also, why would you have more than one account on those platforms anyway, Payoneer and PayPal just allow a single account per person. If you have more, you're breaking the rules, and the same thing can be said about Fiverr too.
  23. Yes, it's still in my gig reviews. It is what it is, at some point you just move on.
  24. You do realize any payments made outside the platform can get you banned right? It makes a lot of sense. Because private reviews and your performance in general is taken into account for the past 2 to 6 months. So a bad private review out of 10-15 orders you had over the past couple of months, that hurts your account a lot. I had a similar issue and was sent to the "doghouse" for around 6 months. I could say the same thing, I have over 11k reviews on my main gig and over 30k orders over the years. That doesn't matter. What matters is the performance you had over the past few months. And 1 bad private review from 100 in 2 months is bad, you can only imagine the weight one bad review has over the past 2 months. And keep in mind that not all people leave a private review. So, you might have just one bad private review and one good private review, who knows. Unfortunately these things are kept a secret.
  25. AI Fewer people buying Tighter budgets More (WAY MORE) sellers on the platform, so the competition is stiff. And there are less buyers. Just make your pick 🙂
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