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  1. Clearly these people did not read the post. Sellers, your forum activity does not impact your gig in any way. Zero. Nothing. Nada. You could post one million times and not get one additional view of your gig. They are completely de-coupled? Is that clear enough? For the OP, what were you doing before that helped you get new buyers, or what did you change that might have caused the drop? Try to do a differential analysis.
  2. Fiverr is not going to market you if you aren't making them money. It is a harsh reality, but if you take time off, you aren't going to get the same level of impressions.
  3. None. I'm not suggesting that others should not market. I have a very specific path and plan for my journey through Fiverr, but it should illustrate you don't absolutely have to go to social media. I'll be a level 2 at the next evaluation, and not that that is a big deal, but it was done without social media marketing.
  4. Who cares unless you are marketing to your target audience? I hear this same thing of "post on social media" nonstop, but that does absolutely zero for getting orders if you aren't marketing to your target audience. Impressions and clicks only matter if they translate to sales. You could have 1 million clicks per day and not have 1 order if you aren't marketing correctly.
  5. If you add value, you will get value. If you come in here thinking you can post nonsense and thinking that participation in the forum will boost your gig in any way (it does not), then you will get no value from it.
  6. The same useless advice being repeated over and over. Please stop repeating stuff you hear but has no basis in reality. If you want to be on page one, put in the work it takes to get there. The first page is for people who have worked long and hard to make great businesses. Fiverr has a trove of resources for you to learn from.
  7. Does it say what is not complete? Have you completed all of the on-boarding documentation, e.g., funding account, personal identification, etc.? Are you able to make a gig?
  8. Same thing was happening to me a few months ago. Short story is, I had to contact CS and have them fix it. Some days I could post many times, other times I would be locked out for a few days. You have to stay on them to fix it. It took me a few weeks to get it corrected.
  9. The Laffer Curve is often used to illustrate such points. Increased prices = increased revenue (The Price Effect), and increased prices = decreased sales (The Quantity Effect). In other words, there is a theoretical balance between price and quantity which yields the highest revenue. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/laffercurve.asp#:~:text=The Laffer Curve is a,in increased total tax revenue.
  10. I would really like to understand what motivated you to post that list. This is a sincere request. I'm trying to understand why some of this type of information keeps getting posted.
  11. Firstly, nothing you have said is going to guarantee a tip, because there is no guarantee to get a tip. When I am the buyer, I want the work done to my specifications, not some artists rendition which has no bearing on my requirements. Your idea might work if the request is to create multiple versions of a logo or something like that, but this is far from axiomatic. Can you give us your formula for how fast to work? It seems to be something like Delivery Time < .5 Gig quote > .2 Gig quote, where Gig quote = 10 Again, you are making generalizations. Your gig quote should align with the time you know it to take to do the work, plus a little cushion for revisions if offered. Setting your gig quote at 10 days when you know you can do it in 5 is probably running off more buyers than the repeats you will get for delivering early. Additionally, that will only work with a given buyer once or twice and then they will know you can deliver in far less time than you quoted and it will become the new expectation. I cannot emphasis enough how incorrect this is for many, many buyers. Personally, I will not buy from someone who offers unlimited revisions because it means they have no confidence they can deliver the correct product the first time. There are many threads in the forum detailing why this is a horrible idea.
  12. This is such an important point few seem to grasp. I don't know if it is because people don't have real-world business experience, or don't bother to think about how their business platform works. I have no knowledge of Fiverr's formulas, beyond what we all know, but it isn't that hard to do the decision tree for who they want to promote. Imagine two sellers selling the same service for $100 Seller 1 (poor marketing): 10,000 impressions per day, 10 clicks per day, .01 sales per day = $1 in sales per day = $0.20 per day revenue for Fiverr Seller 2(quality marketing): 1,000 impressions per day, 75 clicks per day, 1.2 sales per day = $120 in sales per day = $24 per day revenue for Fiverr If I'm running the business, I go with seller 2 all day long. There is a reason Fiverr posts your stats; it gives you extremely valuable information on what you may need to tweak.
  13. That wasn't my experience. Why would Fiverr push down someone who is making them money?
  14. Hmmm. I just did a very basic search, though fairly narrow, for American male voice over (my category) and online; there were 342 profiles available. And this is at 10:40 p.m. on a Fri. night. Imagine what it would be during normal business hours - thousands. So again, you are spreading incorrect information. Being online does not guarantee you are going to be on any page.
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