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How do I reply to feedback?


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Hi … I’m a new seller and can’t figure out how to reply to feedback. I’ve searched and searched. Can someone please let me know?

Is it just me, or is the selling experience here not very intuitive at all? The seller area just isn’t well organized in my opinion. It’s difficult to find things and to keep on top of things.

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Go to the order page and find the green box (at the bottom of the page) above of the buyer’s feedback with the text “REVIEW YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH THIS BUYER”. Then hover your mouse over the stars and click how many stars as you want it. Immediately the comment box will be opened and you can leave your feedback for him… Also don’t forget to click PUBLISH REVIEW button to submit it 🙂

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Guest the318nation

What are you finding hard to find? I usually get around very well. The only thing I find difficult is when i am at work and I am still logged in but I get a message it doesn’t show up in my notifications. Otherwise I find it really easy to navigate.

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Thanks for the replies. However, what I asked for is how to REPLY to feedback, not how to leave feedback for a buyer.

To clarify:

I have seen on other sellers’ public gig pages where the buyer leaves them feedback and the seller replies to what the buyer said, such as “thank you” etc. Isn’t this different from leaving feedback for the buyer?

I have attached a screenshot of what I mean, from a seller’s gig page with the buyer names blurred out.

I want to know because I need to reply to feedback one of my buyers left on my gig page. (I sell under a different ID.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn’t know that about the multiple accounts. I thought it was like other online marketplaces where it’s okay to have a buying ID and a selling ID in order to keep everything separate. I only sell from one and only buy from the other. I don’t really know what I’m doing, it’s pretty confusing.

Thanks for clarifying about feedback … I had no idea leaving feedback for the buyer was the same as replying.

One more question: I’m trying leave feedback for every buyer but the green box doesn’t show up on the order pages of the buyers who haven’t left feedback for me. Do I have to message them and ask for feedback so I can leave it for them?

Thanks so much for helping a newbie seller! I’ll pay your kindness forward.

: )

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