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Can someone please check my gig and let me know what's wrong?


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Guest asad931
18 hours ago, nisedits said:

Are my gigs dead?

I visited your profile and I see your gigs is active. 

18 hours ago, nisedits said:

what should I do now?

And don't worry. You have already completed an order. So keep patient.  😀

Now follow these tips. hope you get many impressions and clicks. Best of luck. 💖


This may be helpful too.  By @vickiespencer

Here are some tips put together by other sellers.

  1. Do not stay online, 24/7. It would be best if you had your sleep to be productive.
  2. Do not post your gigs all over social media. It is SPAM, and besides, your friends and relatives are not your target buyers.
  3. Do not offer unlimited revisions. Buyers can keep asking for revisions over and over, and you’ll have no choice but to do them.
  4. Use Buyer Requests ONLY if you can do a great job fulfilling the buyer’s requirements.
  5. When making offers on Buyer Requests do not use copied and pasted offers. Each Buyer Request is unique and needs a different answer.
  6. Make sure your profile is perfect. Spell everything correctly and use proper English grammar.
  7. Make sure your gig images are different from any other seller, and make sure they are eye-catching.
  8. Never copy another seller’s gig mages or wording.
  9. Do not do homework for students. This will cause you to lose your gig and maybe even your account.
  10. Be patient.
  11. Offer fair pricing for your products.
  12. Offer quality products.
  13. Always be kind to Buyers (even the ones that tick you off).
  14. Seek to improve your product quality over time.
  15. Pay attention to what your Seller competitors are doing and learn from them (asking this question is a step in that direction).
  16. Be honest.
  17. Expect failures, disappointments, and cancellations but also expect successful events as well.


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Guest asad931
17 hours ago, tawsifer_rahman said:

Share your gig in social media platform

Stop saying these advice ✖️ I noticed that you many times say this advice. It's spam. Social media won’t necessarily help you reach your target buyers.

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Hi nisedits,

*create smart gigs ·

*Make proper use of Gig Extras ·

*Overcome the first sale barrier ·
*Stay updated and never miss a thing ·

*Check for buyer requests ·

*Deliver the quality you promised and even better ·

*Build a base of loyal buyers ·

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On 6/25/2021 at 5:42 PM, nisedits said:

I completed my first order without rating, after that I stopped getting any click.

You saw that you had less impressions right after you completed an order then there is one thing to keep in mind: fiverr has private feedback form that they send to buyers and it weights much more than public feedback. 
you client might’ve left 5 stars public review but in anonymous feedback they could write an honest review which could be different from public one. 
and those hidden reviews fiverr takes into account when “ranking” your gig. 
don’t  loose your hope, keep your hard work, learn and improve constantly and that wouldn’t go unnoticed by buyers 

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On 7/2/2021 at 8:19 AM, mariashtelle1 said:

You saw that you had less impressions right after you completed an order then there is one thing to keep in mind: fiverr has private feedback form that they send to buyers and it weights much more than public feedback. 
you client might’ve left 5 stars public review but in anonymous feedback they could write an honest review which could be different from public one. 
and those hidden reviews fiverr takes into account when “ranking” your gig. 
don’t  loose your hope, keep your hard work, learn and improve constantly and that wouldn’t go unnoticed by buyers 

I dont know why fiverr gives priority to buyers only

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I started fiverr in starting of May. Its more than than 2 moth now. I got my first order through social media after 1 month but didn't get the review. Now, second month has ended but I never got any orders after first order ie a month before. I keep on being online for 8+ hours a day. I also have skill for my gig but never get any click and order. I changed my keywords once for SEO which increased my impression but I still havent got any order. My gig image isn't unattractive but I still dont get any orders as well as clicks. I get at least 30 daily impressions in total but never got any click in last month. what should be done in this situation? does this happen to everuone or only me? 

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Or because they're video thumbnails, if you want to keep the same video aspect ratio (I assume they're the standard 1.78:1 video aspect ratio) you could just edit the video(s) and move the text further in. Maybe your video editing software has a "title safe" area that you could try keeping the text in or just move them further in until they don't crop on the profile page. 

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It's been two month after my first order. I didnt get a review. zero clicks and  impression are also low. I gave my 10 hours per day but no single order not even message or click. I dont really understand fiverr now. Sharing on social platforms doesn't work for me. when will I get an order or how can i get ? 😞 

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If you are having a gig with an attractive title, perfect Gig image/Video & good tags with descriptions and you are keep on marketing your gigs and still you are failed to get order, there should several reasons as below:

Still your gigs are not reached to the targeted audience, or there might be some problem in your gig as it is not giving the confidence for buyer to order from you. Or they can find the same service for lower price than you ... etc.

You have to research and find out what are the issues and make the corrective actions. 

Every failure leads to success. Successful people don’t fear failure but understand that it’s necessary to learn and grow from. 

Also note: Sharing on social media is not the only way to market your gig learn some other ways too and apply to your gigs.

Edited by irshan_cool
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  • 2 years later...
30 minutes ago, nisedits said:

I am a new seller and recently I got 5 clicks from 700 impression with 1 order. Is it good or bad? What do you think is average click and order rate per 1000 impression? My conversion rate is 0.15, is it bad?

There is no precise proven analytics behind this because it varies for everyone depending upon the quality of the gig, service category, competition, market scenario, other sellers' performance and a million other factors!! e.g. someone with 500 impressions might get 5 orders while someone with 8000 impressions might have zero orders. 

Contrary to what many will tell/misguide you - the count of impressions+clicks don't always guarantee orders. Every business needs a little stroke of 'beginner's luck' too.  

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5 hours ago, milos_siena said:

Hi @nisedits,

I've checked your stats, you have 6 orders in the last 15 days, so it's going very well for you. Reviews are also good, you might want to raise your prices now, you need to earn a total of 400$ to level up. And 2 more orders.

Thank you for checking my stats, my gigs are getting impressions and clicks but not as good orders, so I was thinking of editing the gig video. However, it seems fine after wandering through different topics on forum. Also, don't editing prices of my gig affect its ranking?

And another thing is my last buyer was unhappy with the delivery so I revised for him. Now, he's no more replying when I delivered revised version and order isn't completed as well. What should I do?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I get 4-5 clicks daily but noone of them place any order. So, I thought there's something wrong with my gig description or pricing so I almost changed everything looking at the competitors but still I can not manage to pull clients to order me. So, can someone help me know what is wrong with my gig?

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