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can i sell water mark remove service?



5 answers to this question

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11 minutes ago, merajulis said:

some buyer ask me to remove water mark from image in message. can i sell this service? or if i give him this service fiverr will warning me?

Thank You 

Even if it's legal (and I'm not sure it is, as it would depend on the situation) and if it were allowed by Fiverr (and I'm not sure it is) it's unethical. The only way this would be ok, is if the buyer can prove his ownership. You would be aiding possible misuse of someone else's property. Hard pass. 

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I agree that the only way you could do it if the buyer can prove they have the rights to it/fully own it and have the right to remove it.

But I wouldn't create a gig where you just said "I will remove watermarks" or said that in the gig description. If Fiverr saw that they'd remove the gig and maybe give a warning.

Fiverr TOS says:


Gigs and/or users may be removed by Fiverr from the Site for violations of these Terms of Service...

Copyright Infringement, Trademark Infringement, and violation of a third party's terms of service reported through our Intellectual Property Claims Policy

If someone has an image or video with a watermark on it that would nearly always be there to protect the work and be put on by someone who owns it. Buyers who own the rights would almost never need it removed as they should own the original without the watermark.

So (unless the buyer can prove the work is theirs and that they own all the rights) removing the watermark would most likely be copyright infringement (likely giving access to the work the owner tried to protect with the watermark) and not allowed by the TOS.

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This type of service is a threat to digital assets. A watermark is copyright protection. You remove it and you're breaking the law. As per the US copyright act, section 1202, removing a watermark without the official owner's consent is illegal.

It is annoying to me that a person's creative service is being used by someone else illegally or without any credit.

It is better to stay away from providing such services.

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