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Partial Refund - Request to Partial Refund from Seller


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I’m also in a situation that i would like to make a partial refund. A customer ordered my gig thinking I spoke native american english (I speak latin accent english), yet the order was for a Churrasqueira portuguese restaurant, so I assumed that he wanted a latin english accent to sound authentic. Turns out he did not listen to our demos beforehand, but he tells me this after delivering my work. I don’t want to charge him the full amount for the order, but i also don’t want to completely cancel and stay with $0, and I also don’t want to risk him giving me a bad review…

You know that buyers, when submitting the instructions, now have a checkbox that clearly states that they have provided proper & accurate instructions? And that any changes will require either your approval or is subject to additional costs. Here:

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The New Check Box When Buyers Buy

Do not know if you all saw, but Fiverr add an interesting box buyers have to check before buying. Read it and share your thoughts! See the image.

Reading time: 3 mins ? Likes: 116 ❤

As you can see from that image, you can easily use this to your advantage and “remind” your client that they have ticked that checkbox, and you then have all the right to ask for more funds or let it as is. Even if they leave bad review, you’d have proof of what they did and that checkbox puts them in the bad spot since they ignored it.

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  • 7 months later...
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Guest illbeams

Yes please add this feature and leave it to the seller to receive 75% or more. I ordered a gig and the seller did not follow the directions of what i was requesting but he did provide several revisions, only problem was none of them followed the script and plan i requested before and during my order. I was not dissatisfied with the aesthetics of his work only that he didnt stick to my script. By that time it had been too long and the project was way overdue to the point that i wanted a refund due to the seller being unable to deliver exactly what i asked but instead chose to improvise his own. Fiverr lays out in its term that orders are valid as long as seller does what is described in the gig but if seller does not or will not follow the plan of the customer, that customer should be entitled some refund. As a fiverr seller and buyer, i understand the work that went into the seller’s production and was not disappointed with the style or sellers taste and for that reason i definitely think 75% is a fair start (regardless of situation). And with only 50% max refund. Because it is to be understood that the service is risk massociated. After that, it can be up for ndispute. Also, support needs to actually read tnhne conversation and order details to avoid nmisinformation or bias.

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Guest illbeams

You know that buyers, when submitting the instructions, now have a checkbox that clearly states that they have provided proper & accurate instructions? And that any changes will require either your approval or is subject to additional costs. Here:


Do not know if you all saw, but Fiverr add an interesting box buyers have to check before buying. Read it and share your thoughts! See the image.

Reading time: 3 mins ? Likes: 116 ❤

As you can see from that image, you can easily use this to your advantage and “remind” your client that they have ticked that checkbox, and you then have all the right to ask for more funds or let it as is. Even if they leave bad review, you’d have proof of what they did and that checkbox puts them in the bad spot since they ignored it.

This does not show on mobile i believe. If so, please send screenshot

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hello Everyone!

Fiverr should add a feature for partial refund. In current scenario, if you need to refund partially to any client, you don’t have any option to do that except to cancel the order and order again.

In such type of refund you will get a cancelled order label, decrease in completion order ratio and decrease in listing/position in your niche too.

There should be a feature in each order (Resolution center) where we can add the amount, which need to be refund and can keep the rest of amount.

In this way you can mark yourself safe from the cancellation 🙂

The most important thing 🙂 The review option should be disable in such cases because they clients are already like angry birds.

What are your thoughts? Should we give the fiverr a suggestion? Please leave your comments!
Thank you!

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  • 3 months later...

Please FIVERR ADD A PARTIAL REFUND OPTION, We are NOT WORKING SLAVES of cocky BUYERS . Value our effort and time as you value the buyers money, at least at a certain seller level there must be a partial refund option or a working insurance , like 30-40 percent of the initial value paid beforehand. We CANNOT WORK like DOGS, have 20 percent of earning taken away and having to live with the fear of a bad review because of cocky clients and not giving away all the time and effort put into projects! If you dont respect your sellers then good sellers will just go away and you will be left with scammers and Teenagers trying to make pocket money selling fake followers!

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Have you tried just not refunding at all?

I am guessing that you are in a similar situation to me at present, where you have buyers trying to cancel after delivery. You can just refuse. If they are scammers, they usually won’t even leave a review, as they don’t want you to leave a negative review on their profile.

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Have you tried just not refunding at all?

I am guessing that you are in a similar situation to me at present, where you have buyers trying to cancel after delivery. You can just refuse. If they are scammers, they usually won’t even leave a review, as they don’t want you to leave a negative review on their profile.

thank you for replying to my post, I would do but it would lead to a bad review and reviews are very important to base your selling prices. Its not the review itself its the aftermath that i want to avoid so i would rather have half my effort and intact my reputation

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Have you tried just not refunding at all?

I am guessing that you are in a similar situation to me at present, where you have buyers trying to cancel after delivery. You can just refuse. If they are scammers, they usually won’t even leave a review, as they don’t want you to leave a negative review on their profile.

