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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Well most likely they want the accounts to not lead to them. Even with VPN there might be some way to track them. But if they make someone else create the account and that account scams someone, it doesn't point to them. I like that everyone says it's a scam without saying why 🙂 It's easy to say scam, but explain why.
  2. It's how they show in that section. It shows that you didn't have a perfect, 5.0 score. It means nothing, just a way for you to track what kind of review people left to your orders. It's in the Orders section after all.
  3. True, unless that section was purposefully built just to show 0s and 5s. Who knows. Anyway I don't look into that, everywhere else it's fine and rarely enter that section anyway.
  4. I think this is more for us, the algorithm most likely doesn't track that but who knows at this point.
  5. There's already an option to sort based on best selling, online, etc. Plus Fiverr already knows a lot of people fake they are online with those automatic refresher extensions, so I am sure that won't be happening. But as always, never say never lol.
  6. I wouldn't read that much into that. They can make algorithm updates without shutting the entire site down. I think it mostly has to do with regular maintenance, server optimization, etc. They do this every couple of month. But who knows, you might be right and they might be cooking something delicious.
  7. It means conversion fees. You have to pay those if you want to withdraw your money in a currency other than USD.
  8. It's not a bug. In the orders section anything that's rated as .3 or .7 is seen as .5. They just round things up to the nearest multiple of 5. I saw that a few years ago, but it doesn't matter because it shows things properly on our profile. So don't worry, it's just how they do it in that section. I had the same thing today, a person rated me 4.7 and there it appears 4.5...
  9. I will tell you about the negative impact within a month or two. I had another first time buyer cancel on me a few minutes ago, via customer support. A $5 order, saying that it's not about the money. Then why cancel.. Yeah, I think this is the last straw for me, I always tried to keep prices low to help people with a small budget, but between scammers and first time buyers that don't know what they want.. this is very disheartening and certainly demotivating. We end up penalized because a first time buyer is moody and doesn't know what they want, they can go behind your back and cancel, thus putting you in the doghouse for 2-3 months. I understand it's important to have your first buyers happy (not Fiverr first timers only), but putting a lot of weight on that means a lot of sellers will have to deal with abuse and a lot of problems just to "please" those buyers. Which we all know it can end up with either a cancellation or no orders for a couple of months. I am pretty sure a lot of sellers will either rethink their prices (like me) or just stop working with new buyers completely.
  10. As I said, this last algorithm update must be related to the first buyer reviews, because I see a lot of people dealing with a lack of orders and inquiries. So it's most likely that, but who knows really...
  11. I have way less order than you, I am dealing with a similar situation and I know others are dealing with a lack of orders. There's no ranking on Fiverr, instead there's matchmaking based on what people are looking for.
  12. Try again? This person's account has been canceled and you say try again? Try again what? If they create another account they are banned. They can't try anything, other than wait for Fiverr to say if this is their final decision. So there's nothing to try.. This seems it's posting for the sake of it, without helping anyone...
  13. This is the second topic you are creating. I am not sure if this is to showcase you have a ton of orders or to self-promote, but a lot of people barely have 1-2 orders and they are way back. As I told you in that other topic you created, either you had a bad private review, or Fiverr pushed you back because you have a lot of orders. The system is made to provide everyone with a change. I think with 20+ orders you already had your chance, so Fiverr is most likely offering others the opportunity to show their skills. I still don't understand WHY you have to create yet another topic regarding the same thing. I already told you the reasons why you were pushed back, most likely.
  14. @james_topseller Well it depends on the buyer. Some people just lack time to check. Or maybe you have a reseller here and they didn't receive the greenlight for the stuff you provided. Who knows.
  15. It's even worse for writing. That's why I left that platform, since it's really hard to deal with established writers there. Most people choose them instead of you, and that becomes a huge problem if you want to make the profile stand out.
  16. The difference is that on UPW you craft messages and spend time to send those manually. Fiverr... they handle everything for you and you just pay. You can also set up how much you pay and place limits. This is more like Google's Ads than anything. UPW uses the old school bidding process, just like Catwriter said it's more similar to the former buyer requests. The difference was that BR was free, this is not. You can spend quite a bit on bid points or whatever they are called, send bids and never hear back from anyone. That's the reason why I stopped trying there, because it bleeds money and the ROI was not great. Again, personal experiences differ because not everyone has the same niche.
