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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. You already did what you were supposed to, you added your full name. It's a more professional way to showcase your name on Fiverr, espeically for people that have a rather random username.
  2. Yes, I just told you where to find it. I meant turn on not off, but I can't edit anymore. Anyway, it's self-explanatory.
  3. There are no buyer requests anymore. Turn off your Briefs function from the My Business/Gigs menu.
  4. And that's the problem Vickie, we are forced to focus on just repeat clients, new clients become too much of a risk...
  5. I am a Seller Plus member and I never received that. I received one when the BSS thing was implemented but since then, nothing. I guess they counted me out because I contacted the manager beforehand. Who knows.
  6. I missed Frank's post I think. So basically the email said there's a BSS drop?
  7. So is this email for top rated, pro sellers, or just anyone a part of the Seller Plus program? I didn't receive any email myself.
  8. https://www.fiverr.com/levels If you go here you will see the number of gigs you are allowed to create. In case you're a new seller, yes, you will be able to create just 7 gigs.
  9. Of course they can download the files. How can they know they need a revision if they don't even see the files? So of course a person can download every file you send. It's the nature of this website. If it's unfinished, maybe add your own watermark. I don't think Fiverr adds any watermarks, but I am a writer not a designer, so maybe a designer knows that.
  10. I haven't received any but then again there are thousands and thousands of sellers and not a ton of buyers post briefs..
  11. It might sound strange but do you have the brief system activated? Also, did you set the lowest price you want to receive briefs for?
  12. No one can tell you a specific reason. And a lot of people have trouble getting orders. It can be anywhere from people not needing the type of service you provide, the fact that you have a lot of competitors with more expreience or better prices, but also low performance the past few weeks or months. It can be a lot of different stuff.
  13. I was not sure what to quote, but I chose this, anyway it seems that UPW is making some changes. I opened their site today and I saw this message: "Starting on May 3, 2023, we’re moving all freelancers from the current 20/10/5% sliding fee scale to a simpler fixed percentage fee of 10%. We understand that this change has an immediate impact on freelancers working in higher-value relationships, which is why we are honoring the 5% rate on existing and eligible contracts through the end of 2023." So it seems they are removing the very low fees for those higher paying return clients. I can only imagine a lot of people were upset regarding the sliding fee scale, so just like Fiverr they are choosing a fixed percentage. Whether Fiverr will choose to bring their fee down in order to stay competitive, that remains to be seen. Still, I thought you may want to know this update, and also anyone that wants to use UPW as well for their business.
  14. Yes, I agree. What I quoted is the most dangerous because it has the most weight. In fact, the email from my manager said that even new buyer reviews have a different weight, so I am sure your categorization is actually the most accurate way to represent these new buyers. That being said, I am still uncertain if canceled orders received from a new buyer can also be reviewed. Because I did have one 2 days ago and since then, nothing....
  15. That's the thing, a lot of people think it's about the first time people buy something on the platform. According to my success manager, it's the first time a person buys from you. And I tend to agree with that, because none of the "new buyers" I had were new to the platform, they already had at least a review. Yet their reviews affected me to the point where any lack of messages or orders seems to be coming from a few, most likely bad, private reviews left by these people.
  16. The thing is, Fiverr only supports these payment systems based on their agreements. They tried to cover most if not all of the world with just 2 payment systems. PayPal is great for a lot of people, some dislike it because they have high fees, Payoneer has smaller fees but they are less reliable. I get it that in some places in the world PayPal is not available, so Payoneer is actually a good option. Of course they have issues, PayPal has too. but people also tend to break the rules, sometimes without even knowing. Check the terms of service for the Payoneer website and you will have less issues. Plus, verification always takes time with payment systems and they migth ask for more stuff. Patience is key with these things.
  17. There's no update. Fiverr had maintenance recently, but there was no update.
  18. I have no idea, Alex. I am as confused as you are. I was told that in my case the buyer satisfaction rating is fine, a bit lower than usual but there are no issues. In my case the problem stems from private reviews from first time buyers. But I barely had any first time buyers recently and most of them left a great review, I don't see why they would leave a bad private review. Then again, I had a regular rate me with a 1 star review because they were in a rush, even if they liked the work. So.. yeah.. it is what it is at this point. There should be some buyer repercussions when they do something wrong though, not just sellers being penalized for someone else's mistake. If I go to customer support to report that mistake with their review, I am the one penalized or I receive a warning. If someone places an order my mistake, I have to go to customer support and they may or may not remove that cancellation from my stats..
  19. I see. I had the "luck" of dealing with a few very difficult first time clients, all in a row. So for me, I get to feel that lack of attention from the "algorithm". It depends on the niche and also luck, as I said you can stay away from bad clients from months and then you have the "luck" of dealing with a few in a row...
  20. Maybe you have more repeat buyers and less first time clients.
  21. You have opinions all over the forum, you just have to search...
  22. Same. I had a single, new client and 2-3 new messages for the past 3 days. Sure, pricepoints and niches differ, but I am certain it has to do with the new focus on first time clients and some of the reviews they had.
  23. Well it depends on the niche. And Fiverr did start to focus a bit more on first time buyer reviews, which is why some sellers are seeing a downfall, me included. That being said, it's not the end of the world. Improve your skills and your gigs, and make the most out of this time without a lot of work 🙂
  24. Aside from the lack of originality which puts people off, there's also the fact that you're mentioning an update. There was no update. Just scheduled maintenance for servers.
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