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Everything posted by smashradio

  1. It's Flubber, guys. Come one. It's green!
  2. People need to stop being so afraid of negative reviews. If you're a new seller, I get it. Starting your Fiverr business with a one-star review and negative private feedback can be devastating, with little to no hope of ever building a reputation, simply because the algorithm will oust you from this universe combined with the one-star review ensuring no buyer ever orders from you. Nonetheless, starting your career working for free is hardly a better alternative. What use is a paid gig if you're not getting paid? Paradox. As a new seller, I highly recommend avoiding pricing yourself too low. Pricing is a crucial instrument for filtering out bad buyers. It's not foolproof, but it can help you avoid this type of situation in the first place. Positioning yourself as a premium seller will attract premium clients. As a seasoned seller with a good amount of reviews under your belt and lots of repeat clients, a negative review is just part of doing business, unless you cancel your way out of it. Getting some negative feedback is just another aspect of conducting business. What did you call it, Mike... Review Sanitation? Anyway, I am more inclined to trust a seller with a few negative reviews among hundreds of positive ones, who defend their right to fair payment and respond professionally to the feedback they get. After all, you have the chance to explain your side of the story in both your review of the buyer and in your response to their review of your gig. Giving honest feedback about your buyers helps other sellers to avoid these dunderheads.
  3. That's the problem with automatic systems. They work a little too well sometimes. You can mitigate this by not opening as many tabs simultaneously. If you have 20 notifications, try opening five at a time instead of all 20. See if that helps. You're probably not working on more than five notification tabs simultaneously, anyway. Unless you have some sort of superpower, in which case, I want to hear more. I realize it's not the perfect solution, but it might work better for you than waiting for the party pooper page.
  4. You can manage your membership from this page: Fiverr / Seller Plus Go to Growth and Marketing > Program Page > and click on Manage Membership in the upper right corner of the page.
  5. In Spain, where I'm based, we have the same issue. The government requires us to issue invoices to Fiverr. That can easily be solved by issuing your invoice to Fiverr whenever you withdraw funds for said amount. This probably applies to your country as well. When it comes to sending it to Fiverr, they don't care if Fiverr opens the invoice. Just mark it as paid when you receive the funds. The invoice is for your taxes, not theirs. It will probably be filed by the relevant team at some point. Here's more on it: Invoice If You Work With Fiverr From Spain - SelfEmployed Spain - SelfEmployed Spain
  6. If Fiverr didn't approve your gig, there could be many reasons. You should have received an e-mail explaining why your gig wasn't approved.
  7. You're not allowed to contact a buyer outside of Fiverr unless it's strictly required to complete an order. If so, you can only share contact information inside an active order. Some sellers have access to set up video call consultations, but I believe only a select few have that option. I recommend keeping all contact on Fiverr, and if a Zoom meeting is required to complete the order, do it after the order has been placed, and record the session. To stay in line with the terms, I highly recommend you ask customer support before you do that to ensure you're always following the rules. Breaking them can lead to consequences you're not gonna like.
  8. Often, having a good amount of impressions and few clicks comes down to your gig's attractiveness. To attract buyers, ensure your gig thumbnail, video, and title are attention-grabbing. You might want to redesign your thumbnails and make better gig videos. Since you claim to make high-quality explainer videos, I'm sure you could work something out, while hiring a professional designer for your thumbnails could be a good idea. As for using an AI-generated voice-over in your gig video, that doesn't match your claim of making "high quality" videos. It sends the wrong message and makes you seem less professional.
  9. You can learn more about Seller Plus here: Fiverr Help and Education Center
  10. Happy to help! Check my updated response above for instructions on how to turn receiving briefs on/off. 🙂 You'll receive a notification if the system thinks you're a great match for a brief.
  11. It was replaced with something called Briefs. Fiverr will send your request to matching sellers, who can respond if they think they're a good match. It's all automatic now, instead of a long list of requests every seller in that category can respond to. If you're eligible to receive Briefs as a seller, you can turn it on and set the lower price limit on your Gigs pages (My Business > Gigs > Top right corner of the page).
  12. It looks like we have to stay afloat on advice as generic as a fortune cookie for now. This is like ordering a gourmet meal and receiving a bowl of unseasoned rice.
