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How hard is actually to build a trading bot?


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/12/2021 at 12:08 PM, looseink said:

Mining Bot are automated programs developed as lines of code by their creators and are made to sneak on to a user’s computing device.

My thoughts exactly! Why on earth would Fiverr want to let people have Gigs that would sneak into an unsuspecting user’s computer?

I have a feeling this type of Gig is not allowed here.

Besides the fact that this Gig seems a bit on the “shady” side, all of your Gigs (3 of them) start off in the 100’s of dollars - this one in particular is $100 another Gig where you create some automated thing to do stock trades is $300 and another is $400. You are an unleveled seller here - you have no feedback, no sales and no track record to show here. That could be why buyers are looking at your Gig, but gun shy to actually click the Buy Now as they have no idea if you can deliver what you say.

And, of course, again, my opinion (and it is only that) of your Gigs, is they are pretty shady looking!


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Malware/spyware that throttles the unknowing victim’s GPU to earn crypto currency for someone else.

Sounds absolutely terrible.

And with the current ridiculous shortage and price hike of graphics cards (influenced in part due to crypto miners), it would be absolutely scummy to create and distribute mining malware/spyware that contributes to people’s GPU’s being overtaxed and dying prematurely.

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It seems trading bots have quite a market on here although they all claim high earnings and mention nothing about risks, looks very shady.

Right, and wouldn’t that fall under Fiverr’s terms about not putting up a Gig that “promises” a certain outcome?

Are there a ton of these type of Gigs here?


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Right, and wouldn’t that fall under Fiverr’s terms about not putting up a Gig that “promises” a certain outcome?

Are there a ton of these type of Gigs here?



It wasn’t until about page 4 that I started to see gigs without reviews, some of them have some crazy pricing, charging anywhere between £100 to £4000 for the exact same bot, I know this because I clicked on a few and they would have screenshots with the same interface, looks like it’s just a android app too, so they’re charging hundreds if not thousands for an APK? A lot of the gigs had one or two reviews and were always from the US, makes me think these gigs could be paying for reviews.

Would take quite a bit of reporting to get Fiverr to start taking some of these down but to be honest I’ve never seen a profile I’ve reported taken down.

Edit: I really don’t get it anyway, I mean, if you’re making thousands with a trading bot why the need to come to a site like Fiverr to sell it? Surely you’d be making your thousands/millions with your bot?

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/15/2021 at 6:14 AM, genuineguidance said:

My thoughts exactly! Why on earth would Fiverr want to let people have Gigs that would sneak into an unsuspecting user’s computer?

I have a feeling this type of Gig is not allowed here.

Besides the fact that this Gig seems a bit on the “shady” side, all of your Gigs (3 of them) start off in the 100’s of dollars - this one in particular is $100 another Gig where you create some automated thing to do stock trades is $300 and another is $400. You are an unleveled seller here - you have no feedback, no sales and no track record to show here. That could be why buyers are looking at your Gig, but gun shy to actually click the Buy Now as they have no idea if you can deliver what you say.

And, of course, again, my opinion (and it is only that) of your Gigs, is they are pretty shady looking!


That’s because we hate to spoil the fun but there’s no such thing as “mining bot” okay? They made them up like “free energy devices” and stuff like that. There’s an actual study on that: https://ccdcoe.org/uploads/2012/01/5_7_PlohmannGerhards-Padilla_ACaseStudyOnTheMinerBotnet.pdf

Plus, It’s an absolute outrage that new users are pushing the mining bot gig. Why in the world is there a flood of new users who claims that mining bot works? There’s no evidence that mining bot will make a lot of money and they’re exploiting people who were in desperate needs for the services they need. Stay away from so-called “Mining bots” All you’re doing is wasting your money. 

Originally I was going to use a mining bot to make money but when I asked one user on Fiverr on both Whatsapp and on Telegram, they responded to me, saying that cost $300.09 for the mining tools, $250 for 25 years of mining tools, $1075 of testing the processing of the mining fees, and when I’m attempting to put my money on BTC, I started to get the feeling that whole process is nothing more than a con artist. I lost $2000 as a result of that.

I don’t know why Fiverr hasn’t been pressured to implement more trustworthiness but as far as I know, I wouldn’t recommend that gig until the issue is been resolved.

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On 5/12/2021 at 2:06 PM, imagination7413 said:

Based on what you’ve seen, would you say it’s more of a Pyramid scheme - Wikipedia or a Ponzi scheme - Wikipedia? Based on what you’ve described, I’d guess pyramid, but ‘investment’ implies Ponzie.

It’s both because at Sunday night or just a straight up BS scam that doesn’t give me anything.

On 5/16/2021 at 9:47 AM, unlockely said:

As the title suggests, why in the world is there a flood of new users who claims that mining bot works? Originally I was going to use a mining bot to make money but when I asked one user on Fiverr on both Whatsapp and on Telegram, they responded to me, saying that cost $300.09 for the mining tools, $250 for 25 years of mining tools, $1075 of testing the processing of the mining fees, and when I’m attempting to put my money on BTC, I started to get the feeling that whole process is nothing more than a con artist. I lost $2000 as a result of that. I don’t know why Fiverr hasn’t been pressured to implement more trustworthiness but as far as I know, I wouldn’t recommend that gig until the issue is been resolved.

