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How hard is actually to build a trading bot?


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12 hours ago, uk1000 said:

Fiverr has a subcategory of Programming & Tech->Chatbots so they allow development of those (and probably other types of bots - as long as they are okay with what's said in Fiverr's rules and any other relevant site's rules, eg. a bot scraping Linked-in isn't allowed).

I think the crypto exchange/trading bots are being disallowed because of this rule:


So they probably see trading bots/bots that give trading signals as posing a financial risk to buyers.


..........Yea in the IT field chatbots are angels and others bots are Culprit? in nowadays BOTS same as ROBOTS, as Jonbaas said: "websites don't like bots being created to manipulate how their site functions work" then in these days why major big factories using robots instead of peoples?, and these robots are legal, and every person says robots are the future. So why the Bots are not ? As I said BOTS = ROBOTS. So bots are IT Robots, which is the future of IT. in These days websites are shops, offices,  factories, warehouses, universities, and entertainment places. So it also needs software Ro-BOTs as factories need mechanical roBOT for Efficiency in the workplace and to save salary expenses. if mechanical Ro-Bots are right and then why software bots are wrong ???

Edited by awesomedeals
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9 hours ago, awesomedeals said:

Yea in the IT field chatbots are angels and others bots are Culprit?

I was saying what I think the rules are (Fiverr's and other sites) and why I thought they decided to remove the trading bot type gig(s) not necessarily what I think is the right/best thing. I think it's bad that Fiverr prevents us doing things like opening tabs too quickly because it thinks we might be a bot if we do. And some things  may be able to run more efficiently if Fiverr did allow us to automate things a little bit (eg. some sort of quick response to messages were it would definitely know the answer or that you are sure is spam).

I think Fiverr probably don't want some bots (trading signal ones/trading bots or gigs that require access to someone's financial accounts) to help prevent being suffering a big financial loss depending on how the software was written (or what happened in the markets). Fiverr probably don't want to be responsible for big financial losses (if that happened) of someone using a trading bot/bot giving trading suggestions. Having gigs were sellers have access to people's financial accounts could also risk fraud and Fiverr probably want to minimize that risk.

9 hours ago, awesomedeals said:

if mechanical Ro-Bots are right and then why software bots are wrong ???

It's not that software bots are necessary wrong. It depends on what they do, and various site rules (if they access those sites) and various laws (including copyright). Some of it can be a grey area (eg. search engines use bots to index sites and that's generally okay, as long as they follow various rules). Some sites may be fine with bots accessing various data as long as the software uses the site's API. Sites will also probably want to minimize slow down of their systems.

So Fiverr wants people to follow their rules and the rules of any sites they use related to their gigs, and the different laws (eg. copyright) and they will also try to prevent financial loss etc.

Edited by uk1000
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