  13. I realize now that, in a moment of levity, I was hasty in my judgment of your refined taste and unwavering passion for the divine elixir that is coffee. It was a thoughtless transgression on my part. I do not doubt that you always will be the better connoisseur and a true aficionado in your pursuit of the perfect brew. Please allow me to make amends by inviting you to share a cup of this fine beverage with me, hoping that our shared passion for the bean of creativity can mend the rift my careless words have caused. Yours truly, Fredo
  14. I was in that meeting. Letting us vent was great and all, but it would help if they actually listened.
  15. I see you met my friend, the seagull Mr. Breadhead. There are moral absolutes. Individual perceptions don't define truth. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." I honestly don't know who said it. Apparently a misquotation, but it's a damn good quote nonetheless. Indeed. At the moment, we're forking out more than 300 bucks a year on SP while paying for promoted gigs in an effort to cut across the noise Fiverr made by letting anyone sell on the platform. To be honest, I'd prefer not to let non-paying sellers do business here at all. It involves yet another level system. We already have New Seller, Level One, Level Two, Top Rated, and "platform levels" like Business and Pro. Since I'm in the mood for quotes today, I believe Leonardo Davinci said simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
  16. Let me see if I understand you correctly, in order to better help you with your issue. You don't like the replies you get on the Fiverr forum, because the people answering don't understand the situation. You are wondering why people who don't know the situation are posting on the forum. You want to forcibly relocate these dim-witted and confused helpers away from the forum. Facebook seems like a fitting punishment for their crime of not knowing the situation. You don't have work. That is the fact. You don't want these bewildered ignoramuses to put your forum post in their pocket, because you are writing about Fiverr Marketplace problems. Wait. What? You want us to clap for you because you are dying to get work. You want us to document our clapping with footage. And finally, and most importantly, you will never mind.
  17. Wise words. I respectfully disagree with you about the coffee warmers. Your devil-may-care approach to coffee disturbs me deeply. I just got this, to help me stay sane. Time (and good coffee) is of the essence.
  18. I imagine learning a language and the etiquette of a country far removed from your own can be more challenging. But I find that "locals" appreciate even the smallest gesture indicating that you're trying. You can get far by showing that you care about how others perceive you. After ten years in Spain, I was shocked when I returned to Norway last Christmas for the first time. I was taken aback by the many "unhappy" and anti-social people in one place. One example: when we are at the local shopping centre here, and my son of 1,5 years waves and smiles at random strangers, the Spanish will smile, wave back and say "Hoooola guapo" ("hello handsome"). My son will giggle, and we'll walk five feet before the next person waves and smiles. Even being in my native country felt hostile, cold, and a world away from what I'm used to here in Spain. My son tried to wave and smile, and people just passed him without as much as a look, beyond a stone-cold iron-born look of deep desperation to not be there. If you make eye contact with anyone, it almost looks like they'll have an anxiety attack. That's cultural differences for ya. I know which country I prefer. So I can understand how it can be jarring to experience different social cultures and etiquette. But beyond all that personal stuff, you have common courtesy, like saying hello and grabbing someone's hand to greet them at a business meeting. Saying please when you ask someone to do something. In Norway, you would say the equivalent of "Can you do x?" and it would be considered polite. Adding "please" makes it come across as fake, somehow. Across the border, in lovely Sweden, you could add "snälla," meaning "please," derived from the word "snäll," meaning kind, nice, wonderful, sympathetic). Tiny nuances make Swedish people come across as nicer, more open, sympathetic, and polite. You don't have to travel far. Paywall... Yes. I think it would help. Everyone who is serious about their business does have an equal chance, even if they have to pay. But it'll never happen. Fiverr is content selling Seller Plus. I used to be a big fan of it. Now I'm not so sure, after reading @newsmike's thoughts on the current state of the SMs.
  19. I agree with @newsmike. Being an expat, I come from a culture where you don't say "please" all the time, yet I live in a country where "please" is mandatory not to sound rude. It took me 10 minutes to adapt. Intent. When I travel (and I travel a lot), I've always been met with the utmost courtesy and respect while doing business. That's true of Arabic countries, Asian countries, and Nordic countries. If you have the slightest business sense and more than a 2nd-grade education, you should know this, and basic politeness will come naturally to you. Excusing bad behavior with "they come from a poor country" or "their culture is different" only lowers the bar and takes credit away from those who, despite hurdles like poverty and a lack of public education, manage to climb the ladder of life. As both your forum friend and fellow witch, I say, build the (pay)wall.
