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  1. donnovan86's post in Tax filing on full price or 80% price was marked as the answer   
    Talk with a tax professional in your country 🙂
  2. donnovan86's post in How can I apply for PRO program? was marked as the answer   
    When you Google "how to join Fiverr Pro", this shows up https://help-pro.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/17029281011217-How-to-Become-a-Fiverr-Pro-freelancer and you have an application link there. Funnily enough, you're the second person asking the same question today. I would hold off until you get more reviews and stuff, your account is very new. But that's my opinion, feel free to try and apply right now.
  3. donnovan86's post in Pending clearance was marked as the answer   
    It's not a fixed science, sometimes it takes more, other times less. Wait for a few more days and if it still doesn't clear, go to customer support.
  4. donnovan86's post in How much time does a buyer have to request a cancellation or revisions on an order AFTER it is automatically marked as 'complete' ? Please Help was marked as the answer   
    There is no timeline.
    I had a buyer ask customer support for a cancellation 6 months after the order was placed. And Fiverr gave it to him because there's no way to force someone to accept an order. They did reimburse me because they said it's not ok they asked for a refund after already doing lots and lots of other orders in the meantime. So it's not like it took 6 months to check the content. They just wanted some extra money from other orders and started refunding old stuff. 
    So as you can see, there is no clear deadline. 
  5. donnovan86's post in Anyone know what this gray icon is underneath two of my gigs? was marked as the answer   
    I think he means about FIVERR being written in gray under gig names. I saw this today as well, all my gigs have it. I think they might try to differentiate regular Fiverr gigs from Fiverr Business or Fiverr Pro in the near future. Again, just a guess, but it seems that's what they are going for.
  6. donnovan86's post in My Accounts and Gig's are not showing online but i keep online 24/7. was marked as the answer   
    Staying online is a waste of time and it does nothing for sales. If anything it scares people away because they think you are using some kind of tool to manipulate the system.
    Also, what you see in search results is not what everyone else sees. Search results are customized for every person based on their query and interests. You might be pushed back by Fiverr because you canceled an order, had bad private reviews or many other reasons. Plus, there are other hidden criteria that lead to gig rotation, so no one really knows.
  7. donnovan86's post in Release of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Contract was marked as the answer   
    You should talk with customer support to see if this is allowed. I guess it is, but they are the ones that know better. CS can also guide you on what to do and so on. Any reply you receive here is a personal opinion from a seller, nothing officia.. Customer support are the only ones that will deliver an official answer.
  8. donnovan86's post in Client online / accepting date extension but nor responding. was marked as the answer   
    Well I don't see other solution myself. I had the same situation and I canceled. You can go to customer support, they can try to contact the person for you and if the client doesn't reply they can easily cancel the order without damaging your ratings. However, you either receive the remaining stuff and deliver a complete order or you don't deliver anything and you cancel. If you do a partial delivery, you can receive an account warning. So.. yeah.. both are bad, the account warning one is worse because it can lead to demotion and even banning. 
    So, I understand how you feel, because I went through this too.
    What I usually do is I avoid large orders and especially things like milestones. They end up creating a huge mess. I just split the order into multiple batches. Once an order is ready, the buyer shares his requirements for a new order. I had someone that wanted to do what your buyer did even last night, but I told them to just place an order for the stuff he has and then he can order the remaining thing once he delivers the first order.
    Unfortunately unless he magically appears with the remaining requirements and accepts an extension so you can work on that, I just see the cancellation as an option. Anything else would damage your account way more, as far as I can see.
  9. donnovan86's post in gig impressions decreased was marked as the answer   
    Account health is what you see. Fiverr also receives private reviews from customers, and I can only assume someone rated you negatively, whether they wanted or not. Since you don't have a lot of pending orders and reviews, you can end up dealing with lots of problems from a single negative private review. Then there's also the fact your client base was most likely in vacation for a while. This is the ideal time to experiment and test out new things, improve your gig.
  10. donnovan86's post in Will money refunded from canceled orders be 100% refunded? was marked as the answer   
    Starting with 2019, the service fee is also refunded to buyers. 
    Yes, including the service fee. I am not a buyer so I can't 100% confirm this, but the rules are clear. 
  11. donnovan86's post in Ghosted by client? was marked as the answer   
    The buyer either was banned or he blocked you.
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