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Receiving low volume of orders after getting my gigs back


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Greetings Every One!

I have been on fiverr from couple of years now and have maintained my level two status from over a year now. I recently got a notification about getting my ID verified - i tried getting it done but it did not work - and my gigs got denied - with a struggle of over a month i got my gigs back but i am not receiving close to no orders. What can I do to get the volume back ? Any Suggestions ? 

My Profile is https://www.fiverr.com/jeffry_dot?up_rollout=true


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It can take time to pick back up. It's Christmas, which means less orders for most of us. Give the algorithm some time to pick your gigs back up in rotation, and keep in mind that your buyer satisfaction rate is super important, so when you do get an order, do your absolute best to make your buyers happy. Happy buyers = more business. 🙂

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A month is a long time in today's fast-paced online world, so it might take some time to pick up, no matter what you do, I see that quite often, when I turn on unavailable mode to work on bigger orders. 

Apart from the usual and obvious things as mentioned above, like do your absolute best, I think the quickest way might be to get in an order or two from outside of Fiverr, if you can and want to.

Personally, I typically wouldn't want to ask people who find me over my personal website to order through Fiverr; apart from the often-discussed reasons, I'm finding it a pain to have to ponder if it would count as a ToS violation if a customer I talked to off-platform first will order on Fiverr but then message me off-platform again, so I'm finding it more convenient to keep things separate).

But if your Gig won't pick up steam again on its own, it might be worth a thought, and if you don't have any off-Fiverr presence from where you could potentially send some business your on-Fiverr way, it might be worth a thought, too.

Good luck in any case, it's frustrating when such things happen due to "technical issues" like yours, or illness, or anything else not really one's fault.

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Guest lloydsolutions
23 hours ago, jeffry_dot said:

What can I do to get the volume back ? Any Suggestions ? 

This may be helpful to you: 


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