To be honest its my first time ever i dont satisfy the needs of a client

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I agree with @cyaxrex. Why refund in the first place? Also, partial refunds are a bad idea. This opens up the door to a TON of abuse, some buyers will try to get some of the money back, threatening sellers with bad reviews. Also, I am not sure Fiverr would quantify partial cancellations and how would that impact seller levels. It’s just a ton of work for a feature that’s most likely going to be abused by a lot of people. The system is fine the way it is. Refuse cancellations or offer them and deal with the penalty 🙂

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I agree with @cyaxrex. Why refund in the first place? Also, partial refunds are a bad idea. This opens up the door to a TON of abuse, some buyers will try to get some of the money back, threatening sellers with bad reviews. Also, I am not sure Fiverr would quantify partial cancellations and how would that impact seller levels. It’s just a ton of work for a feature that’s most likely going to be abused by a lot of people. The system is fine the way it is. Refuse cancellations or offer them and deal with the penalty 🙂

Isnt it abuse when you deliver, revise, revise again. revise as far as you can and then just client comes up and says can you refund me?

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To be honest its my first time ever i dont satisfy the needs of a client

To be honest its my first time ever i dont satisfy the needs of a client

If you cancel, they just come back and order again using a different account. i.e. They see they can get work for free and go hard at getting as much as possible.

I haven’t had any buyer demand to cancel an order in 1-year. I get 1, then a week later I get another one who I know is the same person, because they use the same excuse, lies, and appalling language.

Giving these people partial refunds would just make the problem worse. You have to kick them in the gonads, punch them in the eye, and slam the door in their face whenever they come calling.

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Isnt it abuse when you deliver, revise, revise again. revise as far as you can and then just client comes up and says can you refund me?

Isnt it abuse when you deliver, revise, revise again.

It’s abuse, harassment, extortion, and psychological bullying all rolled into one. 😦

That’s why you have to fight back.

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After i have delivered multiple times, if i cancel the order and give refund will client have downloaded my delivery even with a watermark?

if i cancel the order and give refund will client have downloaded my delivery even with a watermark?

Even if they download files with a watermark, there are easy free ways to remove these.

Do not cancel. You are obviously talented. You are surrendering to fear here. Like I just told you, this often makes matters worse. Normal buyers do not ask for revisions then ask to cancel. Nor do they ask to cancel immediately after delivery.

Stand your ground.

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thank you for replying to my post, I would do but it would lead to a bad review and reviews are very important to base your selling prices. Its not the review itself its the aftermath that i want to avoid so i would rather have half my effort and intact my reputation

I would do but it would lead to a bad review and reviews are very important

As @urdeke said, as long as you are afraid of bad review you will be open for a blackmail.

Even a bad review here I see as an opportunity.

  1. First of all I will leave bad and honest review on his profile to warn people.
  2. Then I will write my answer to his review on my profile, telling my part of the story and that he tried to get away with a free work.

That bad review with my answer will work as magic repellent for all future scammers. They’ll see that that and will know that they wouldn’t be able to get away with free work with you.

So even that bad review can do much more good to you than just cancelling an order (which also will hit your stats)

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thank you for replying to my post, I would do but it would lead to a bad review and reviews are very important to base your selling prices. Its not the review itself its the aftermath that i want to avoid so i would rather have half my effort and intact my reputation

but it would lead to a bad review and reviews are very important to base your selling prices.

What’s up with sellers being so terrified of bad reviews? I saw another post the other day where sellers are saying they’d rather cancel than get a bad review. I’m sorry, but I value my time and I’m not going to let buyers bully me and get away with it because I’m afraid of a bad review.

Also, I’ve purchased from sellers with all glowing 5-star reviews, not one bad review, and got really crappy service that left me wondering where all those good reviews came from. And I’ve purchased from sellers with multiple bad reviews and got quality service.

That said, I’ve become VERY picky as a seller. I now tell a lot of potential buyers that I am not available even when I am, based on a number of things - like that first contact message, or if they’re asking for samples or trying to bargain, etc. As a result, I have very few bad experiences.

When I do get a bad review, I simply tell my side of the story.

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Have you tried just not refunding at all?

I am guessing that you are in a similar situation to me at present, where you have buyers trying to cancel after delivery. You can just refuse. If they are scammers, they usually won’t even leave a review, as they don’t want you to leave a negative review on their profile.

Its Really heart touching When buyer did not accept delivery or receive delivery but did give any feed

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Guest humanissocial

Never going to happen.

When an order is created it is a contract. There is no such thing as retroactively changing the terms of a contract because that defeats the purpose of a contract.

Fiverr isn’t treating you like a slave by doing what is legally and logistically best for their company. Honestly…

Would Amazon give partial refunds? Never. Because that isn’t how marketplaces work.

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