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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Why would you listen to anyone? Just choose and try for yourself. I will say as a rather old seller on the platform, if you want to know something you have to do it yourself. No one can guarantee any result because every seller has their own gig and stats. Some will do better than others, while there will also be people that don't see any difference. If you want success, go through trial and error and see what works for you!
  2. This means you are delivering incomplete work. And that makes you prone to a Fiverr warning.
  3. I am a writer and not a proofreader. That being said, the process is pretty much similar. And while the editable field changes prices, the overall deadline is still the same. That's the main issue for me too, either this or people using up to 20x the word count without my consent and the deadline obviously remains the 1x package deadline. I've been lobbying about this problem for years, but still no changes, although people at Fiverr know this. They could easily remove gig multiples or allow us to stop/start them. Simply put, there's no way to stop this, unless you increase prices and thus people will not order massive word counts without contacting you first.
  4. You will sell eventually. You can always start with a lower price and go up from there. I recommend adding samples of your previous work, so you can stand out 🙂
  5. I highly recommend to just spend your time wisely, learn new things and improve your skills. Staying online on Fiverr doesn't help at all. Instead, make the most out of your time and become the best seller that you can, enhance your skillset and surpass others.
  6. Well there's nothing to fix because nothing is broken. Fiverr just deranked you because the customer experience was not the best. These things will be taken into account for the next 2-3 months. The only thing you can do is to gain more orders and complete them with great reviews.
  7. Spoken the truth here. The reality is that people will just try and sell anything just to make money without the skills to back it up. And the so-called gurus on YouTube make it seem that it's possible to make thousands on Fiverr every month without any experience. Same with AI and other things.
  8. You had a negative review a few days ago and also a 4 star review recently as well. Those people might have rated you negatively when it comes to their private reviews, and that can have a very bad impact on your Fiverr visibility. So it's what most likely happened in your case.
  9. It's not, but Fiverr stands out by NOT having any bidding, so why change that?
  10. Well at least in my case I always had 95-99. Last week I had 94 for the first time, today it shifted to 95. I am not sure if this matters in any way to a buyer or Fiverr in general, but it definitely acts as a confidence booster!
  11. Fiverr differentiates themselves from other platforms by NOT offering that. And on top of that, paid bids would just be easily manipulated by some buyers that are competitors trying to eat up people's bids for nothing. Things are good the way they are, good and reliable sellers already have lots of tools to stand out.
  12. Well we are sellers just like you. Only Fiverr's team can tell you why you don't meet the requirements.
  13. Most likely Fiverr completed their process of checking whether the account can be reinstated or not, the process that can take 90 days. If that's the case, then there's nothing else you can do, if they said that's final. If he's talking about other process, then we have to wait for him to reply 🙂
  14. For some people it's effective, for others not at all. You won't know if it works for you or not unless you try it 🙂
  15. Extend the delivery time with 3-4 more days while you are away, then when you get back change to what it was. Way easier and safer.
  16. Well Alex, it's very important to ensure that you find the right username from the start and stick to it. Changing the username is bad for branding and it's also going to cause issues with Fiverr and their rules.
  17. We are talking about 2 features here. Normally, you have to wait 14 days for any order's funds to clear. If you are a Seller Plus member, that's cut in half to 7 days, regardless of the tier that you opt for. However, if you go for the $39 package you have access to Instant Withdrawals if you want. But this is for a fee, 1% of the total value.
  18. For me the experience was not exactly that great. I was never told what to improve, just to add new images and hire someone to do that. Well it's something I can figure out on my own. While I keep seller plus, it's because I am granfathered from that $19 price and I have faster clearance and other things. But the success manager thing for me was a fail and I never tried. I saw I was pushed to another manager, and I never interacted with them. I guess I should, maybe that person was not ideal for what I needed.
  19. You can send an email and they reply within a few hours, if not a day at most. Sure, for video calls you need to schedule that, but you can always get in touch via email. Rather questionable when it comes to Fiverr TOS, you know that some extensions can lead to problems... Well unless you are very good with math, it's way easier to have it all shown in one place. Then there's also the very important 7 day clearance instead of 14 days. So yeah, there are perks, there are pros and cons.
  20. You can't have more than one Fiverr account... And you can be both a seller and a buyer on Fiverr with the same account..
  21. Glad it worked out. I am tired of people not reading the description and just ordering stuff without even talking first. Even if there's the new request to order feature, I can't add that to my main gig since it will disrupt most sales. So it won't really help that much.
  22. I am sure that if you go to customer support once you cancel the order, they will adjust your stats so you don't have any penalty. Most likely some categories have very specific starting prices. I know for complete website development the starting point is $80. So one can only assume they are setting a base price for other categories.
  23. Maybe there is an issue with PayPal in your country. I checked and on my side there don't seem to be any problems. Maybe others can chime in.
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