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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Yes, unless there is a problem with the withdrawal method. Which seems to be the case.
  2. No wonder I have people contacting me just to say "give me samples" and when I ask what they need written they just don't reply. People just think that stealing some samples will make them seem amazing, but if anything, buyers will be unhappy in the end. How do some sellers here think that lying about your skills will bring in orders? I don't get it... if anything it cuts your freelancing career short.
  3. That person was sending spam messages and they are not a legit buyer. People reported them and now their account is removed.
  4. I have just the opposite situation. I get natural impressions, organic. Promoted Gigs is mostly a money pit for me. At least recently, for the past 2 months (what I attached below), I paid $9 for a single $25 order that came from a PG buyer. Then again, I had organic ranking so I guess when you have that, Promoted Gigs isn't really going to work that well.
  5. Obviously they allow newer sellers or older sellers with few to no orders to have the spotlight a bit. And you have some orders in queue, that might also push you back, since they want others without orders to receive the spotlight.
  6. The fact that he has a bad private review and a cancellation with a 1 star review is definitely what pushes him back in search. As a buyer, I would also be worried, that buyer asked for a cancellation before any delivery, he denied the cancellation and then delivered, even if the buyer didn't want/need his work anymore. As a seller, you can easily cancel if the buyer wants to cancel and then you just go to customer support to fix your stats. But forcing people to pay you even if they wanted to cancel before you even worked on it.. That's not cool and definitely not something a professional will do. So yeah, aside from bad reviews that push you back, that bad review will certainly deter people from working with you.
  7. Why does an SEO expert ask how to handle SEO clients? Isn't that their job?
  8. Why does it matter? If you don't have the right skills for that niche, you won't rank, generate results or surpass anyone 🙂
  9. https://www.thedailystar.net/business/news/khawaja-tower-fire-causing-internet-disruptions-3453481 This explains it and yes, apparently many internet providers rely on this building. Odd indeed.
  10. The problem with new sellers is they always try to copy successful gigs. That won't help. Try to come up with something new that differentiates you. Otherwise you will be one of the thousands of new sellers.
  11. Well you have a huge forum full of great topics to search and learn from. You don't need a mentor, just time to research and study.
  12. You can ignore them. Fiverr automatically adds those because there are buyers that want alternatives. But if you don't.. ignore 🙂
  13. Experiment and see for yourself. But the problem here is mostly AI. There are a lot of window shoppers, people that want to see prices, but don't send any messages. It's the same for me and most writers. So it's the truth of the writing market right now, AI has taken over quite a lot of work.
  14. No. It's just a day and who knows why it might be. I can use early payout if I really need it, or I just wait the 8 days.
  15. Vickie, sorry for randomly quoting you but I wanted to ask you something. Wasn't the Seller Plus thing to allow us withdrawals in 7 days after an order is complete? Over the past week or so, I noticed all my gigs are completing in 8 days and not 7. Is it the same for you? Or any other Seller Plus member, for that matter?
  16. What did you do in order to obtain orders?
  17. I assume this is trolling because it's not really fun. Why would veteran people move away from something they built and worked on over the years? Just to leave newer people with less experience to profit off their work? So people that worked on the Eiffel Tower for years and years should just leave inexperienced construction workers to finish the job? Would you leave if you were an older seller? You don't have to answer, we know already.
  18. Every seller was a new seller here. It was your choice to enter Fiverr when you did, and no one forces you to pick a niche with lots of competition. Be a smart seller, provide a unique spin on an existing service. I always tried to innovate and I saw a ton of people copied my gigs. It happens, not sure if it's flattering or just plain theft, but in the end what I want to say is that you have to put in the work. Don't expect amazing results without hard work and Fiverr to place you in front of others. The Fiverr algorithm takes a lot of stuff into account, but regardless of how old or new you are, the gig and account performance speaks for itself. If someone has excellent value and people love it, and your gig is similar to hundreds or thousands others, why would Fiverr give you the spotlight and not a high performing gig? By the way, a lot of new sellers became top rated sellers and they also have lots of sales. It comes down to what you sell, how you stand out, or if you just wait for others (Fiverr) to give you sales.
  19. I assume it violated the terms of service of either YouTube or Facebook? If that's the case, there you go. You violated third party terms and thus your gig can't be accessed on Fiverr anymore.
  20. A lot of digital marketing gigs were removed because buyers were purchasing things with the promise of ranking and other things. Aside from being unethical to do that, most of these "results" were promised in months, well beyond the overall reviewing timeline on Fiverr. So even if some people left them a great review, in the end those sellers were removed because eventually people saw no results and they wanted their money back. So yeah, that might be a reason, maybe people reported you after a while to customer support. It's hard to say.
  21. You most likely had a bad private review. Cancellations and late deliveries can also be an issue. As I said, that review doesn't really matter when it comes to gig positioning, but even if people see your gig, it might deter them from buying. You asked why you might not be in search or why you don't have any orders, I told you why 🙂 Obviously we don't know 100% because Fiverr has its own hidden metrics, as I said above regarding those private reviews. Only buyers and Fiverr can see those, and they are a crucial ranking factor. Also, if you don't have lots of orders within your niche and others do.. then obviously they will be pushed up in search, at your expense.
  22. You are in a very specific niche that I assume doesn't have a ton of demand. Also your bad review is not helping, since it shows you're not easy to work with and won't refund even if there are major issues with the work. That, combined with a lack of sales recently when compared to others in your niche shows why you have less impressions/inbox messages.
  23. When you change stuff in your gig, that gig might be removed from search for a bit. Also the results you see are not what everyone sees. Every customer's results are different, not only based on their purchase/browsing history, but also the amount they spend, etc. Plus, everyone tends to use filters and so on.. So I wouldn't worry that much. However, if there are no messages and nothing seems to budget in regards to your gig, that might be a sign of concern.
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