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The Fiverr's AI Experts Panel is coming soon...


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We’ve got your ticket to staying ahead of the AI tech curve. 

As AI evolves and customer demands evolve with it, now’s the time to harness its potential as your new business partner—and we’re here to help. 

Join our webinar on April 18, 2023 at 10am EST to hear from four of our experts on optimizing AI in the tech industry:

  • Eugenio Zuccarelli: Pro seller, data scientist, and AI leader working with companies ranging from the White House and Fortune 500 firms to startups, Eugenio has accomplished all of the following: Forbes 30 Under 30, Fortune 40 Under 40, speaking for TEDx, WEF Global Shaper, and more. 
  • Or Levy: Backend engineer-turned-software engineer and Fiverr developer, Or spearheaded the development of the ML Platform at Fiverr, which supports all of the data science and ML models trained within the company.
  • Sapir Hadad: "Ex-FinityX" Co-Founder & CEO and a Fiverr product marketing manager, Sapir has 10+ years experience in product management and operations, utilizing AI to enhance products and streamline business processes. 
  • Asaf Azar: Fiverr product manager and software engineer, leading the software and AI verticals on Fiverr, Asaf has helped many businesses integrate Generative AI into their products over the past two years.

Ready to tech about it? Sign up here.

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So we're supposed to get AI wisdom from the geniuses who unleashed Neo on the world and thought it was a brilliant idea to let AI dictate the value of human talent?

The more these AI-obsessed companies double down on AI, the more disastrous the outcomes.

Just look at some of the recent outreach from Fiverr. It's been pure GPT drivel. It's like an endless snooze-fest, and it's taking the human out of the equation.

I'm no AI hater, but the boilerplate nonsense being pushed by platforms using AI for everything is nothing short of a masterclass in mediocrity. 

When you start viewing AI as a business partner, and not just a tool guessing which words or what pixel to churn out next, I, personally, think you got this all wrong. 

But I guess that's where we're headed. We're not "staying ahead" of AI – we're chasing it like there was no tomorrow, and human creativity and skill has already suffered for it. 

I'll end this off with a quote from Norwegian Associate Professor Are Bøe Pedersen at the NLA University in Norway, from his article, "ChatGPT makes you dumber". 

"Allowing students to use language models like ChatGPT in academic work lowers their performance, trains them to procrastinate, and leads to cognitive decline. Perhaps we should not rush to integrate it into studies and work? Initially, I joked that if the predictions about ChatGPT were to come true — that it would be used by students for writing and by teachers for grading — the future of Norwegian language subjects would consist of texts that no one had written and no one had read. It was meant as a joke, but it's becoming increasingly closer to reality. "

The original article can be found in Norwegian here: ChatGPT gjør deg dummere (khrono.no)


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Fiverr is using AI incredibly poorly, expert or not. 

I will not be attending the webinar. I have no interest in hearing the thoughts of people who aren't interested in the thoughts of their userbase, because all they can hear is the static noise from their AI tools. 

EDIT: I asked ChatGPT to write a short article about this upcoming webinar in the style of the Sun, a much-hated UK tabloid famous for its sensationalist headlines and simplified news stories. 


"Tech Tyranny: Fiverr's AI Webinar Masks Ruthless Labor Exploits!"

In a bold move dripping with irony, Fiverr is set to host a webinar championing the 'benefits' of AI in the workplace. Scheduled for April 18, 2023, at 10 AM EST, this event features speakers heralded for their contributions to AI, despite the platform's notorious history of pushing workers to their limits.

Eugenio Zuccarelli, celebrated in Forbes and Fortune lists, will speak, but can his accolades distract from the grim realities workers face under AI's relentless watch? Similarly, Or Levy, a developer who helped build Fiverr's ML Platform, presents this technology as a beacon of innovation, while critics argue it's just another tool for exploitation.

Sapir Hadad, former startup CEO and now a Fiverr manager, along with Asaf Azar, a leader in software and AI verticals, will also take the stage. They're poised to showcase how AI streamlines operations—yet, for many on Fiverr, 'streamlining' feels suspiciously like squeezing the workforce dry.

As AI continues to evolve, the tech industry is at a crossroads: Will it uplift the labor force or automate it into oblivion? Fiverr's webinar might pitch AI as a 'new business partner,' but for many, this partnership feels more like a dictatorship. Is attending just another step towards a dystopian future where technology rules ruthlessly, and human rights get coded away?

Before signing up, attendees should question: Are they there to learn about technological advancements, or to be complicit in a system that may value profit over people?

Already better output than a lot of Fiverr's own gen AI output. Gizza job? 

Edited by emmaki
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18 minutes ago, emmaki said:

Fiverr is using AI incredibly poorly, expert or not. 

I will not be attending the webinar. I have no interest in hearing the thoughts of people who aren't interested in the thoughts of their userbase, because all they can hear is the static noise from their AI tools. 

