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I got my first order from a Buyer's Brief today!


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I had the Buyer's Brief option turned off for the longest time because most of the the briefs weren't relevant (and the alerts were annoying), but I turned the option on again last week because I have been aggressively increasing my prices and I'm not sure how that will affect my gig performance.

Since then, I received 10 irrelevant briefs, 2 relevant but incomplete briefs, and 1 relevant and completely filled-out brief.

The relevant/completely filled out brief was at a price higher than my premium package price (which I had updated a few days ago) so it made sense to submit an offer, and at the price the buyer was asking for because the buyer also wanted a quicker turnaround than what I normally offer. The buyer contacted me within 5 minutes to place the order.

I still think it's a hit or miss on getting good briefs to respond to, but so far, I like the briefs a lot more than the buyer's requests.

How have the buyer's briefs been working for you?

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Nice going! Glad to hear something good finally coming out of briefs 😄

I must confess, the viable to non-viable ratio your experience is implying still isn't giving me enough of a nudge to turn it back on but I'm definitely keeping my eye out for more positive experiences.

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16 hours ago, vickieito said:

I had the Buyer's Brief option turned off for the longest time because most of the the briefs weren't relevant (and the alerts were annoying), but I turned the option on again last week because I have been aggressively increasing my prices and I'm not sure how that will affect my gig performance.

Since then, I received 10 irrelevant briefs, 2 relevant but incomplete briefs, and 1 relevant and completely filled-out brief.

The relevant/completely filled out brief was at a price higher than my premium package price (which I had updated a few days ago) so it made sense to submit an offer, and at the price the buyer was asking for because the buyer also wanted a quicker turnaround than what I normally offer. The buyer contacted me within 5 minutes to place the order.

I still think it's a hit or miss on getting good briefs to respond to, but so far, I like the briefs a lot more than the buyer's requests.

How have the buyer's briefs been working for you?

Aaaaawhooot? A brief that worked? I don't believe it. 

The entire way it's set up is just stupid, in my opinion. It doesn't require anything on the part of the buyer. And the algorithm is as useless. I get translation projects in Urdu, voice over projects in belgian, and writing tasks in arabic. I'm Norwegian. 

But happy to hear you got a great brief and managed to land a project from it! Now Fiverr just needs to rethink the entire way this works. Then throw it out the window, fire the ones who came up with the idea, and start over. It might become something great. But I doubt it. 

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19 hours ago, vickieito said:

I still think it's a hit or miss on getting good briefs to respond to, but so far, I like the briefs a lot more than the buyer's requests.



Yes, for most of us it's a complete miss. I turned briefs off.. only random, irellevant stuff, at least in my case.

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On 6/10/2022 at 9:20 PM, yannisenglish said:

Glad to hear something good finally coming out of briefs 😄

On 6/11/2022 at 2:35 AM, smashradio said:

Aaaaawhooot? A brief that worked? I don't believe it. 

On 6/11/2022 at 5:17 AM, donnovan86 said:

only random, irellevant stuff, at least in my case.

Unbelievable, I know!  Most briefs are useless. But I just got another relevant brief today that looked just like this last one ... so maybe briefs are getting better?!


On 6/11/2022 at 2:35 AM, smashradio said:

I get translation projects in Urdu, voice over projects in belgian, and writing tasks in arabic. I'm Norwegian. 

On 6/11/2022 at 2:15 AM, melissaharlowvo said:

I got a brief the other day which was someone trying to get business. I reported it as spam so we will see. 

@smashradio, that's normally what I see too! I check the language first to make sure it's English. Then I check to see if it's a valid brief.

@melissaharlowvo, how do you report it as spam? I didn't know there was an option! I usually just reject those briefs.

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22 hours ago, atticus_sales said:

How much was your brief rate set to as at when you got the order? Can you share please?

@atticus_sales, I got another brief today that looks exactly the same as the one I got yesterday (see below):


Here's a copy of my accepted offer (private information hidden):



@williambryan392 ... does my offer look similar to what you would do?

This is my first time doing an order without "unlimited revisions" and I have been aggressively increasing my prices thanks to @newsmike's advice. The whole reason why I turned on the buyer's brief option again was because I was worried I was increasing my prices too much. I was averaging $15 per resume order two months ago, last month I averaged $100/order (due to increasing prices), and I recently increased my prices again to $140. But the fact that I'm still getting orders through search AND I've received two briefs for $150 tells me that my prices are right where they need to be. So I'll leave my prices right where they're at for now.

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26 minutes ago, vickieito said:

@atticus_sales, I got another brief today that looks exactly the same as the one I got yesterday (see below):


Here's a copy of my accepted offer (private information hidden):



@williambryan392 ... does my offer look similar to what you would do?

This is my first time doing an order without "unlimited revisions" and I have been aggressively increasing my prices thanks to @newsmike's advice. The whole reason why I turned on the buyer's brief option again was because I was worried I was increasing my prices too much. I was averaging $15 per resume order two months ago, last month I averaged $100/order (due to increasing prices), and I recently increased my prices again to $140. But the fact that I'm still getting orders through search AND I've received two briefs for $150 tells me that my prices are right where they need to be. So I'll leave my prices right where they're at for now.

