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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Thanks for the update and great work from you and your team, @Kesha! I do want to suggest something, maybe we can get rid of this hearts counting as engagement for leveling, because a lot of people are "serial likers", they like everything and that's why I stopped notifications for likes, they are just doing it to increase their forum level. They think it will bring them sales, but all that does is frustrate people that actually want to browse the forum and engage with others or people looking for advice..
  2. It might depend on your niche. I don't think $180 is too low for anything. Then what about $5 or $10 sellers that want to be a Pro... :)) like the OP?
  3. Not if they charge $5 or $10. I think you need to charge at least $40 or $50 to be considered for Pro. I am not one that cares about checkmarks or badges though.
  4. It depends. The OP just has one order so.. But it also comes down to the price. Some people want to be Pro sellers but they charge $5 or $10.. obviously that won't work.
  5. No one can give you a 100% accurate answer. As long as the payment processor email is not linked to another Fiverr account, it should be fine, but only customer support can tell if it's valid in your situation. We can only speculate.
  6. You would think that a "professional Facebook and Google Ads expart service provider" as they call themselves would know these things. Of course you can reduce clicks, if you cancel orders, do a lot of bad stuff, you will have less views. But who would want to do that, when the main focus is on growing the account.
  7. I have over 19k reviews, I think my services and reviews speak for themselves, and despite that I am not a top rated seller. I don't care about badges anyway, what you get as a top rated seller (minus the badge) is available in Seller Plus. Which, if you are a serious seller on the platform, you most likely have that anyway. I suggest you focus on delivering the best work and getting the best reviews you can. That badge is not going to bring you sales, I am certain most buyers focus on reviews, pricing and other factors. Sure, it's a nice bonus to have, but not the end-all for a Fiverr profile. A lot of level 2 sellers are very successful and outshine top rated sellers. I even saw a lot of TRS sellers in my category dropping prices because they barely have orders so..
  8. Creating an established presence before applying is definitely important. Most people that have no reviews or few reviews and already have the Pro badge got it because they were invited to the platform by Fiverr. Few people actually get the Pro status without a single review here or a few reviews..
  9. You can't know that. It's just a chargeback, the payment method might be fine, but the fact they did a chargeback is the problem here.
  10. Free work won't give you any reviews or money. You won't evolve in any way. So it's an easy skip.
  11. Pretty sure they send an email too. You can check the notifications on the website then. I never got it and I know that 2023 was the worst year for me due to AI, so I thank them for not sending that.
  12. Good luck. But as I said, don't rely on becoming a Pro seller, most people don't 🙂 Try to build up your profile and generate more sales. Also, increasing prices right now won't really make a difference, because Fiverr can see what price your previous sale/s had...
  13. If you are very qualified within your niche and have the background to prove it, sure. But remember, the chances of becoming a Pro are very low. Those people were most likely invited by Fiverr to join the platform..
  14. I, for one, never got that. However, I think you can go back and check the email. Most likely you can check it all again if you want to.
  15. Most likely you are offering a service that's not allowed. Usually when a gig is denied, they also tell you a reason for the denial.
  16. When you Google "how to join Fiverr Pro", this shows up https://help-pro.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/17029281011217-How-to-Become-a-Fiverr-Pro-freelancer and you have an application link there. Funnily enough, you're the second person asking the same question today. I would hold off until you get more reviews and stuff, your account is very new. But that's my opinion, feel free to try and apply right now.
  17. To be fair.. you want to be a Pro freelancer on Fiverr but can't Google "Fiverr Pro"...? It's the first link in search results, and the one right under is an FAQ where they link you directly to the application page.
  18. It's fine, but realistically you shouldn't expect any sales. Not everyone that follows you might be interested in buying your service. Some might even see it as spam.
  19. As the others said.. set some realistic deadlines and ideally, work on projects in the order you received them. That way, everyone is happy and you're not delaying orders.
  20. So you have more than one Fiverr account. You realize that breaks the rules, right? You can't have more than one account. That will get you banned.
  21. Well many niches are hit by AI. Graphics, writing, these tend to see a lot of damage from AI. So it's expected to see less orders, since people started using AI to generate that type of content. There are still plenty of clients, but certainly less than what it used to be.
  22. I think you're missing the point. Try to read the rules many times, understand them and follow them properly. If you just want to see how many times you can break the rules before your account shuts down, don't. Read the terms of service, and avoid any problems. There are people that have been here since the beginning, I've been here for 10 years as well. Stay within the Fiverr rules and you will be fine.
  23. I would say don't worry about it. Just focus on delivering the best work and keep your clients happy. That's what matters. You can still be level 2 and earn more than top rated sellers. Also, a badge doesn't make or break your future here on the platform.
  24. Do we really need dozens of topics about this... I get it, it's New Year's, but there are already multiple topics about this already, and they all say the same thing 🙂
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