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Need your help badly

Guest djbsf1

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Guest djbsf1

I have just started selling on fiverr. Its my 25th day. Sold 20+ gigs till now. But in last 10 days I have received only 3 orders . Also my impressions are going down. My best selling gigs was getting at least 200 impressions per day earlier but now 100 even 50 views. Tried rearranging all things (including keywords and meta) , still no luck .

Contacted support, they replied -

“Thanks for contacting us. I checked on your account and everything looks to be ok from our side. Note that we only provide a marketplace and we can’t guarantee any sales, this is something you need to work on. We advise you to manually advertise the gigs on the Internet as this would help in making it more noticeable and hopefully getting more sales.”

I am offering the best package in my category . No one is giving the same in quantity . Even 1 of the top seller using my gig at this point (Knowing the same I have updated my gig with more in quantity.). How I know that ? I have found a mutual buyer(who is also a seller) reviewed for him and bought same thing from me and didn’t left review even after offering a bribe gig . Yes I am offering a bribe gig for positive review and its working. Thanks to this forum tips.

Now need your help for my situation.

Is it natural ?

Can anyone help me out with it?

I am in real fear now…

Need your help badly .

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Hi, you can’t expect getting a lot of sales everyday just because you’re on fiverr, if that was the case then everybody will stop working and be on fiverr, all sellers have their ups and downs, and what customer support said is the answer, you have to advertise you gigs follow tips on the forum and be patient, buyers are not robots, all new sellers think that “i have a gig then i must have sales” like if buyers are robots and they buy all the time, you have to be patient my friend 🙂

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“bribe gig” lol

Calm down. You’re doing great for day 25. You practically have an order for every day you’ve been here. Go take a break and wait for the next customer. Freelancing is feast or famine. Not much point in worrying about it. Maybe don’t mention the bribe gig again, as that sounds ridiculous.

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Actually, if I’m reading it right, you’re also breaking TOS with your review swaps (“bribe gig”). Stop that, or you’ll get banned from Fiverr and then you won’t have any sales. It’s perfectly understandable that you want to be successful and make money, but doing it this way is shooting yourself in the foot with short-sighted strategies that are, quite frankly, the hallmark of scammers.

Consider that a friendly warning. Customer Support might not have noticed it yet, but they will if you persist, and there will be consequences when they do.

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I didn’t even look at the profile. Nice catch. That said, this is PLR and depending on the rights that came when purchased, OP can legitimately sell them on. That said, more likely these were torrented or from a dodgy site so don’t come with rights.

All in all, I feel that sticking your head above the parapets for the love of money is a classic greedy misstep. Combined with the possible review ring, it won’t be long before the Trust and Safety team’s banhammer comes crashing down and you won’t make any money at all.

I agree, Fiverr really needs to add some sort of pre-publish moderation for all gigs, perhaps even profiles. It would solve a lot of issues and weed out a ton of awful buyers–the only downside is $$$, of course.

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With due respect, All India, Pakistan, Bangladeshi people are not scammer. You can not say that . All peoples are not bad. I had 2 Nederlands client who cheat me. So I can tell you All Netherlands people are scammer and bad. So please stay away from them who are scammer, but dont complain any country.

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I could say that the Netherlands is synonymous with doped-up gay druggies who are also weirdly obsessed with tulips, and I’d be right (for a fraction of the population! Unless the problem has spread…)

The Indian subcontinent is synonymous with scamming. It’s an unfortunate fact, if not a universally true statement.

The one statement that could be universally true, regardless of location, is that desperate people are more likely to be scam (and be scammed, conversely). Put an easy target like Fiverr on their radar and you’re set to bake a horrible cake nobody likes.

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These are for sure PLR books and so they are either freely available or low priced with resale rights. I just don’t understand how buying books that cost less than 1 cent each can be seen as a good investment for a buyer!
Bribe gig is basically, you get another gig for free if you give me five stars - totally against ToS and one of the reasons some buyers do not trust reviews, even when there are lots of them…

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A bribe Gig can also be considered a bonus, right? (which is what it says in his Gig pic)… Is that against Fiverr’s ToS?

I think the best advice the OP got is to “calm down” and don’t expect to be getting sales all day everyday.

Other than that, I too am surprised that mmr/plr ebooks sell that well. To that, I say, well done.

p.s. the abbreviation ‘OP’ means ‘original poster’… right? 😃

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They might not last long, but the damage to other reputable sellers by association lingers. It’s not going to be hard for a banned scammer to start up again. Tedious, perhaps, but the set-up is all part of the job.

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It’s common knowledge that a lot of Dutch buyers want everything for free. I have my share of experiences with them and filtering them out is key and it’s an advantage to know their overall mentality from first hand.

I did not say that all people from the countries I mention are scammers. I said that the majority of them who are here on Fiverr are scammers. There is a subtle difference. I also mentioned that it is a pity for those of you who actually doing honest business here.

When I see your track record I think that you are doing a great job.

But browse through the gigs here and check the ones where your guts says ‘The are scam!’. You will see that most of them are coming from the countries I mentioned.

On the other hand: regardless of the country, there are some scam gigs here, where I think those who buy them deserve to suffer.

What one says about people from the Netherlands doesn’t bother me, even though I have the Dutch citizenship and live in the Netherlands.
I’m a German-Italian-Dutch-co-production, go figure. I grew up in (Germany b.t.w.).

However, good luck.

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Just to respond to one bit, OP usually means either original poster or original post, depending on context. It’s a regular term on forums (Fiverr and non-Fiverr) to make it easier to refer to the person or the post that started a thread. 🙂

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Stereotypes are everywhere and it is impossible to overcome. There are positive stereotypes as well but I question this culture of being so judgmental.
Personally I also get affected by these scams. Buyers say that we are contacting you because none else is taking our orders. I feel like what? There is no solution except doing the work in the best manner.

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