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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Most serious sellers will attest to this, they receive orders when they are offline. This myth that you have to stay online was created by random sellers that had no success. So.. feel free to stay online if you want, but it won't bring any more attention to your account or gigs 🙂
  2. Because staying online is a waste of time and it won't get you any orders.
  3. Did you go to Manage Payout Methods?
  4. Sure, but test out what I said, and you will see that I am right 🙂 Still it doesn't matter because few to no people care who is online. The overall personal branding, samples, etc weigh in much more. Most of the orders that I receive appear when I am offline..and that's the case for most people here.
  5. No true. In order to appear online, you actually need to do something within the platform, be it checking your gigs, browsing your orders, etc. What I noticed is that if you stop any interaction with the website for a few minutes it will show you as offline. Even if you are in front of the computer.. for example if you work on a project and you're not interacting with the Fiverr website at all, you'll be seen offline. However, few to no people use that online filter, so you shouldn't really care about it that much.
  6. You can't go to Fiverr and complain about reviews and ask them to change anything. That's considered review manipulation and depending on the situation you will receive a warning or even end up with the account deleted. I hadsomeone that rated me with 1 star saying they liked my work. But I didn't go to CS at all since I know that even if it was clearly a mistake from the buyer's side, I would just end up with issues. Considering what he did, which is against the Fiverr terms of service, they won't reinstate anything until the appropriate team takes a look at the ban. And then they see if he will receive the account back or if it's closed Forever.
  7. donnovan86


    They are desperate for work. Sometimes desperate people will do desperate things. The problem is that most of the time, if not every time, people that do this usually have little to no work experience and the result is very poor. I never outsource, I even say that on my gig page, but they still contact me.
  8. donnovan86


    I am sick and tired of people asking me for work. I just say Hi and then mark them as spam, because that's what it is, unsolicted messaging. I started on my own here, I never disturbed anyone and always worked very hard for every opportunity. Nowadays a lot of people just think others will hand them an opportunity. What's funny is that some of these people set their price for collaborating with me evenm before I say Hi. Another funny thing is that they say they have a ton of experience writing content, but they have basic grammar mistakes in their message, lol.
  9. It's not late. You are responding within 4 hours on average. Sometimes you replied within an hour, other times in 9-10 hours. Fiverr just set the average based on that.
  10. It depends. For me, in Europe, PayPal actually had the better rate.
  11. Well it depends on how you set up the briefs. It can take time until you receive briefs anyway.
  12. Buyer requests was a mess and a very bad feature that serious sellers didn't touch at all. It was replaced with Briefs. Go to your seller dashboard / My Business / My Gigs and there on the right you can see Get Briefs. Set that up to the price you want and you will receive briefs if they are suitable for you.
  13. Here you don't "get" work, you earn it by promoting your gig and targeting your clients. There's a massive amount of competitors, so what are you doing in order to stand out??
  14. Why would you login from multiple Androids? I agree 1-2 devices are ok, but who uses more than 2 devices themselves? It shouldn't be an issue, but it does depend on how many devices you login from, etc. And we all assume you have a single account right? Otherwise that's against the rules.
  15. I agree. And there are even worse poeple than that, those who offer peanuts and ask for a discount. That's a special breed 😄
  16. They won't. That would be against their policies and also unfair to anyone that was banned and can't use the site anymore.
  17. Was it deleted or did Fiverr stop the account and banned it? Because you can't have more than one account on Fiverr. And on top of that, you can't just create a new account without Fiverr's consent.
  18. Exactly. I am maybe one of the few people that never got this feature and I see others with the same price I have, way way less reviews and years on the platform that already have it. So at this point.. I just focus on my work..
  19. Asking on a forum and relying on everything said there without any due dilligence is pretty much that seller's fault. I started using the forum months after I got started, I already had a few hundred sales at that time. It's better to read everything you can, understand the rules, etc. And obviously if a person doesn't know English, they should learn it at least until they have an acceptable level. I mean on an English speaking platform, this should be a priority. Unfortunately we all know this is not going to happen and people will always rely on others telling them what to do and those "tell me how to generate lots of sales" posts will never end.
  20. Some people will ask a ton of questions. Others will just ask you if you can do it and place the order. Of course there will be some that want to learn how to do it, but explaining the entire process in detail isn't really necessary. They should just know what you need to do your work and when you can deliver, what they can expect with the delivery.
  21. I am so sorry to hear that Vickie. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people like this....
  22. It's fine man, maybe it doesn't appear because you are logged in to your account, so you can't request yourself. Tried in 2 browsers, worked for both.
  23. That category is already overcrowded and there are barely any sales. Source: I am a writer too.
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