  20. But would it? If buyers filter for cheaper sellers, not for pro/top rated, or use the price filter to match their budget, it could explain why the number of impressions dropped drastically. I think there's more to it than Fiverr not exposing our gigs because my pro writing gigs have fewer impressions now, while my regular VO gig has about the same. Yet, when I search, I frequently show up on the top for relevant keywords that used to bring in lots of business on my writing gigs. I believe I mentioned this already, but I found you on page one for multiple searches the last time I checked. That wouldn't happen if I filtered for anything below 120. You make a good point, but I don't think my explanation is the only explanation or the only right one. We've been telling sellers for years that their performance affects their visibility. Now that it's happening to us, it's suddenly the algorithm's fault? I find that a bit fishy, even though I certainly agree with @newsmike that something is up, given that so many successful sellers are struggling now, and with his assessment of Seller Plus and the advice we're getting. But I'm not sure we can just blame the algorithm, the SMs, or the "system" for working against us. We're in the middle of a financial crisis. Banks are failing, risk seems dangerous, budgets are cut, inflation is rampant, and costs are rising. I think we'd be fools to ignore that factor. It seems you got your answer, and at least you can do something about that: do more to make new buyers happy or stop working with people new to the platform to avoid risk. Both are valid approaches, in my opinion, but they shouldn't be necessary. I agree with you. Punishing experienced and successful sellers who have spent years building their reputation, profiles, and prosperity on Fiverr because of a few noob buyers is dangerous. It means we have to stop working with them or run the risk of very real damage to our revenue stream. Never underestimate mac 'n' cheese straight out of the pot with a wooden spoon. It's supposed to help maintain a high testosterone level. That is sort of my point. If you own a business and have to tighten your belt every time you visit a grocery store, you're less likely to spend your hard-earned money on marketing or other services you'd typically purchase on Fiverr. If you have to spend, you'll be looking for the best deals, and that means not filtering to find the top-tier sellers, but instead, looking for new/cheaper sellers trying to get started on the platform.
  21. While I haven't noticed a drop personally, I've spoken to multiple successful sellers who have. I think the issue has more to do with the fact that most sellers this seems to affect are higher priced, top-rated, and pro sellers offering premium services at a time when businesses are desperately trying to cut costs. Marketing budgets are sliced in half. Content budgets go down the drain, and with it, voice-overs, animations, graphic design, and content writing niches suffer while being replaced by cheaper sellers or even AI. Even so, I find it equally frustrating that the lack of transparency from Fiverr is causing so much annoyance for many of the top people on Fiverr. Whether or not I'm right in my assessment of the cause for this drop, I think Fiverr must remember that we also need to cut costs, especially when our revenue drops. If Seller Plus consists of vague, generic mumbo jumbo we get for free from Support or the Fiverr help pages, many top sellers might find a way to save 348 bucks a year. Where I live, that's food for a month.
  22. And if you read that response, it says that support can't do anything about it. The trust and safety team is reviewing your account for possible violations, and you just have to wait until they make a decision.
  23. Everyone here on the forum is a seller or buyer, just like you. If you want to reach out to Fiverr support, you must do so through the support ticket.
  24. The issue with a download-all option is that Fiverr would have to zip those files before shipping the download off to the browser, or if multiple separate files will be downloaded, get the permission of the browser/user for that. The most common is to zip the file on the server (Google Drive does this), but it takes resources and time, meaning the buyer might think the site is lagging out, causing them to hit the download button multiple times. In the end, it would cause strain on the servers and buyer's patience. The seller (if they're worth their salt) will upload the delivery as a Zip file for the buyer in such a case or use a Google Drive link or similar cloud service to deliver the files if the size is too big for Fiverr.
  25. As a seller, I agree with this. Keep it simple, keep it safe. At the moment, you get three (?) different review experiences per order. A two-parter private review and the star rating. In addition, Fiverr asks buyers generic questions at the start of each order, they remind you to submit requirements, notify you when an order has started and delivered. That's a three-parter review process, a set of questions, and three other notifications for every order. If you have 20 orders per month, that's 140 steps you have to take.
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