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Seller blocked buyer for 4.7 review



I am new to Fiver. I placed 3 orders to a pro seller and were delievered to me even later than planned time but was acceptable to me and i have marked 3 reviews (1 with rating 5 & 2 with 4.7) as the work was good.

The moment i reviewed the seller become angry that why i did 4.7 as review instead of 5. I have appologize and asked fiver to even remove the review as the seller told he will not further work with me anymore.

I spend 1 full day begging him that plz dont leave me midway as u started and i want you to finish and i have appologize him hundreds time to have mercy on me and i also paid him a tip as a token of appreciation for his work. But now He bolocked me .

I would request fiver team to look into such matters and help me to resolve it as it is ethically and professionally not a good approach to block a buyer and behave in such an unprofessional way for only giving 4.7 review.

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18 minutes ago, engr_salman2 said:

I am new to Fiver. I placed 3 orders to a pro seller and were delievered to me even later than planned time but was acceptable to me and i have marked 3 reviews (1 with rating 5 & 2 with 4.7) as the work was good.

The moment i reviewed the seller become angry that why i did 4.7 as review instead of 5. I have appologize and asked fiver to even remove the review as the seller told he will not further work with me anymore.

I spend 1 full day begging him that plz dont leave me midway as u started and i want you to finish and i have appologize him hundreds time to have mercy on me and i also paid him a tip as a token of appreciation for his work. But now He bolocked me .

I would request fiver team to look into such matters and help me to resolve it as it is ethically and professionally not a good approach to block a buyer and behave in such an unprofessional way for only giving 4.7 review.

Hi there, I've just looked into it and sadly I don't think there's anything to be done in this case. I can't get into the details here, but since you were not fully satisfied with 2 out of 3 orders, the Seller no longer thinks they're the right fit for your future projects. However, since you were very persistent, the Seller decided to block you as they no longer want to work on your project. But my question is, if you feel that this behavior is unethical and unprofessional, why would you even want to continue with the same Seller, aren't you better of finding another Seller, the one who is a better fit for your project? Feel free to contact the CS team, however they can't make anyone work with another user if they don't want to. Good luck 🍀

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11 minutes ago, engr_salman2 said:

The moment i reviewed the seller become angry that why i did 4.7 as review instead of 5. I have appologize and asked fiver to even remove the review as the seller told he will not further work with me anymore.


The seller's behavior is completely unethical and unprofessional (in my opinion). Firstly, it is completely against the TOS to show anger or give any manipulative reaction to buyers when they rate lower than 5. You can definitely report this behavior to customer support and ask them to take action, as the seller was emotionally (by showing anger) trying to influence your decision. 

However, you should also understand that it is the seller's decision whether or not they want to work with you in the future. Yes, their approach is completely wrong and they should have handled the situation professionally and with positivity -- but even customer support can not force sellers to work with buyers.

So, the most you can do right now is report the profile to customer support (trying to manipulate your decision) and move on to other sellers for future work.

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Actually, I have a question related to this: Are pro sellers necessarily educated sellers? What sets them apart from other sellers? Do they not have control over achieving a 4.7-star rating? Or can we say they lack self-control when it comes to ratings?

I consider the 4.7 rating as not bad.

I find it disturbing that pro sellers behave in this manner. I wonder how they became pro sellers in the first place despite lacking self-control over their ratings.

A buyer who had previously worked with a pro seller once came to me. However, after giving a low rating, the pro seller blocked him. Later, the same buyer gave me a 4.7-star rating, and I thanked him for it.

Some buyers consider 4 stars a good rating, while others don't. It's an individual perspective that reflects their nature. Instead of blocking them, we can positively discuss issues. 🙂

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7 minutes ago, mrubaid820 said:

What sets them apart from other sellers? Do they not have control over achieving a 4.7-star rating? Or can we say they lack self-control when it comes to ratings?

I consider the 4.7 rating as not bad.

Honestly, alot of sellers (pro or not pro)  act like school kids. They believe that a pile of 5-star reviews on their profile is some kinda of 7th grade marks card and the moment someone gives them less than 5-star, they lose their mind!! So many even come here and complain about buyers. 