EDIT: I asked ChatGPT to write a short article about this upcoming webinar in the style of the Sun, a much-hated UK tabloid famous for its sensationalist headlines and simplified news stories. 

Already better output than a lot of Fiverr's own gen AI output. Gizza job? 

What an excellent read from "The Sun". 

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6 minutes ago, emmaki said:

And until recently, page 3 of the Sun always had busty women with their tops off. 

It knew its audience. 

We have a similar one in Norway called Dagbladet. But it's tame compared to The Sun. But who am I to complain... I own a newspaper and it's pretty tabloid. Nowhere close to The Sun, of course. 


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I think I would have been a good tabloid journalist in a past life. That or those women's magazines with "top tips" on how you can use an old coat hanger and a used dish sponge to get "your man" to do your guttering (and overly complicated relationships and love quadrangle dramas with fascinatingly ugly - and related - people). The best bit about those stories is that you, too, can make £25 if you EXPOSE your DARK secret to them (a photographer will pop around to take the obligatory sad face picture). 

Perfect for reading on the plane, really. 


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2 minutes ago, emmaki said:

I think I would have been a good tabloid journalist in a past life. That or those women's magazines with "top tips" on how you can use an old coat hanger and a used dish sponge to get "your man" to do your guttering (and overly complicated relationships and love quadrangle dramas with fascinatingly ugly - and related - people). The best bit about those stories is that you, too, can make £25 if you EXPOSE your DARK secret to them (a photographer will pop around to take the obligatory sad face picture). 

Perfect for reading on the plane, really. 


I think so, too. I'm just a bit tabloid. Adding a crying emoji to a Facebook post about someone's death is as far as I'll go. 

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To be fair, a crying emoji is pretty tame stuff - take a leaf out of News of the World and hack into their phone for some stories about the tragedy! 

The best part of the whole inquiry that followed is hard to pick, but two highlights for me were:

  • Rupert Murdoch pretending to be s*nile 
  • Wendi Deng (Rupe's ex-wife, alleged "close friend" of Tony Blair) kickboxing a comedian who broke into court to chuck a cream pie at Rupert

Of course, nothing ever came of anything and none of the newspapers seem terribly interested in Murdoch's amazing mental recovery.

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7 minutes ago, emmaki said:

The best part of the whole inquiry that followed is hard to pick, but two highlights for me were:

  • Rupert Murdoch pretending to be s*nile 
  • Wendi Deng (Rupe's ex-wife, alleged "close friend" of Tony Blair) kickboxing a comedian who broke into court to chuck a cream pie at Rupert

They were divorced shortly after that ... maybe Wendy's time off for good behaviour ... ?

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28 minutes ago, levinewman said:

This is the world they wanted to create. They want to replace their human sellers with an AI equivalent, so they never have to deal with human sellers again.

Imagine all the data they have. 

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21 minutes ago, levinewman said:

Now try to imagine the "accuracy" of that data.


Can we at least agree on some realistic terminology? For example, it is fairly clear that that instead of "artificial intelligence" they are building "artificial stupidity."




"Most cases"



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7 minutes ago, emmaki said:

Neo on his hardcoding:


Seems Neo is instructed to never take a firm stance on anything, hence "most cases." If waffles without certainty by design, because a lousy half answer is better than a wrong answer? 

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Depends on how well he converts, although Fiverr may prefer to lay that metric at the feet of the sellers who fail to convert (i.e. the buyer clicks through to the profile then leaves without buying or messaging) rather than do some thoughtful introspection into their own AI madness. 

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At the moment, it seems that Fiverr is just acting like a 4 year old kiddo who has just got a new toy (AI) and is trying every possible way to play with it all day. Fiverr is just "forcefully" implementing the AI in all places, regardless of the consequences, regardless of whether someone asked for it, and regardless of whether it's really needed.


Edited by rawque_gulia
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1 hour ago, newsmike said:

"Most cases"

This is what perplexity.ai says about the other cases:



  • In modular arithmetic, where numbers "wrap around" after reaching a certain value, 2+2 can equal 0 or 1 depending on the modulus. For example, in modulo 3 arithmetic, 2+2=1 since 4 divided by 3 leaves a remainder of 1. 
  • In certain number systems or algebraic structures, such as finite groups, the standard rules of addition may not apply. In a group with only three elements (0, 1, 2) where addition is defined as adding the numbers and taking the remainder when divided by 3, 2+2=1
  • In physics, when dealing with certain physical quantities, the standard rules of addition may not apply. For example, when adding temperatures measured in degrees Celsius, 20°C + 20°C does not equal 40°C, as temperature is not a quantity that follows the standard rules of addition.
  • In computer science, when dealing with binary numbers represented with a fixed number of bits, arithmetic operations can "wrap around" and produce results that differ from standard integer arithmetic. For example [example seemed wrong]


The youtube vid referenced by the perplexity.ai link:


Edited by uk1000
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