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Status Replies posted by lloydsolutions

  1. I apparently can write status update posts but not replies to them @lloydsolutions. What an adventure in Byzantine this is turning out to be!

    I should probably space out my visits if I don't want to be [bad worded] by [bad words]! In any case, it's the same criticism they've had since day 1, namely the appalling quality of user contributions (in general) on the FF and subreddit and the apparent disinterest of TPTB in doing anything to improve that. 

    One of the reasons I don't really come here (or to r/Fiverr) anymore is because good posts are few and far between, and my tongue tends to get me [potential bad word fun part 3]. With a whole internet of content to enjoy, well. Still, kudos to those of you who keep on fighting the good fight, though I do have to ask why you don't make better use of your time and do something less sisyphean (and presumably, more enjoyable)!

    Anyway, bit rubbish this [IDK if this is a bad word] business, so I'll log off for the day. 

    1. lloydsolutions


       What's with the spy tech of seeing who viewed your profile? 

      Just click on your profile image and you will see the following on the left hand side.


      The recent visitors block is disabled and is not being shown to other users.



    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. I apparently can write status update posts but not replies to them @lloydsolutions. What an adventure in Byzantine this is turning out to be!

    I should probably space out my visits if I don't want to be [bad worded] by [bad words]! In any case, it's the same criticism they've had since day 1, namely the appalling quality of user contributions (in general) on the FF and subreddit and the apparent disinterest of TPTB in doing anything to improve that. 

    One of the reasons I don't really come here (or to r/Fiverr) anymore is because good posts are few and far between, and my tongue tends to get me [potential bad word fun part 3]. With a whole internet of content to enjoy, well. Still, kudos to those of you who keep on fighting the good fight, though I do have to ask why you don't make better use of your time and do something less sisyphean (and presumably, more enjoyable)!

    Anyway, bit rubbish this [IDK if this is a bad word] business, so I'll log off for the day. 

    1. lloydsolutions


      It's lovely to see you. Do come back soon.

      Maybe write that "something vaguely helpful and educational" thing you mentioned, which I am sure would also be wildly entertaining! 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Welp, I've reached the maximum number of posts I can make per day so whatevs. 

    1. lloydsolutions


      Good to see you. Come back soon! 🙂

  4. Tell me anything about What can I share in this forum & the roles of conversation, please. Because I'm a beginner.

  5. The color of the sky changes over time ,

    1. lloydsolutions


      Posting on the forum will not benefit your Fiverr account in any way.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Quietly -tip toes- around. 

    Yikes, it's been a longtime since I've visted this place. 😄

    I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe and healthy. 




  7. This might actually top everything that I have experienced on the forum. This is so absurd it's actually hilarious.

    As I'm messaging a moderator in private in hopes to report a spammer who is flooding the forum with their nonsense (and there doesn't seem to be another way to report a person rather than messaging a moderator), I get this message that I will attach below.

    @frank_d I'm sorry, you might have to wait 24 hours for my reply. 😄

    So how's everyone doing? How are the forum Conga Gods treating you today? 😄 @fiveroptic1  @mandyzines @vovkaslovesnyy  @zeus777 @smashradio @vickiespencer @lloydsolutions @newsmike @alphagev @maitasun @theratypist @mariashtelle1 @surajkartha @ahmwritingco


    1. lloydsolutions


      The forum seemed to be updating yesterday and I could not access it.

      Maybe they have made some changes to posting limits.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hey, Lloyd,

    How about I go in your place to your job and you come to my house and take care of my 22 month old granddaughter. I need a rest! 

  9. Good Morning, Lloyd,

    Do you have any exciting plans for the weekend? 

    It looks like I will be working. My profile must be on the "you will get orders" parts of the Fiverr algorithm. Yippee. It is time to make hay while the sun shines as they say. 

    1. lloydsolutions


      My other business and personal activities keep me busy all week. Just enjoy relaxing at the  weekends. Glad to hear you have got lots of work.🙂

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Hello, Lloyd,

    I am just stopping by to see how the follower completion between you and @vibronxis going. I see he is ahead of you! Do you think you can catch up to him? 🏃🏻‍♀️

    1. lloydsolutions


      Just checked. He is rushing ahead. Still, early days. 🙂

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Hello, My dear! How are you today? 

    1. lloydsolutions


      Wondering where this is going dear! 🤣

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Mam, you got work for me? I know how to type! 

    1. lloydsolutions


      We are just having fun here.

      If you want help you need to create your own topic on the main forum under Improve My Gig.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. We have the same amount of followers! 😱 First to 50 wins!

    1. lloydsolutions


      Just noticed how many I have. I had better keep posting then! 

      Although, who could resist your lovely smile! 🙂


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. Mam, you got work for me? I know how to type! 

    1. lloydsolutions


      Got no work for you. You're not my type!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. I am tires of those who should be here doing their jobs not responding to reports while the Fiverr Forum is being run amuck by users who give bad advice, repeat posts in the same thread, get sassy when you politely ask them to stop and the general disjointedness of the current forum. I am out of all posting except on my profile and the profile of my followers and friends.


    It is like the spammers are shoveling the junk in and the rest of us have a teaspoon to get rid of it. 


    So, my friends we can chit chat on eachother's profiles and escape the madness! 

    1. lloydsolutions


      Don't blame you Vickie.  Never thought I would ever say this but the forum is becoming not fit for purpose.

      Something needs to be done very soon. 

      If all of the knowledgeable former regular posters stop posting the forum will be of no help to any one.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hello, Lloyd,

    Isn't this new FF crazy? I am trying to decide if the spamming is worse here or on the old FF? But I think it is worse here! 

    1. lloydsolutions


      At least you can do it the right way! 🙂

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. Hello, Lloyd,

    Isn't this new FF crazy? I am trying to decide if the spamming is worse here or on the old FF? But I think it is worse here! 

    1. lloydsolutions


      It is definitely worse here. So much so that I am not spending as much time on the forum as before. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. It is so nice to see you again, Lloyd!!! 🤗

    1. lloydsolutions


      Thanks. It's great to be back and see you all again. 🙂

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