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Were You also asked to do free samples?



Hey, i was just asked to do two sample illustrations FOR FREE 😞 The buyer wants to see if they like my style and so on. It's not ok for me to work for free. Should i report it to fiverr? They can ask 100 people to do the same and this way get 200 drawings for free... What do You guys/gals think?

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I usually tell my buyers that we can start with a smaller test order and then finish the balance of the order on a second, bigger order. This way they get a sample of my work, I get paid for my work, and then if we work well together and are a good fit, we can do more work together.

I agree with @jonbaas that you should never work for free.

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8 minutes ago, vickieito said:

I agree with @jonbaas that you should never work for free.

The funny thing is that in my case a lot of writers ask me for samples. They don't realize I check their profiles lol :))) people want to steal my samples and use them as their own. Obviously their customers will end up disappointed...

On a funny note, here's a conversation I had this morning with a "buyer" that was actually just a writer.


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3 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

The funny thing is that in my case a lot of writers ask me for samples. They don't realize I check their profiles lol :))) people want to steal my samples and use them as their own. Obviously their customers will end up disappointed...

On a funny note, here's a conversation I had this morning with a "buyer" that was actually just a writer.


That's too funny! Some people have second thoughts the moment you greet them...remorse, maybe?

Lately I have been getting request from sellers saying, "Please scam me!"

I wonder if they all have the same mentor.

I have no idea what they want me to do ... report them? 😂

Anyways @magdakalinart - @donnovan86 is a great resources for you on this topic. He has 17,960 reviews, and has dealt with thousands of inquiries that are similar to the one you mentioned in your post. If anyone knows about people trying to swindle free work out of you, it's @donnovan86.

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1 hour ago, magdakalinart said:

It's not ok for me to work for free

Everyone has their own take on this. It's absolutely right that you don't want to work for free. I often get requests for free VO demos before they decide to buy, but I've become quite adept at sniffing out scammers. I check out a buyers profile and reviews and if they're a regular then I'll do it if they have a budget worth the time. If they come across well in their messages but haven't ordered on Fiverr before, I'll offer 2-3 lines of their script ( if it's interesting and well paid) and I'll add an audible watermark in there. It has landed me plenty of work. If they want the whole script recording then I won't do it. And I always refuse the cheeky requests to revise a demo. I mean... honestly. 

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1 hour ago, magdakalinart said:

but should I report it to fiverr?

Years ago, I asked Customer Support if buyers were allowed to ask for free samples. I got the diplomatic answer that some sellers choose to do small samples, and that it's fine, but Fiverr can't guarantee them that they would get paid for their work. Then I tried to get them to tell me if it's forbidden to ask for a free sample, and no, it's not forbidden.

In other words, unless the rules have changed, there's nothing to report. Buyers can ask for free samples, and it's up to sellers to decide if they wish to offer them.

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8 hours ago, sarapoul65 said:

Same problem,   I have done 1 sample, Buyer Satisfy my with work. But He Not order. 

That's NOT the same problem. In your case, you actually gave the person free work, in the hopes that he might hire you. He got the free work he wanted, and he didn't need to hire you. You did exactly what we're telling sellers not to do.

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