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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Yes, sales have been slow. But the less expensive sector is not doing that well either. Sure, there are some sales, but there aren't as many as they used to be. And as you said, buyers are very picky, they add extra stuff to the work, etc. And with Fiverr's new rules regarding cancellation reviews or the new review system, a lot of sellers are worried that even a single order gone wrong can destroy their account.
  2. Deliver the best work you can, provide customer support and ensure you have no negative buyer reviews, both private and public. If you do, that can be very detrimental for your account.
  3. Most likely you got the warning because the buyer went to customer support and complained you did incomplete work. I can only assume that the Fiverr team checked and for some reason, decided your work was incomplete according to the requirements. To be honest, canceling would have been the best option, if you see that the person is extremely hard to deal with. There's nothing you can do now other than move forward, unfortunately. Read the Terms of Service a few times to update yourself on what you can't do (they added some stuff over the past few years), and good luck going forward. I had a random warning (of another nature) coming in that made no sense, but I just moved on. It seems Fiverr already made their decision to send you a warning so.. fighting against them right now is futile and it might lead to even more issues.
  4. Did the seller mark the order as complete from his side?
  5. Then I should be upset because when I applied my denial only mentioned the price... I don't know what you see as a low priced gig, however I didn't see any Pro seller with $5-$10 gigs, at least within my niche. Regardless, as I said, the OP barely has any reviews, just one, and very low prices. I was realistic in saying that the chances of him becoming a TRS or Pro sellers are very slim to none. One can always apply, no one stops us unless the applications are closed. However, I took a more realistic approach. Sure, it MIGHT happen, but chances are it won't...
  6. Gig positioning differs from person to person. Just because you see it there, that doesn't mean others see it the same. Try to make your gig a bit different, less general and it should help you quite a bit.
  7. Well unless something changed, Pro is for 1% of the Fiverr users, while way more of them are TRS. So at least theoretically it should be harder to become a Pro. I guess the experience varies for everyone. Regardless, I don't see a person selling stuff at $10 being admitted as a Pro seller.
  8. Yes, but those were added automatically to the program without even asking. It was an effort to make Fiverr Pro 2.0 larger. As far as we know, you still need to have a high price if you want to apply. The OP had, at least when I checked, a $10 price and a single review, which might not qualify him for a TRS, let alone Pro. I mean.. no one stops him or anyone from applying, that doesn't mean they will get into the program.
  9. There's no "ideal time". You have clients from all over the world. Plus, people sell a lot of different things. I would focus on the services you offer and ensure they are the best they can be. You don't have to be awake at random hours just to be online. Because staying online does nothing for your gigs, no extra exposure, you're not getting more clients.
  10. Obviously. The idea is to share your opinion about the buyer before you can see their review. If you see they gave you a bad rating, you will automatically give a bad rating. The focus is on honesty.
  11. This is a good example of an unnecesary topic. Congrats for the order dude, but do we really need a new topic for every order people are getting? Not really. This topic is just full of clutter, spam and Copy-paste messages. Do we really want the Fiverr forum to be like that?
  12. Also, maybe he took a break for New Year's, life can happen. As Atulcodex said, don't expect him to come back, move onward. If he does get back to you, then you help him. Simple!
  13. Have you considered the fact that your niche is extremely overstuffed with gigs and not only that, a lot of people generate graphics with AI? Most graphic designers won't get any orders just because there are hundreds of thousands of gigs in that niche. And the demand is definitely not that high. Plus, you are also competing with people that have a great history on Fiverr, lots of reviews. To be honest, your gigs also seem very similar to what other people offer as well.
  14. Thanks for the update and great work from you and your team, @Kesha! I do want to suggest something, maybe we can get rid of this hearts counting as engagement for leveling, because a lot of people are "serial likers", they like everything and that's why I stopped notifications for likes, they are just doing it to increase their forum level. They think it will bring them sales, but all that does is frustrate people that actually want to browse the forum and engage with others or people looking for advice..
  15. It might depend on your niche. I don't think $180 is too low for anything. Then what about $5 or $10 sellers that want to be a Pro... :)) like the OP?
  16. Not if they charge $5 or $10. I think you need to charge at least $40 or $50 to be considered for Pro. I am not one that cares about checkmarks or badges though.
  17. It depends. The OP just has one order so.. But it also comes down to the price. Some people want to be Pro sellers but they charge $5 or $10.. obviously that won't work.
  18. No one can give you a 100% accurate answer. As long as the payment processor email is not linked to another Fiverr account, it should be fine, but only customer support can tell if it's valid in your situation. We can only speculate.
  19. You would think that a "professional Facebook and Google Ads expart service provider" as they call themselves would know these things. Of course you can reduce clicks, if you cancel orders, do a lot of bad stuff, you will have less views. But who would want to do that, when the main focus is on growing the account.
  20. I have over 19k reviews, I think my services and reviews speak for themselves, and despite that I am not a top rated seller. I don't care about badges anyway, what you get as a top rated seller (minus the badge) is available in Seller Plus. Which, if you are a serious seller on the platform, you most likely have that anyway. I suggest you focus on delivering the best work and getting the best reviews you can. That badge is not going to bring you sales, I am certain most buyers focus on reviews, pricing and other factors. Sure, it's a nice bonus to have, but not the end-all for a Fiverr profile. A lot of level 2 sellers are very successful and outshine top rated sellers. I even saw a lot of TRS sellers in my category dropping prices because they barely have orders so..
  21. Creating an established presence before applying is definitely important. Most people that have no reviews or few reviews and already have the Pro badge got it because they were invited to the platform by Fiverr. Few people actually get the Pro status without a single review here or a few reviews..
  22. You can't know that. It's just a chargeback, the payment method might be fine, but the fact they did a chargeback is the problem here.
  23. Free work won't give you any reviews or money. You won't evolve in any way. So it's an easy skip.
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