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What is your favourite pizza topping?


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3 hours ago, alphagev said:

I'll have sushi with tomato sauce 😄


Yeah, fair. 

This one time in Toscana (I THINK in Volterra, but I wouldn't bet on it) I had a pizza with onions and maybe anchiovies or something on it? All I remember is that it was an odd combo but it was REALLY good, a bit salty. 

I do agree that pizza from Naples is the best. Especially because of how cheap it is (well, was when I was there!) 

(but if we are on the topic of Naples food, the mixed bag of fried stuff (I think seafood and probably other things?) I had was hands-down some of the best street food I've ever had!

3 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

I love almost all kinds of pizza

Honestly, same. For me they are kind of 'different' meals - I like proper Italian pizza for date nights (mostly because it's incredibly expensive here, think 20 euro for the basic ones!), and US/etc. style when I NEED something greasy and tasty (like on Monday after partying!) 


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33 minutes ago, katakatica said:

I had a pizza with onions and maybe anchiovies

Could be, as pizza with onions and anchovies is a thing - at least in Napoli (Naples).

33 minutes ago, katakatica said:

Especially because of how cheap it is

Yeah, it still is very cheap compared to other Italian cities or abroad. Depending on where you are, you can pay a margherita between 1,50 euro (for a little one that's more like street food) to 4 or 5 euro for the classic round pizza. But, again, that hugely depends in which zone of the city you are.

36 minutes ago, katakatica said:

the mixed bag of fried stuff

You had the cuoppo! So cool 😄 Glad you enjoyed it ❤️ 

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Oops, I forgot to answer the toppings question.



Okay, fine, I like mushrooms, onion, black olives, red peppers, and sausage.

Fun tidbit, depending on the pizza place you're ordering from, 'extra' counts as an additional topping, BUT if you are using one of those 'special deals' (like Domino's carry-out-only large 3-toppings), and you've got a "I just want pepperoni" people you have to order for: Double cheese and Double pepperoni. So all those boring one-topping-only people out there get their 1-topping BUT you still get the best bang-for-you-buck. (...that was a lot of hyphens...)

(Why do so many people, when they order pizza for a group, stick with single toppings? Borrrrring. When I'm faced with that, I take a slice of pepperoni and a slice of sausage, then stick 'em together for a 2-topping 'calzone'.)

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18 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

 red peppers

Red peppers are great!

I only like single-double topping pizzas if they are super high-quality. If it's a fast-food joint, I want as much stuff on it as possible!

I honestly might cave in and get Domino's when I'm in the UK/France in a few weeks THOUGH some search tells me that we have some here in Sweden(?). 

(to be honest I prefer not sharing pizzas for this exact reason. I love my crazy toppings, like this Monday, I had chicken/rocket/truffle mayo (for me it's 'crazy', so!) 

Still looking for a place that does truffle mayo justice though!

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7 hours ago, vickieito said:

Sorry, @newsmike & @vickiespencer ... you both have more class than me! I am willing to throw anything on a crust and call it 'pizza'!

I am not an Italian, but I married a man whose mother was a war bride from Italy. She made pizza Margherita, and it was a big step up from the Chefboyardee pizza my mom made. She used plain old tomato paste, American cheese, and ground hamburger, and that was it!

4 hours ago, alphagev said:

Well, well, well...
I'm Italian, from Napoli.

My mom-in-law was from Naples too! Her family is still there and I am FB friends with many of them.

I see you @tanvir705liking every post in every thread to earn badges.

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On 5/31/2022 at 5:07 AM, katakatica said:

I have heard rumours of bananas being on pizzas

Haha, what the heck?! 😂

On 5/31/2022 at 5:07 AM, katakatica said:

I've seen kebab pizzas

Hm, sounds interesting, not going to lie-

On 5/31/2022 at 5:07 AM, katakatica said:

Here's the question: what is your favourite topping on pizza, and what's the craziest pizza topping you've eaten?

I actually like plain cheese pizza the most. Call me boring, but I find toppings to be in the way. 😅

The craziest pizza topping I've eaten was grilled chicken. Grilled chicken pizza. 🍕

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Mushrooms. Mushrooms. Mushrooms!!!! My friend once said why in the heck would I want to eat a fungus, but I don't care. MUSHROOMS!!

MUSHROOOOOOMS!!!!!! Pizza ain't pizza without mushrooms!!

Mushrooms, cheese, and basil. That's all I need.

Now in Japan we have these "weird" pizza toppings that does not exist outside Japan, but the nori and mochi with the teriyaki chicken pizzas are good too.

But yeah, I still want mushrooms more!!

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10 hours ago, zeus777 said:

Now in Japan we have these "weird" pizza toppings that does not exist outside Japan, but the nori and mochi with the teriyaki chicken pizzas are good too.

I'm SO curious about nori/mochi pizza! Like, curious enough to try and make it myself!

Mushrooms are great - though I prefer them in stir-fries or just roasted by themselves (haven't cooked with them in ages!) On pizzas I feel we usually only have the bland canned mushrooms or a tiny hint of truffle in the sauce! 
I'm making 'proper' ramen next week and I might get some shiitake or enoki mushrooms depending on what I find fresh (I'm not sure how well they go with ramen but!) 


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