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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. It seems you are a buyer and you're not selling anything. I am not sure where and what you are ranking, because there are no "live" gigs. Since you are just a buyer, or at least that's how Fiverr shows your account, it doesn't matter if you leave for a month, 2 or more. If you are a seller and you have active gigs, those gigs will obviously derank because there's no account activity, nothing is happening, so other sellers can and will surpass you. Sure, you can pause those gigs, but you can't expect to maintain the same ranking. Fiverr tracks gig performance for the last 2-6 months, so if you didn't have any orders as a seller, others with orders and great reviews will surpass you, which is normal.
  2. Well the thing with Udemy is that they don't perform any type of background check. So anyone can teach and if they sell, it doesn't matter at all. I am not sure what her username is, but that teacher in particular doesn't seem too knowledgeable, from the course I saw there.
  3. If you even talked with your buyer about the rating, you will receive an account warning for manipulating the review system. I had a buyer that was not ok with the review he left and he went to support without even talking with me. And I received an account warning. I suggest you take the 4.3 star review and leave it. That's not a bad review. Most likely they did, if they know that the buyer is going to support. Otherwise how would you know.. But as I said above, if they did, this will bring an account warning. Is a warning worth it? Nah.
  4. This is a freelancing platform. You work and get paid. It's not a platform for free stuff.
  5. It definitely would. And if you do have a 1-day delivery, make it easy to lock the gig packages. That's what I've been saying for years. Some people don't want to offer any extras, allow the ability to lock gig packages. That way, the buyer knows what he is getting, and there's no misunderstanding.
  6. Thanks for the link Milos, it gives a few idas to older sellers too 🙂
  7. I've been complaining about issues similar to this for years and they were never implemented so.. try to find ways to solve the issue yourself, that's what I recommend. What if a buyer orders 20x the gig package and it's 1x the delivery time? There is a system to increase the delivery time based on how many gig packages are purchased, but it's only for voiceovers on the platform, when it clearly makes a lot of sense for writers too. Never implemented. The issue you mentioned is the same, people always tend to use extras to try and force you in one way or another. Try to not offer the 24h gig extra, there's no way around it. Otherwise this issue still exists. And also encourage people to talk with you and not place the order directly, say that in gig packages. It will work, sometimes, in my experience.
  8. It is possible if they cheat. Which is against the rules, but that doesn't stop some people anyway.
  9. Hmm, these topics have been popping off recently, guess I should make one too 🙂
  10. You also forgot ads, which are plaguing every page. Some people might see the ads, some might not. But if you also take ads into account, around 1/3 of those spots are ads 🙂
  11. Be the best at what you do, surpass your competition, acquire great reviews and go overboard with the customer experience. I think a lot of people focus on ranking rather than what they should do: Provide a great experience to customers. That's what matters here..
  12. My apologies. I didn't see that. I just saw his first image with 3000+ orders. Then you're right, it's not true what he said.
  13. I assume it has to do with the fact that not all orders receive a review. Even in my case, around 60% of orders get reviews, maybe less. So the number of reviews isn't a good indicator when it comes to how many orders you completed.
  14. It was in context with Fiverr's stance regarding financial data sharing, they already have the W-9 form sharing here, and it was expected for Europeans to share their data soon. Who knows, maybe it will do the same for people in Asia as well. Eventually, it will be the case, who knows when that will happen.
  15. You deliver great work, you stand out as a seller, and make people purchase from you. Fiverr doesn't have a ranking system like Google, this is very dynamic and it always focuses on the seller's performance. They do add your gigs up there for a bit when you are new, but in general, you need to create great gigs which stand out, and also back that up with really good experience, knowledge, expertise and customer support. Bottom line: Stop trying to find the easy way in, because that won't happen. It takes time, effort and commitment to build up a great gig that surpasses competitors.
  16. I don't know the tax system for other countries. However, what you said doesn't matter for this topic because it's about DAC7, which only applies to people in Europe.
  17. Why would they spend extra time on this? If you are in the seller MODE, ignore it. I have it there and it doesn't bother me one bit. There are much more important things to do.
  18. You realize that even if you are a seller, you can also buy stuff on Fiverr, right?
  19. It's always been the same. Fiverr is a business, so I can only assume they want to earn more, not lower that. If they lower the margin or keep it the same, there will be other ways they try to make money, see things like Promoted Gigs or Seller Plus, as Vickie said. There is that Request to Order feature from Seller Plus that you can use. You can also write in the gig package and even in the description that people have to contact you first. There will still be things that you might not be able to do, but in general once you pass a certain price, people are way more careful about how much they spend and what they are spending it on.
  20. You realize you can charge people more to make up for those fees right? Why would you start a project without complete requirements?
  21. Was the order started, did he share the requirements and start the order? If he started the order, then pretty sure it will affect you. If the order requirements were not sent, then no. As for cancellations, only someone from Fiverr that knows the way their algorithm works will be able to tell you a definite answer. From my experience, every time you cancel an order, it's detrimental for your account in one way or another, same with late orders, etc.
  22. It's not exactly an issue, because buyers can choose to hide some of their information like previous reviews.
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