Yep! Perhaps the only difference would be to highlight that there will obviously be some big differences between the Resume and the LinkedIn. Although perhaps you're covering yourself / wisely avoiding that due to LinkedIn being based on the Resume.

@newsmike I want some advice too!

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On 6/11/2022 at 2:06 AM, abdulaziz_akash said:


On 6/11/2022 at 5:03 AM, dev_azadhossen said:


Not sure what praising God in Arabic has to do with business on Fiverr. 

I think "praise be to the seller that managed to turn a stupid and mostly useless functionality into her own advantage" would be more suitable. After all, it's @vickieito who did this. Not God. 

On 6/12/2022 at 1:12 AM, williambryan392 said:

oh and congrats of course on having success with the brief function @vickieito

maybe I should start engaging with them again, I kinda hope though if I don't engage maybe it will make them improve it quicker. Wishful thinking I know.

I have kept them on, just so I can reject them and offer my reason: "I don't work with this language", in the hopes that Fiverr staff will notice and fix this crap. 😁 

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10 hours ago, vickieito said:

I was averaging $15 per resume order two months ago, last month I averaged $100/order (due to increasing prices), and I recently increased my prices again to $140.

Bravo, raising prices is still the scariest thing to do, and when you do there is always the few days of silence that seem to follow, just to scare you into thinking you have made a terrible decision by doing so. But then suddenly the orders start up again. The best part is that you now earn almost 10x what you did for the same amount of your time.  

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On 6/11/2022 at 3:06 PM, abdulaziz_akash said:


@abdulaziz_akash, @dev_azadhossen, @abdulkadir_it, and @sumon_hossain_ ... shukran. 😊 Thanks for your well wishes - please share your successes as well!

Asfa ala taakheer el rad! Sorry for my late response, but I decided to learn some Arabic first so I could write back (I bought a gig on Fiverr to learn Arabic)!

Please correct me if I say something wrong.

16 hours ago, atticus_sales said:

@vickieitoYour response is indeed very help and I am truly grateful. This would help me in working my way with my own account. I offer email marketing services and project management predominantly

Thanks @atticus_sales, I checked out your gig and see that you create ecourses like I do! I wish you luck in your business!

15 hours ago, newsmike said:

Bravo, raising prices is still the scariest thing to do, and when you do there is always the few days of silence that seem to follow, just to scare you into thinking you have made a terrible decision by doing so. But then suddenly the orders start up again. The best part is that you now earn almost 10x what you did for the same amount of your time.  

Thank you @newsmike!

Can you give @williambryan392 a 10x increase too? I notice that he hinted he wanted your advice too!😊 You might want to start a financial advisor gig...

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On 6/9/2022 at 8:58 PM, vickieito said:

I had the Buyer's Brief option turned off for the longest time because most of the the briefs weren't relevant (and the alerts were annoying), but I turned the option on again last week because I have been aggressively increasing my prices and I'm not sure how that will affect my gig performance.

Since then, I received 10 irrelevant briefs, 2 relevant but incomplete briefs, and 1 relevant and completely filled-out brief.

The relevant/completely filled out brief was at a price higher than my premium package price (which I had updated a few days ago) so it made sense to submit an offer, and at the price the buyer was asking for because the buyer also wanted a quicker turnaround than what I normally offer. The buyer contacted me within 5 minutes to place the order.

I still think it's a hit or miss on getting good briefs to respond to, but so far, I like the briefs a lot more than the buyer's requests.

How have the buyer's briefs been working for you?

This feature relates too closely with Upwork in my opinion, & I hated that about that platform. Granted, you don't have to pay to apply for the project like you would on Upwork, but it's still the same concept of having sellers compete for your project. This is the main reason I've always preferred Fiverr. Who wants to spend all of their time writing massive proposals for a job that you MIGHT end up getting? I'm not saying you can't be successful or that the option isn't nice, especially if you're broke and needing a gig, but it's not ideal. Upwork and that system has worked great for some, but I'd rather be spending my time working/improving than asking for someone to hire me. This way, people can see your skills and come to you.

And the one experience I have with the briefs was: I applied for the project and sent an offer, the buyer approved the offer 2 days later without any word and poor communication (as they were too busy with their work and the other sellers they had hired for it). Point being: by the time she approved the order without talking to me, I had already booked myself up. *This is when I learned the necessity for an expiration date on offers 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/11/2022 at 8:30 PM, vickieito said:

@melissaharlowvo, how do you report it as spam? I didn't know there was an option! I usually just reject those briefs.

@vickieitoHere is the explanation of Briefs. It doesn’t specifically say how to report it as spam but either there is an option or I just reported it to customer service. Still researching.

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2 hours ago, melissaharlowvo said:

 Let me see if I can get that info. My guess is that when you reject you have an option to say why. But let me confirm.

1 hour ago, melissaharlowvo said:

Here is the explanation of Briefs. It doesn’t specifically say how to report it as spam but either there is an option or I just reported it to customer service. Still researching.

Thanks @melissaharlowvo!  You are correct! There's an option to report as spam (I found this out today):


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