  17. Exactly, bidding is a huge turnoff, here you get projects directly. The system is different and here it's more advantageous. We both know that's not the case 🙂 You have to bid manually and the chances of success are very low. I used the platform and other bid-focused platforms too, and I know Fiverr's approach is way better, that's why I chose them over others. Again, it might differ based on the niche we cover. We already talked about this and shared different views, so I won't go into that again. However, you can choose to use Fiverr and other platforms at once, that's the beauty of freelancing. You don't have any exclusive contract with anyone. However a lot of people choose Fiverr because they have better exposure and clients come to them. UPW, PPH and others are places where you can find talent, but let's face it, most buyers will choose established sellers and not someone new, they rarely do that. Especially when we talk about expensive projects... Again I respect your opinion, not arguing here, just sharing my own view from a perspective of a different type of seller, different niche, etc.
  18. Everyone did. It's regular maintenance, nothing too crazy. It happens once every few months.
  19. You do realize Fiverr brings customers to you, on UPW you have to bid and most likely you will lose the bid and thus lose money since those bids are paid. Here the 20% you pay back per gig includes advertising and many other benefits that Fiverr provides, and on UPW you don't have. Sure, you may have 10% on their side, but you also pay them for connects, and who knows if that customer chooses you from dozens of bids. Here Fiverr promotes you, puts you at the top of their list basically. So yeah, there's no comparison because UPW has a bid system, whereas Fiverr doesn't and they do it all for you.
  20. Well you came to the right place. I've been very vocal about this topic for a very very long time. I think sellers need to have a way to stop/start gig multiples as they please. And if you agree with gig multiples, choose how much you want to go, be it 2x, 3x or 5x. I am sure no one wants 20x gig multiples on their gig, especially since this doesn't increase the deadline in any case. Even now I have a 2x gig multiple for one of my larger packages and that rushes me quite a bit. Let alone anything more than that. So yes, I think the best approach is to allow seller to stop/start gig multiples and set them up the way they want. I want to have the ability to show customers what I can do and what I am able to cover with my gig. I can't agree to gig multiples because I work alone and don't have a team. So it's just more pressure and a constant rush to deliver. Most of my cancellations had to do with gig multiples, because people think I set that system up, which I didn't. I always say I never accept over 2000 words, but people order anyway because it's possible. As I said, the best approach has to be a button where you can start/stop gig multiples. I don't want to offer gig multiples and instead I want to stick only with my packages at their face value. Anything more leads to issues for both me and my clients, so I just want to stop those..
  21. We will never know that most likely. But I can only assume it affects us. I had around 5 cancellations that were either made via customer support due to abuse or self-made by people ordering the wrong stuff. I canceled one of those old, inactive orders myself and it shouldn't affect me if it's more than 10 days old, right? But it did, I went to customer support just to ask and they clearly said it matters, even if the 10-day rule should be in effect. They corrected the issue for me but still, something to keep in mind. Any type of cancellation can be problematic, and I guess it's even worse if it end up being a first time buyer. Yet another reason to use that Request to Order feature, so you can avoid any cancellations from random people that don't know what they are doing.
  22. Only time will tell. I am a writer myself and I had people saying that they think I do a great job, but using AI is cheaper and due to their very complex niche they need to edit anyway, so they have to go for a cheaper price. Mind you, I have some of the most affordable writing services on Fiverr so if people are leaving me, then I am sure more expensive writers deal with the same stuff. Of course that's not the norm, but just by checking other similar services within my niche I saw a severe lack of orders for everyone. So there's definitely something affecting everyone. And I doubt everyone had some bad first time buyers, I think AI is the main issue. I was thinking about AI content editing myself, but as far as I saw there are few orders in that category and a LOT of competition. Do let me know how it works for you though, I am very curious.
  23. That's said to hear @miiila, really hope you get better. As for the cancellation, It might very well be. As I said above, my manager said it has to do with new customers for you, not people that are new to Fiverr..
  24. Well they have our phone numbers and other info that's way more relevant, if that matters to them. I doubt anyone's Facebook page full of cats matters 🙂
  25. I am pretty sure this focus on "new buyers" is newly implemented and cancellations, but also bad reviews from them weigh in a lot more. My seller plus manager said that my buyer satisfaction rate is ok, instead the issue was with new buyers..
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