But I'm not sure what you mean by Pro Sellers (not) having self-control??? 🤔

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1 hour ago, engr_salman2 said:

I am new to Fiver. I placed 3 orders to a pro seller and were delievered to me even later than planned time but was acceptable to me and i have marked 3 reviews (1 with rating 5 & 2 with 4.7) as the work was good.

The moment i reviewed the seller become angry that why i did 4.7 as review instead of 5. I have appologize and asked fiver to even remove the review as the seller told he will not further work with me anymore.

I spend 1 full day begging him that plz dont leave me midway as u started and i want you to finish and i have appologize him hundreds time to have mercy on me and i also paid him a tip as a token of appreciation for his work. But now He bolocked me .

I would request fiver team to look into such matters and help me to resolve it as it is ethically and professionally not a good approach to block a buyer and behave in such an unprofessional way for only giving 4.7 review.

Oh my goodness! 4.7? I wish I was the one that received such rating

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3 hours ago, engr_salman2 said:

I am new to Fiver. I placed 3 orders to a pro seller and were delievered to me even later than planned time but was acceptable to me and i have marked 3 reviews (1 with rating 5 & 2 with 4.7) as the work was good.

The moment i reviewed the seller become angry that why i did 4.7 as review instead of 5. I have appologize and asked fiver to even remove the review as the seller told he will not further work with me anymore.

I spend 1 full day begging him that plz dont leave me midway as u started and i want you to finish and i have appologize him hundreds time to have mercy on me and i also paid him a tip as a token of appreciation for his work. But now He bolocked me .

I would request fiver team to look into such matters and help me to resolve it as it is ethically and professionally not a good approach to block a buyer and behave in such an unprofessional way for only giving 4.7 review.

Did you place the orders at the same time? Or was there any time between them?

While acting upset (and just in general talking about ratings) is NOT okay - IF someone placed 3 orders with me and rated two of them lower (for whatever reason) at the same time I would be suspicious. Not every buyer has good intentions and while likely your heart was in the right place, you might have accidentally set off some red flags. 

1 order at a time is what I go with when it comes to 99% of my customers even though I do break large orders up to make them more manageable for them.

That being said the seller WAS in the wrong to talk to you that way. However, whether they work with you again or not is up to them.


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3 hours ago, engr_salman2 said:

I am new to Fiver. I placed 3 orders to a pro seller and were delievered to me even later than planned time but was acceptable to me and i have marked 3 reviews (1 with rating 5 & 2 with 4.7) as the work was good.

The moment i reviewed the seller become angry that why i did 4.7 as review instead of 5. I have appologize and asked fiver to even remove the review as the seller told he will not further work with me anymore.

I spend 1 full day begging him that plz dont leave me midway as u started and i want you to finish and i have appologize him hundreds time to have mercy on me and i also paid him a tip as a token of appreciation for his work. But now He bolocked me .

I would request fiver team to look into such matters and help me to resolve it as it is ethically and professionally not a good approach to block a buyer and behave in such an unprofessional way for only giving 4.7 review.

Hello i something similar happend to me and I replied to fiverr, you can send this message to fiverr and see what they say. I hope its helpfull

Dear Fiverr Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to seek your assistance regarding an issue I encountered with a Pro Seller on your platform.

I recently placed three orders with this seller, all of which were delivered after the originally planned deadline, but I found the quality acceptable, so I left reviews of 5 stars on one order and 4.7 stars on the other two. However, upon leaving these reviews, the seller became upset and questioned why I didn’t rate all orders as 5 stars. Despite my attempts to explain and apologize, the seller has refused to continue working with me, even though they had already started a project. I also offered a tip as a gesture of appreciation for their work.

After spending an entire day trying to resolve the situation, including apologizing numerous times, the seller still decided to block me. This has caused significant inconvenience and stress, especially as I had hoped to continue working with this seller.

I understand that reviews are an important part of the Fiverr ecosystem, and I value honesty in giving feedback. I never intended to offend the seller with my ratings, which were meant to reflect my genuine experience. Blocking a buyer and refusing to continue work over a fair review does not seem professional or in line with Fiverr’s values.

I would kindly request your help in resolving this matter, as it feels unfair to be left without the service I paid for due to a difference in opinion over reviews. I appreciate your support in ensuring that such situations are handled ethically and professionally.

Thank you for your time and understanding.

Kind regards,

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