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How can I get my first client?


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3 hours ago, madeleine_jame said:

Post your gig on social media it will improve your clicks and impressions

Who cares unless you are marketing to your target audience?  I hear this same thing of "post on social media" nonstop, but that does absolutely zero for getting orders if you aren't marketing to your target audience.  Impressions and clicks only matter if they translate to sales.  You could have 1 million clicks per day and not have 1 order if you aren't marketing correctly. 

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Guest lloydsolutions
57 minutes ago, santo_web said:

keep gig on the first page search results?


In the marketplace, a Gig's position is based on the seller’s performance over a set period. Gig positions are not permanent and can rotate daily. 

There are many factors to take into consideration, some of which may include: 

  • Order cancellations
  • Delivery rate
  • Responsiveness
  • The particular Gig’s maximum number of active orders in the queue, as based on your seller level.  
  • Other Gigs performing at a higher rate.

If other sellers are ranked higher, they may be consistently getting 5-star feedback, delivering on time, communicating quicker, and so on. It all counts. For this reason, ensure that you provide high-quality and original work, avoid late deliveries and cancellations, are responsive, and always remain professional.

The above is from the Help Centre.


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There are only 48 positions on the first search page. You are one of 24,472 gigs for building web pages. To be on the first page you need to have better gigs than at least 24,423 of those sellers. By the way 18,831 of the total gigs were created by newbies like you. You have a lot of competition.

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As @donnovan86 has said, you need to work hard and offer exceptional service.  As a web designer myself it is disappointing that you're showcasing templates and themes as your own work.  Anyone can download  and take screenshots of them, but you're giving the impression that you have designed these and state them to be 'custom builds'.  This is also apparent on your portfolio. Any experienced eye can see this, and I suspect that this may be a contributing factor to you not getting any gigs.  

Also look at your gig descriptions,  be a bit more professional in how you speak.  the first words I see are 'i'm gonna design'.  Where have you gone????

Put your own work up and let the client decide if it's good enough. Using a template is not web design, it's data entry, and your gig should reflect that this is what you're doing. Do not give the impression that you're offering a bespoke site when you're clearly not.  If all you're doing is changing words and photographs. drop your prices and reflect what you're doing in your gig.  You may get more sales that way.

Above all, be honest in what you do. state what you do in your FAQs and don't set yourself up to fail 



Edited by breals
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14 hours ago, breals said:

it is disappointing that you're showcasing templates and themes as your own work

Fiverr has already started the removal of people doing this kind of stuff. So the OP should consider using their own work as portfolio. Cheating the system never works..

14 hours ago, breals said:

Using a template is not web design

Yes, it's theft and copyright breaching if the template is not created by them. 

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