I would like to make it clear on naming and shaming, because of the rules that you’re not suppose to talk trash about other users, I can’t really provide links so you’re going have to take my word that exist.

Anyways, if anyone who tried the “mining bots” please explain to us if it works or not.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest zanardi2

I see that the Buyer Requests section has a couple of times a day requests for building a trading bot, either for stocks or for cryptocurrency. A common trend is that the buyers want it in a couple of days and will pay under 100 euros for it, sometimes much less than that. A simple Google search shows that the price of a trading bot is much higher. However, although I teach programming and have programming experience, I never even tried to write a trading bot and this is why I am asking here, hoping for some answers: is it hard or easy to write a trading bot? And, the most important, are the buyers' requests feasible?

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I'm not sure it's allowed. You could check with CS.

eg. in this link: https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/prohibited-services


Services that can pose financial risks for our users        

 Do not offer or ask for:

  • Services that require getting access to the buyer’s sensitive financial information.

  • Opening, managing, or implementing changes in a financial account. 

  • Providing loans.

  • Trading signals or indicators.

So it might be against one of those rules.

Edited by uk1000
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  • 2 months later...

Hi guys, I think it is little two little different things: trading signals often are scam, but trading bot, if you know what logic inside maybe interesting. 

@zanardi2 to develop trading bot is not difficult if you know programming. More difficult is to make it profitable on real market. 

There are also different programs to trading systems development (picture attached), but it is necessary to learn at least a few months how to do it with special methodology. 

Screenshot 2022-01-18 at 05.53.27.png

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  • 4 months later...

In light of one of my family members from Russia advising me not to invest in a bot that does not even work due to fake crypto trading bots everywhere, such as all that money going to Nigeria or other parts of Africa, I wondered, does it even work on you folks since one of my family members and my mother is still skeptical about that.    

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I had an account with about $2k in it from selling projects and $1200 that I had used to hire someone with. Fiverr deleted my account because they told me my offerings (custom developed stock trading bots) were outside of their terms and conditions even though you can find hundreds of sellers offering this without issue but that's beside the point...

I reached out via email to retrieve my money because I was unable to login. I was told I needed to wait 90 days before they would give me access to my money. Fast forward to today, 120 days have passed and no info or notification from Fiverr about my money. Im really at a loss of what to do as Fiverr support claims there is no way that they can help to get me my funds.

I can't imagine that it is lawful to hold my money from me indefinitely like this. It is theft. I really would hate to pursue legal action to get my money but it feels like it's my only option at this point.

Curious if this has happened to anyone and if they were able to reach a resolution on their funds? Any info or experience that anyone could share would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by trader2424
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10 hours ago, trader2424 said:

Fiverr deleted my account because they told me my offerings (custom developed stock trading bots) were outside of their terms and conditions even though you can find hundreds of sellers offering this without issue

I've seen other sellers (or wannabe sellers) have gigs and seller access removed, recently, for trying to sell or code bots (perhaps even just certain kinds of bots?). Apparently Fiverr is cracking down on this service, and slowly removing it from their marketplace.

10 hours ago, trader2424 said:

I really would hate to pursue legal action to get my money but it feels like it's my only option at this point.

This is a bad idea. I strongly encourage you not to do this. If there is money to recover, work it out with CS. They are not holding money illegally.

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10 hours ago, jonbaas said:

I've seen other sellers (or wannabe sellers) have gigs and seller access removed, recently, for trying to sell or code bots (perhaps even just certain kinds of bots?). Apparently Fiverr is cracking down on this service, and slowly removing it from their marketplace.

This is a bad idea. I strongly encourage you not to do this. If there is money to recover, work it out with CS. They are not holding money illegally.

Search Results for "trading bot"
Still 2,154 services are available   :classic_wacko: 
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3 minutes ago, awesomedeals said:

Still 2,154 services are available

They haven't been caught yet.

21 hours ago, trader2424 said:

I can't imagine that it is lawful to hold my money from me indefinitely like this.

That depends on how the money was obtained. If it was obtained by illegal means, then Fiverr is unlikely to just give it to you.
(I'm not sure whether "illegal" applies to your case, I'm just talking about the rules)

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2 hours ago, osvald_ua said:

My friend encountered the same problem he posted his gig developing bots for a crypto exchange and had his account frozen and all his gigs deleted. I don't understand why developing bots is against the rules?

Fiverr has a subcategory of Programming & Tech->Chatbots so they allow development of those (and probably other types of bots - as long as they are okay with what's said in Fiverr's rules and any other relevant site's rules, eg. a bot scraping Linked-in isn't allowed).

I think the crypto exchange/trading bots are being disallowed because of this rule:



Services that can pose financial risks for our users        

 Do not offer or ask for:

  • Services that require getting access to the buyer’s sensitive financial information.

  • Opening, managing, or implementing changes in a financial account. 

  • Providing loans.

  • Trading signals or indicators.

So they probably see trading bots/bots that give trading signals as posing a financial risk to buyers.

Edited by uk1000
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